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09-18-2020, 06:43 PM
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dead At 87


09-18-2020, 06:45 PM
Wow, this came as a shock actually. May she RIP.

And do you think the election just grew that much more important? I knew a seat would be up for grabs. but now we know the winner is going to assign someone ASAP.

09-18-2020, 06:45 PM
.....Yup...Here we go....\

Watching live Trump rally Now In Minnesota....wonder if he will get a whisper in his ear..."Ruth Died"

Black Diamond
09-18-2020, 06:46 PM
Prayers for her family.

09-18-2020, 06:46 PM
I was kind of hoping she'd hang until after the election just so we didn't have to deal with the shit-show that will certainly ensue...

Black Diamond
09-18-2020, 06:55 PM
Wow, this came as a shock actually. May she RIP.

And do you think the election just grew that much more important? I knew a seat would be up for grabs. but now we know the winner is going to assign someone ASAP.

If donald tried to get someone in there before the election would that be too much like Obamas garland stunt?

09-18-2020, 07:10 PM
If donald tried to get someone in there before the election would that be too much like Obamas garland stunt?

Donald did mention "Ted Cruz"

Would love him to get in there and get in there>>> NOW...

Black Diamond
09-18-2020, 07:16 PM
Donald did mention "Ted Cruz"

Would love him to get in there and get in there>>> NOW...

So would I.

09-18-2020, 07:25 PM
I rarely agreed with Ginsberg, assent or dissent, her reasoning was good though. She was very civil in all I've ever heard from her, I like that. She was good friends with Scalia, also a big plus in getting along with someone you don't agree with on everything, but still see what you do have in common. She'll be missed. Great role model for young people, succeeding when society said, 'You can't have it all,' but she did. RIP.

09-18-2020, 07:35 PM
The confirmation process for her replacement will be a firestorm.

Trump will nominate a conservative, and liberals will see that as a threat to Roe v Wade. Every conservative nominee has been seen that way. The nomination process will make the Kavanaugh hearings tame by comparison.

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09-18-2020, 07:36 PM
Ruth Badger Ginsburg has passed away.....

Pray for the Ginsburg family, but also pray for America..............

**If you thought you saw the face of true evil with the Democrats’ treatment of Brett Kavanaugh

— you ain’t see nothing yet.

09-18-2020, 07:47 PM
So would I.

He thanked the president for thinking about him in the SCOTUS, but turned it down saying he has many more things he wants to do in the future. (I suspect..he will run in 2024 again)

09-18-2020, 08:02 PM
~```That woman spent her entire life damaging and trying to damage this country. The time for

glorifying villains because decorum would suggest we should IS OVER.

How many tears did they shed when Scalia passed?

This is war, people.........``` ~

09-18-2020, 08:20 PM
I am sure that Schumer and Pelosi are, even now, cooking up some scheme to make the nomination process a bigger circus than the Kavanaugh hearings.

If anyone fits the textbook definition of irredeemable and deplorable, it’s those two.

09-18-2020, 08:26 PM
I am sure that Schumer and Pelosi are, even now, cooking up some scheme to make the nomination process a bigger circus than the Kavanaugh hearings.

If anyone fits the textbook definition of irredeemable and deplorable, it’s those two.

Yes sir agree!!

`America needs a full Supreme Court so that the election outcome is not a 4-4 decision if it comes to a decision For the good of the country, the President must make a nomination and the Senate must confirm`

Its a Go!!

09-18-2020, 08:35 PM
As the CLASS ACT he is. When they told him. You could see he was visibly shaken, and saddened.

He skipped his usual BIG WAVE when he got to the top of the steps...Without A Smile!

The Dems are probably angry at Ginsburg for not postponing her demise until after the election.

That's the LOW CLASS ACT we have all grown to recognize from Pelosi, and Schumer.

Let's not forget. Pelosi, and the Democrats in Congress will BLAME the President for not letting Ginsburg have OBAMACARE.:laugh:

09-18-2020, 08:58 PM
Yes sir agree!!

`America needs a full Supreme Court so that the election outcome is not a 4-4 decision if it comes to a decision For the good of the country, the President must make a nomination and the Senate must confirm`

Its a Go!!

After the way Democrats treated Justice Kavanaugh, we do not owe them anything!!

Remember how Kamala Harris went out of her way to try to destroy his life? President Trump & Senate Republicans must go ahead & nominate & confirm a justice

BEFORE the election!!

09-18-2020, 09:04 PM
RIP RBG. I didn't like her politics but I have to give her some respect for the way she carried herself. She was that most rare of all liberals - one that could hold a civil debate with a conservative and not descend into yelling, shrieking, and name-calling within the first 30 seconds. I also give her a lot of credit for having a friendship with Antonin Scalia and for defending Kavanaugh to some extent, another thing that almost no liberals are capable of doing.

09-18-2020, 09:08 PM
RIP RBG. I didn't like her politics but I have to give her some respect for the way she carried herself. She was that most rare of all liberals - one that could hold a civil debate with a conservative and not descend into yelling, shrieking, and name-calling within the first 30 seconds. I also give her a lot of credit for having a friendship with Antonin Scalia and for defending Kavanaugh to some extent, another thing that almost no liberals are capable of doing.
Yep, the friendship with Scalia meant a lot regarding respect. Very American, imo. Their opinions on law, on the interpretation of the way to approach the Constitution were polar opposites. Yet, they were friends for what they had in common. IOW, politics didn't trump being human, being friends. Friends can disagree on serious issues, respect and commonalities can bridge those differences. Well when sanity ruled.

09-18-2020, 11:31 PM
At least most of us Respected her as a Human Being first. Unlike the screaming Dems who are busy at work...planning the demise of anyone who Trump nominates.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-19-2020, 08:32 AM
To be honest, her death does not change even as little as even one iota of how much I totally despised her...
She was political--and absolutely went against her oath of office in that respect. In fact all the female SCOTUS justices
are extremely political.. They can not help it as that is the main reason each was chosen over dozens and dozens of more highly qualified male
selections that were available for that most coveted and important position.
Truth is , that she has departed this plane of existence is a boon to this nation.
Any that think that harsh or takes offense to that truth - can just kiss a good man's ass.
As I am just saying and staying with all of my previous words/and opinions about her.
I do not ever play the insincere game of speaking good about people I so rightly loathed, just because they died.
I didn't do so with the scum Ted Kennedy, John McCain, and now will not do so with Ginsberg.
These are my opinions of her as a judge, as a SCOTUS judge and as a person that put her personal bias/politics above her sworn oath.
I simply do not waver in my stands.
If they are viewed to be harsh/cold-- then so be it. I stay true to myself and my honor.
As I was taught to do by my father and my grandfather.
Also , to me it is , a damn crying shame that such is not now the norm in this new, modern, liberally/leftist/dem corrupted USA, imho..-Tyr

09-19-2020, 02:06 PM
Depends on where she goes...she might have a chance to meet Thousands of young souls that were aborted...
