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View Full Version : “An Incredible Scam Being Perpetrated on the American Voters…

09-15-2020, 01:07 PM
Most Americans already know this.

The leftist supporters know this and only care about beating Trump. They know it and go along with hiding it and fighting against it. It's laughable. The democrat politicians know this and have even discussed it, and don't care anyway. The MSM knows all of this but some ignore it, others also help hide it. Questions ahead of time and teleprompters galore.

They know and admit that Biden makes gaffes. But this year they are different and not just as much gaffes speaking off the cuff but more like stumbling and bumbling, incoherence & mistakes that leave you with your head shaking. Folks know he's in a major cognitive decline.

They are literally pushing Clint's empty chair as their candidate.

What their plans are should Biden win is beyond me. But if anyone believes that he is up to a normal rough and tough presidency, is delusional, naive or more than likely lying.


“An Incredible Scam Being Perpetrated on the American Voters… The Media Is Complicit in This” – Liz Peek DESTROYS Feeble Joe Biden

Columnist and business analyst Liz Peek got REALLY honest this morning on Varney and Co.

The conservative commentator weighed in on Joe Biden’s mental accuity and did not hold back.

Liz Peek: Democrats have put forward a candidate that they know, and they’ve known for months, is not capable of mixing it up with reporters. How in the world is he going to be capable of mixing it up with Vladimir Putin or Xi Jinping? This is an incredible scam being perpetrated on American voters. The reason he needs a Teleprompter as you point out is because he really does not have any serious grounding… I think this is appalling. And by the way it’s not working… All these rumors and reports about him relying on a Teleprompter, by the way make the media complicit in this scam.

Finally, a major reporter blurts out what we’ve all been seeing.

Via Varney and Co.:



09-15-2020, 01:39 PM
If this is true, we'll find out during the debates.
I'm sure that Mr Trump, the stable genius, will eat him alive.

09-15-2020, 11:17 PM
If this is true, we'll find out during the debates.
I'm sure that Mr Trump, the stable genius, will eat him alive.

Trump wouldn't have to say anything to joe besides look at him and SMILE...

Senile Joe would eat himself alive running his confused stuttering mouth...Like most dumbass low- info hate America Democrats.

09-16-2020, 10:40 AM
Trump wouldn't have to say anything to joe besides look at him and SMILE...

Senile Joe would eat himself alive running his confused stuttering mouth...Like most dumbass low- info hate America Democrats.

All one has to do is let him speak without a teleprompter. I don't think he's made it through a single "event" without a gaffe of some sort. Joe's age is hitting him hard, and it WILL show.

09-16-2020, 10:44 AM
Trump wouldn't have to say anything to joe besides look at him and SMILE...

Senile Joe would eat himself alive running his confused stuttering mouth...Like most dumbass low- info hate America Democrats.

Mr Trump certainly looked good on ABC last night.
At least to this dumbass low-info hate America Biden voter he did.
Very, very powerful performance.