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View Full Version : Vote Biden or you're going to lose your homes

09-15-2020, 02:47 PM
If you don't vote for Biden then your home may blow away or float away & you're not black. :coffee:


Vile CNN Cheers Biden’s ‘Pointed,’ ‘Powerful’ Speech on ‘Climate Arsonist’ Trump

Like the lemmings that they were, CNN reacted Monday afternoon with approval and admiration for Joe Biden’s “pointed” and “powerful” climate change speech that blamed “climate arsonist” President Trump for floods, hurricanes, and wildfires to threatened Americans by claiming that they would lose their homes to natural disasters if they didn’t vote for him.

Host and liberal hack Brianna Keilar gave chief political analyst Gloria Borger an open forum to respond to Biden’s speech, who declared Biden gave “a very powerful speech on many levels because what he did was he took the argument on how the President has handled COVID and the argument about how the President is denying climate science and joined them together and said he's anti-science.”

Continuing to show how Borger, Keilar, and Columbia University’s Adam Sobel wouldn’t be engaging in any so-called fact-checks and juvenile meltdowns, Borger boasted of Biden’s incendiary rhetoric telling Americans that, if they don’t want their homes to blown to pieces, burned, or flooded, they should vote for him:

And he also turned the President's campaign on its head by saying, you know, the President says your cities are going to burn. And he said look, your suburbs are going to burn and they're going to burn from — from wildfires. And so what you have in a candidate of Joe Biden, what's so interesting to me. He started out this campaign saying he was going to be a transitional candidate. What he's talking about here in terms of climate science is transformational and what he's proposing to do is very large[.]

In the four minutes immediately afterward, the lines were blurred between the Biden campaign and Zuckerville with chyrons such as these:

Biden: Trump Has No Interest in “Meeting this Moment” of Crisis
Biden: Trump Says Minorities Will Threaten Suburbs, But “How Many Suburbs Will Be Burned...Flooded Out...Blown Away?”
Biden: America Will Be Ablaze If “Climate Arsonist” Trump Is Reelected
Biden: Trump Rejects Science, Spreads Blame Amid Crises

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/curtis-houck/2020/09/14/vile-cnn-cheers-bidens-pointed-powerful-speech-climate-arsonist