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View Full Version : Supporters, Protestors Go Head to Head

09-15-2007, 07:46 PM
September 15, 2007 - 4:24pm

WASHINGTON - Thousands of opponents and supporters of the U.S. presence in Iraq converged Saturday in Washington for a day of demonstrations.
The anti-war ANSWER Coalition held a rally at Lafayette Square holding signs and wearing t-shirts bearing slogans that made their message clear. One man was wearing a shirt with only one bold word on it, "Impeach."

The large crowd was shouting, "The people united will end this war."

The mass of protesters filled most of Lafayette Park, and spilled into Pennsylvania Avenue in front of from the White House.

At the rally anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said that protesting was no longer enough, saying that those against the war should shut down college campuses and federal buildings in order to get their opinions heard.

Former U.S. Attorney Ramsey Clark echoed the sentiments of some of the signs and t-shirts being displayed at the rally by calling for the impeachment of both the president and the vice president.

Former Presidential candidate Ralph Nader blasted congress for not cutting off the war funding, calling them "spineless" and "gutless."

As the protesters made their way to the Capitol the counter-protesters lined the streets taunting the protesters as they made their way for their planned "die-in." Several of the marching protesters were disguised as caricatures of the president and vice president.

At least seven protesters were arrested in the first wave of demonstrators who marched to the Capitol demanding an end to the Iraq war.

U.S. Capitol Police arrested the protesters after they jumped a waist-high barricade near the base of the Capitol. Nearly 100 officers are standing guard -- some in riot gear. The protesters were arrested without a struggle.

The counter-protesters held their own rally several blocks away near the Washington Monument. The two rallies remained relatively peaceful, with the exception of some shoving between the two groups that was quickly taken care of by the police.

The counter-protesters called their rally The Gathering of the Eagles, and was comprised of several Vietnam War veterans.

"We just want to remind people that freedom of speech is not really free, and that people had to pay to protect that right," said one man at the counter-protest. "And were here to show that there is another point of view."

Congressman Duncan Hunter, a GOP presidential hopeful, made a surprise visit to the counter-protest. He said "it's for this generation that we will win this war on terror."

(Copyright 2007 by WTOP and The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

WASHINGTON - Thousands of opponents and supporters of the U.S. presence in Iraq converged Saturday in Washington for a day of demonstrations.
The anti-war ANSWER Coalition held a rally at Lafayette Square holding signs and wearing t-shirts bearing slogans that made their message clear. One man was wearing a shirt with only one bold word on it, "Impeach."

The large crowd was shouting, "The people united will end this war."

The mass of protesters filled most of Lafayette Park, and spilled into Pennsylvania Avenue in front of from the White House.

At the rally anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan said that protesting was no longer enough, saying that those against the war should shut down college campuses and federal buildings in order to get their opinions heard. :poke:

Former U.S. Attorney Ramsey Clark echoed the sentiments of some of the signs and t-shirts being displayed at the rally by calling for the impeachment of both the president and the vice president.

Former Presidential candidate Ralph Nader blasted congress for not cutting off the war funding, calling them "spineless" and "gutless."

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