View Full Version : The Next Obama... Ummm... I don't think so

09-14-2020, 04:53 PM
Not the next Obama! :laugh2:

The police report is pretty damning. Quite the party they had is right!


Top Florida Democrat Comes Out as Bisexual After Being Caught Naked and Passed Out in His Own Vomit with Muscle Hooker

Billed by Democrats as “THE NEXT OBAMA”, former Democrat nominee for Governor in the state of Florida made the news back in March.

Andrew Gillum was named in a police report that involved baggies of crystal meth and two other men in Miami Beach hotel room last night.


The police report first published online by Candace Owens, is extremely concerning.

Gillum, who came close to beating former Congressman Ron DeSantis in 2018 for governor, was apparently involved in quite the party. Paramedics were called to the room before police arrived to treat another man who was allegedly overdosing from what was described as crystal meth.

According to one of the men involved in the “party”, he entered the hotel room to find Andrew Gillum and the other man under the influence of an “unknown” substance. Gillum then collapsed on the bed in a prone position before entering the bathroom to vomit. When police were taking statements from the men, Gillum was so drunk that he was unable to speak coherently. He was allowed to return to another hotel room without being arrested, according to The Capitolist.

Images from the late night meth party and gay sex romp eventually made the internet.

Gillum entered rehab before the images were made public.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/top-florida-democrat-comes-bisexual-caught-naked-passed-vomit-muscle-hustler/

