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09-13-2020, 07:40 PM
Sure, just a distraction. :rolleyes:


Pelosi: Trump Negotiating Peace Between Israel and Arab Countries Is a 'Distraction'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi really fumbled a question about the latest Trump-negotiated Middle East peace deal on CNN Friday night.

Wolf! Blitzer asked the speaker a simple question: “How much credit do you give the President of the United States for these peace agreements?”

Pelosi should have anticipated the question. In fact, the leftwing TV network probably gave her all the questions ahead of time as a precondition of her appearing there. Pols often have their handlers do this. One as powerful as Pelosi, coming off claiming to be bamboozled by her hairdresser, is even more likely to have been handed the question ahead of time.

Yet it still flummoxed her.

“Well, hopefully they won’t—hopefully they will beneficial [sic] to the region,” Pelosi said. “We’ve been waiting for a very long time for the president’s proposal for an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement that honored the two state solution. It was coming in two weeks, it was coming in two months, it was coming in six months—it still hasn’t come in any way that has brought peace.”

“So, good for him for having a distraction on a day when the numbers of people who are affected and the numbers of people who are dying from this virus only increases,” Pelosi stated.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/bryan-preston/2020/09/12/pelosi-trump-negotiating-peace-between-israel-and-arab-countries-is-a-distraction-n923890

Pelosi Ditches Science, Blames 'Angry' 'Mother Earth' For California's Wildfires

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) claims to love science when it’s convenient. She routinely scolds President Trump over coronavirus science despite the fact that Dr. Fauci and others on the president’s COVID team say he has always followed the science on it.

Pelosi also claims the science is on her side when it comes to climate. So why, then, did she toss out the science and go full Gaia during a recent interview on the California wildfires?

We have these fires in California, and in the West, 16 people have died in Washington, Oregon, and California, including a firefighter and a 1-year-old baby. We — our firefighters have been so, very, very courageous.

Now, we’re, again, breaking records. Mother Earth is angry. She’s telling us — whether – she’s telling us with hurricanes on the Gulf Coast, fires in the West, whatever it is, that climate crisis is real and has an impact.

Video at the link over at RealClearPolitics.

Unlike Pelosi and most in politics who comment on science, I actually worked in science for eight years and wrote a book about science (astronomy – link below). Here’s some science: California liberals abandoned basic forestry management decades ago. This has allowed dead wood which becomes fire fuel to pile up year after year, and when one of the state’s aging powerlines gets knocked or blown over it only takes a spark to get the fire going.

The powerlines are aging at least in part because California, a rich state with a massive economy, has decided not to maintain them properly. Liberals, in short, have abanonded basic government, most conspicuously public safety nationwide this year, for the sake of politics.

If you’re goading others to “follow the science” while you also appeal to the authority of “Mother Earth,” you’re doing both science and mysticism wrong.

Even far-left Mother Jones goads California to allow more controlled burns to prevent wildfires and even feed the mighty sequoia trees. Here’s some science on that:

“They are a fire-dependent species that are well adapted to survive burns,” says Nichols. “In fact, fire helps them get the next generation of sequoias started.” That’s because fire encourages the trees to drop their cones en masse. The blaze knocks out competition from other plants and provides a great shot of fertilizer in the form of ash.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/bryan-preston/2020/09/13/pelosi-ditches-science-blames-angry-mother-earth-for-californias-wildfires-n924986

09-14-2020, 09:25 PM
Which one is the Older of the two?