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View Full Version : "far right" wannabe Hamas operatives - actually leftists

09-08-2020, 02:42 PM
Another day and another lie.... another day and more lies is more proper. Always a bunch. :rolleyes:

How much if any investigating do they do anymore? Checking social media should be the first and perhaps the easiest thing to check for some background info. Then again, they probably did. But at least include the information, even if you don't claim he's lefty.


Self-Described “Left Anarchist” Who Wanted to Topple Statues and Attack White Supremacists Is Labeled “Far Right” by Liberal Media

Last week the FBI arrested two Minnesota men after a set-up operation where they pretended to be Hamas operatives.

The men were arrested for attempting to conspire with the Hamas terror group.

CBS News was quick to describe the two men as “far-right” Boogaloo Bois.


CBS News goes on to describe the “far-right” operatives.

The two men said they wanted to destroy US monuments, they wanted to raid and attack white supremacists and they said their views lined up with Hamas.
But the media claims this is “far right.”


One of the “far right” operatives Benjamin Teeter still has a Twitter page.

On his page he describes himself as a “left Anarchist.”


It did not take long for David Reaboi and Mike Cernovich to find out more on the “far-right” terrorist.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/self-described-left-anarchist-wanted-topple-statues-attack-white-supremacists-labeled-far-right-liberal-media/