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09-08-2020, 02:25 PM
Why nothing and all the fighting back and not wanting to share data or hand things over? What is he afraid of?


New York Governor Cuomo Has Until Wednesday to Provide DOJ Data and Answers Related to Actions That Led to Thousands of COVID Deaths – But DOJ May Be Asking Wrong Questions

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s and his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker, are facing mounting, angry and now even bi-partisan calls for a federal investigation into their March 25 Covid-19 edict, in which recovering Covid-19 hospital patients were transferred INTO New York State’s (NYS’s) nursing homes.

This same policy REQUIRED that hospital patients remain UNTESTED before transfer into one of Zucker’s DOH-licensed nursing homes.


After prolonged, outraged public pressure the NYSDOH was finally forced to admit it had actually implemented this inconceivable action. We now know, from the NYSDOH itself, that Zucker allowed 6,326 untested, recovering Covid-19 hospital patients to be moved INTO NY’s nursing homes for forty-six consecutive days. That’s at an average of 137 patients per day. What do you think happened? This utterly insane – and many of the grieving families say criminal – public policy likely resulted in the deaths thousands of New York frail and disabled senior citizen nursing home residents.

NY’s numbers represent a large undercount due to the DOH leaving out the number of nursing home residents who later died in the hospital. AP estimates that at least 11,000 nursing home residents have actually died in NYS. President Trump, a former New Yorker, is now even aware of Cuomo’s attempts to cover-up the true number of senior citizen deaths in NYS which his Covid-19 policies caused. The president tweeted out about Cuomo:


As the deaths mounted, so did the lies and cover-ups.

At August 3 hearings about this March 25 edict and nursing home fatalities, conducted by the Democrat-controlled NYS legislature, Health Commissioner Zucker testified. Legislators were frustrated and angry that he absolutely refused to provide the number of Covid-19 nursing home residents who subsequently died in a NY hospital. Zucker’s excuse? He needed more time to gather “absolutely accurate” information. Yet, to date, more than one month later, Zucker has still not produced this data.

At the end of this hearing, Senator Thomas O’Mara, (R,C,IP) representing rural central New York and the ranking member of the Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee, blasted the testimony of Commissioner Zucker. O’Mara stated the man showed up ill-prepared, with “an implausible response that they don’t have any figures … which has been probably the biggest topic of concern that has been in the media and the public arena surrounding the governor’s March 24th [sic] order that nursing homes accept Covid-positive patients.”

O’Mara, like Betsy McCaughey, pointed out the fact of a cover-up by this administration, stating “the testimony from the Health Commissioner Howard Zucker … consisted of little more than his own self-serving, CYA PowerPoint presentation.” At hearings convened two weeks later, on August 17, this time by the Republican minority conferences of the NYS Legislature and focused on families’ testimony, Senator O’Mara doggedly pursued this same topic and finally got an answer from a forthright county official.


Ever the hardcore, selfish, power-hungry political animal, Gov. Cuomo along with Health Commissioner Zucker clearly, do not care at all about the thousands of families left in mourning. They are ignoring the families who STILL have loved ones in these nursing homes, many who haven’t been allowed to see their family member since Zucker’s nursing home lockdown on March 15!

The four Democrat governors have until Wednesday to respond to the DOJ’s letter. Given that the DOJ, citing the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), is restricting the data it has requested to publicly-owned nursing homes only – and in NYS that represents only 30 nursing homes, the remaining 592 being privately-owned, corporate for-profit and nonprofit operations – its data demand is ignoring the majority of seniors who became infected and died.

This federal probe, if un-amended, will do almost nothing towards uncovering and documenting the elder abuses, the human rights’ violations, and the effect of these governors’ edicts which, like Cuomo’s March 25 policy, seemed to all result in mass disabled and frail elderly casualties within each of these four states’ nursing home congregate care systems.

Cuomo and Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer have already jointly dismissed this DOJ demand out-of-hand, as being nothing more than a political move by the Republicans, calling it a “nakedly partisan deflection.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/new-york-governor-cuomo-wednesday-provide-doj-data-answers-related-actions-led-thousands-covid-deaths-doj-may-asking-wrong-questions/

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-08-2020, 04:27 PM
Why nothing and all the fighting back and not wanting to share data or hand things over? What is he afraid of?


New York Governor Cuomo Has Until Wednesday to Provide DOJ Data and Answers Related to Actions That Led to Thousands of COVID Deaths – But DOJ May Be Asking Wrong Questions

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s and his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker, are facing mounting, angry and now even bi-partisan calls for a federal investigation into their March 25 Covid-19 edict, in which recovering Covid-19 hospital patients were transferred INTO New York State’s (NYS’s) nursing homes.

This same policy REQUIRED that hospital patients remain UNTESTED before transfer into one of Zucker’s DOH-licensed nursing homes.


After prolonged, outraged public pressure the NYSDOH was finally forced to admit it had actually implemented this inconceivable action. We now know, from the NYSDOH itself, that Zucker allowed 6,326 untested, recovering Covid-19 hospital patients to be moved INTO NY’s nursing homes for forty-six consecutive days. That’s at an average of 137 patients per day. What do you think happened? This utterly insane – and many of the grieving families say criminal – public policy likely resulted in the deaths thousands of New York frail and disabled senior citizen nursing home residents.

NY’s numbers represent a large undercount due to the DOH leaving out the number of nursing home residents who later died in the hospital. AP estimates that at least 11,000 nursing home residents have actually died in NYS. President Trump, a former New Yorker, is now even aware of Cuomo’s attempts to cover-up the true number of senior citizen deaths in NYS which his Covid-19 policies caused. The president tweeted out about Cuomo:


As the deaths mounted, so did the lies and cover-ups.

At August 3 hearings about this March 25 edict and nursing home fatalities, conducted by the Democrat-controlled NYS legislature, Health Commissioner Zucker testified. Legislators were frustrated and angry that he absolutely refused to provide the number of Covid-19 nursing home residents who subsequently died in a NY hospital. Zucker’s excuse? He needed more time to gather “absolutely accurate” information. Yet, to date, more than one month later, Zucker has still not produced this data.

At the end of this hearing, Senator Thomas O’Mara, (R,C,IP) representing rural central New York and the ranking member of the Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee, blasted the testimony of Commissioner Zucker. O’Mara stated the man showed up ill-prepared, with “an implausible response that they don’t have any figures … which has been probably the biggest topic of concern that has been in the media and the public arena surrounding the governor’s March 24th [sic] order that nursing homes accept Covid-positive patients.”

O’Mara, like Betsy McCaughey, pointed out the fact of a cover-up by this administration, stating “the testimony from the Health Commissioner Howard Zucker … consisted of little more than his own self-serving, CYA PowerPoint presentation.” At hearings convened two weeks later, on August 17, this time by the Republican minority conferences of the NYS Legislature and focused on families’ testimony, Senator O’Mara doggedly pursued this same topic and finally got an answer from a forthright county official.


Ever the hardcore, selfish, power-hungry political animal, Gov. Cuomo along with Health Commissioner Zucker clearly, do not care at all about the thousands of families left in mourning. They are ignoring the families who STILL have loved ones in these nursing homes, many who haven’t been allowed to see their family member since Zucker’s nursing home lockdown on March 15!

The four Democrat governors have until Wednesday to respond to the DOJ’s letter. Given that the DOJ, citing the Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act (CRIPA), is restricting the data it has requested to publicly-owned nursing homes only – and in NYS that represents only 30 nursing homes, the remaining 592 being privately-owned, corporate for-profit and nonprofit operations – its data demand is ignoring the majority of seniors who became infected and died.

This federal probe, if un-amended, will do almost nothing towards uncovering and documenting the elder abuses, the human rights’ violations, and the effect of these governors’ edicts which, like Cuomo’s March 25 policy, seemed to all result in mass disabled and frail elderly casualties within each of these four states’ nursing home congregate care systems.

Cuomo and Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer have already jointly dismissed this DOJ demand out-of-hand, as being nothing more than a political move by the Republicans, calling it a “nakedly partisan deflection.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/new-york-governor-cuomo-wednesday-provide-doj-data-answers-related-actions-led-thousands-covid-deaths-doj-may-asking-wrong-questions/

Cuomo needs to be held accountable and justice needs to be accurate, forceful and swift...

What the worthless, thought to be untouchable, asshole did was murder thousands of old people in order to help create a panic, nothing more, and nothing less.... The test for this nation and our federal government is--can it actually bring justice?
If not, there there goes another nail driven into the coming coffin, imho..-Tyr

09-09-2020, 04:54 AM
Serves Il Duce right. He was always making sweeping mandates at the last minute and expected everyone to jump when he snapped his fingers. Now let’s see how he likes it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-09-2020, 12:32 PM
I think they will investigate & and at best they may publicly scold those involved, if that. They'll claim "We tried, we did our best..." - Cuomo needing to do so much more than the others.

This wasn't doing your best. This was a decision that killed thousands of elderly for absolutely no reason. Sentenced to death without a trial.

Imagine within a hospital, and "someone" decides to triage incoming patients in the same large room as other incoming ill folks. So now instead of 62 Covid patients in one protected area, and 39 new patients with illnesses other than Covid in another intake room - 102 patients are all in one area - and then you end up with 101 Covid patients.

And don't think it's not the same. It's a simple decision made, that common sense alone tells anyone what to do. It doesn't take someone even in the medical community to know it's not wise to house them together in any manner. And even much worse in the beginning when you know so much less about how it spreads.

We all knew going into things on day one, that those most susceptible to this virus - are the elderly, someone with a compromised immune system or respiratory illness, many other underlying health issues (asthma, heart issues, diabetes...).....

Hell, I knew since I was a little kid that I wasn't to bring myself around Grandma or other elderly when I had a cold or flu. All I ever knew was that them getting it could be more dangerous. And now with this virus, it's that much more dangerous. Same with babies in certain cases. Pregnant women.

So when you see a decision from the governor of one of the largest states in the country, most assume it's a wise decision. Most would assume that it's based on a meeting with many folks in the medical community, the experts with the knowledge, knowing that decisions made will affect the entire state of New York. Hell, NYC alone is well over 8 million folks living there & the entire state is 19.45 million. So it's a little important to get it right.

And WTF does he decide? To place Covid-19 patients into a an environment made up of nothing but the elderly in nursing homes in New York.

This number and results of that decision is atrocious. Elderly patients started dropping like flies. And continued on and on. No visitors allowed and SO many families remained clueless mainly as to what was going on and watched and heard about their loved ones deaths - while they sat in a nursing home dying, all alone without family and support.

Reports got a disgustingly highs as around 6,421 elderly dead. But it didn't take too awfully long before stories of families started reaching the news, that they can't get in and can't get answers. Then reports of numbers maybe being higher. That's around when Cuomo started getting too defensive, claiming it's political and implying that the questioning was political and were numbers.

Then some more deaths started trickling in, adding 300 here and 250 there... reports of under-counting on purpose started coming out and any and all questioning and requests for things started going ignored.


Ok, instead of rambling, I'll get to the final point. The numbers were reported to be low, then trickles more coming in, then a recount at one point more towards the beginning, 1600 were found. Now how in the hell does that happen? I can a few off here and there, but with numbers like that there must be hiding going on, IMO.

But it didn't stop there. The ignoring of requests continued. And usually when someone refuses such things they usually have something to hide. The death count currently stands at 6,639 elderly dead in nursing homes or adult care facilities. And I don't know how a full audit would work and how much they can even do so with.... but I would bet $$$ that the number is much much higher. And likely explains a large portion away of why so many more deaths in NY than anywhere else in the nation. And a simple decision caused it.

At minimum - out of office.

At best - ?? What say thou??

09-10-2020, 08:35 PM

09-12-2020, 06:01 PM
12909I laighed at the il Duce line too :laugh:

09-12-2020, 07:08 PM
Upon further review ... I think comparing Cuomo to Mussolini does the latter a disservice. Mussolini may have been a thug fascist, but he did alright until he overreached Italy's capabilities and resources.

Cuomo has probably killed as many people as il Duce out of sheer incompetence.