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View Full Version : ‘The View’ Explodes When Kim Klacik Brings Up Joy Behar’s Adventures In Blackface

09-18-2020, 01:43 PM
“That’s not true. Excuse me — excuse me,” Behar pushed back . “The black community had my back. They know that that was not blackface. That was an homage. Oh, please.”

Behar's lame excusing of herself. And who is she to claim the black community had her back? That's an awful lot of people, a few here or there on their program isn't the black community. And everyone else was suddenly getting "canceled" for the same thing. So she lets out a flurry of garbage.


‘Are You Just Going To Scream Over Me?’: ‘The View’ Explodes When Kim Klacik Brings Up Joy Behar’s Adventures In Blackface

Republican Maryland congressional candidate Kim Klacik sparked a fiery exchange on ABC’s “The View,” taking direct aim at host Joy Behar over her previous use of blackface.

A conversation about the impact of coronavirus on the black community quickly spiraled into a shouting match about Behar’s use of blackface.

Cohost Sara Haines began the conversation by asking about veteran journalist Bob Woodward’s book and the audio of President Donald Trump saying that he preferred to “downplay” the threat of the coronavirus pandemic.

“We see how the virus has disproportionately affected the African-American community. Do you think continually downplaying the threat cost lives?” Haines asked.


“Is this Joy speaking?” Klacik shot back. “The same Joy that paraded around in blackface not too long ago?”

“That’s not true. Excuse me — excuse me,” Behar pushed back . “The black community had my back. They know that that was not blackface. That was an homage. Oh, please.”

Klacik argued that the black community had her back as well, but Hostin interrupted.

“The black community did not vote for you. The black community did not vote for you. What planet are you living on?” Hostin raised her voice.

“Sunny, can I speak?” Klacik pointed out that the special election had taken place when Maryland was still locked down due to the pandemic.

“Wow,” Hostin stretched the word out in a sarcastic tone, spinning in her chair. “Wow.”

“Can I speak, or are you just going to scream over me?” Klacik asked as Behar and Hostin continued to shout her down.

“Listen, Kim, good luck to you,” Behar gave up and called for a wrap. “Thanks to Kim Klacik. We’ll be right back.”

“That was very immature, but thank you for having me,” Klacik replied as the segment ended.



09-18-2020, 02:47 PM
It's okay for me but not for thee...

I guess if you call it a "homage" that makes everything okay...

09-18-2020, 03:29 PM
Great ad about Baltimore.


Nasty ‘View’ Bullies Lose Their Minds After Baltimore GOP Candidate Fights Back

GOP congressional candidate for Maryland's seventh district Kim Klacik, whose powerful campaign ad about how Democrats have destroyed Baltimore drew the attention of President Trump, appeared on The View today and there were definitely fireworks.

The ad:


While co-hosts Meghan McCain and Sara Haines were polite to their guest, liberal co-hosts Joy Behar, Sunny Hostin, and Ana Navarro were extremely hostile particularly because the young, black Republican woman strongly defended President Trump on the issue of racism. In fact, she made them so angry that the liberal hosts ganged up on her and shouted her down to end the show.

After Klacik explained how there was blame to go around in response to Haines asking if Trump was responsible for minority coronavirus deaths, Behar lost it. She interrupted to demand Klacik put some blame on the President.

In response, Klacik got snarky with Behar over her infamous blackface Halloween costume, which made The View co-host lose her mind:

KLACIK: Is this --- is this Joy speaking?

BEHAR: The guy lied.

KLACIK: The same Joy --- the same Joy --


KLACIK: -- that paraded around --


KLACIK: -- in blackface not too long ago? C’mon Joy I don’t think you should be asking me questions.

BEHAR: That's not true!

KLACIK: I am a --

BEHAR: Excuse me --

KLACIK: -- black American --

BEHAR: -- excuse me. The black community had my back. They know that that was not blackface.

KLACIK: The black community has my back.

BEHAR: That was an homage. Oh --

KLACIK: The black community has my back.

BEHAR: -- please just answer the question.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2020/09/18/nasty-view-bullies-lose-their-minds-after-baltimore-gop

Abbey Marie
09-18-2020, 03:34 PM
Joyless Behar makes me sick.

Black Diamond
09-18-2020, 03:52 PM
Joyless Behar makes me sick.

Everyone on the show is sickening

Abbey Marie
09-19-2020, 06:19 PM
Everyone on the show is sickening

‘Tis true. Joy is like the especially plump wriggling oozing maggot, in a pile of regular maggots in the trash can.

09-19-2020, 07:18 PM
The View is yet another reason why TV is called “The Great Wasteland”. How anyone can sit through listening to those insufferable cretins is beyond me.

Especially the part where the twit spins in her chair and keeps repeating “Wow!!!!” Is that what passes for reasoned discourse nowadays?

The women on the view need medication and psychotherapy