View Full Version : Going to my dream!

09-09-2020, 02:44 PM
Sorry, not happening. First post - entirely in Russian - and a link to shit about donations?? Fuck off elsewhere.

Abbey Marie
09-09-2020, 03:05 PM

09-09-2020, 03:18 PM
What a lovely little scam the above friend of mine has going.So he drops his little plea here in Russian, don't care what it said exactly. And of course it ends with a link - to a site explaining his mission, which of course is for ALL of us.

If you have a dream, and a dollar... wait wait that's NY lottery... If you have a dream of a lame youtube idea, exaggerate the F out of it and plead for money from people to help make his dream come true.


So you know going into things - he at least is honest from the get go and tells us that he is a "generous soul and from a pure heart". Well, I feel better already. Since he's a generous guy, at least I know he won't rip me off then.

He wants to create a youtube little thingy for himself. History and events, sharing all of it with us. That's frickin awesome as we all know that's the one thing you can't find any videos of on Youtube. I haven't really ever looked at it that way before - but he thinks it would be a good idea to keep track of history. :confused: May work, who knows, we don't have anything to compare it now, so...

But here's one of the BEST parts of all of it - now only will he share with us, but that it will be there for all of our descendants as well!!

But ever upload a video to Youtube?? I never tried to do so myself :coffee:

Any rate - there are costs involved in a good youtube channel. He needs to build a studio for this, and the studio would be a waste without the video equipment, lighting and sound equipment, his computer he used to write here must not be any good as you know you need a new computer if you're going to upload videos to youtube. And while an idea and a camera are decent to start with - we ALL know you need to go on business trips, you need to hire operators, get appropriate editors & of course reporters to assist ensuring it will be of quality.

And it isn't about just appealing to our wallets in the form of a donation to his history making idea - but look into your heart, and appealing to that little bugger.

And wait. Don't forget the obligatory "a portion will of proceeds will go to charity".

And ends with the absolutely best part. A video will be made eventually on the channel, acknowledging everyone who got suckered who donated to help.

Black Diamond
09-09-2020, 03:29 PM
Funny I just watched this last night.


Black Diamond
09-09-2020, 06:25 PM
At least for varietys sake it was Russian and not Chinese.

09-09-2020, 07:03 PM

Abbey Marie
09-09-2020, 08:31 PM
Cool bird!

Black Diamond
09-09-2020, 10:00 PM

Wring color bird for hjmick