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View Full Version : Biden continually avoids questions

09-20-2020, 04:28 PM
He has taken limited questions here and there. We also found out he had a teleprompter in use at one with pre-recorded answers. But the majority of time he just runs away from reporters or his handlers dismiss them away.

The election is less than 2 months away, is he going to pull this shit all the way? And if so, will the democrats and the MSM not question and push for this?

It's like every event the next day there are stories like this one. You can go to Google and do a search for "Biden avoids press" or "Biden avoids questions" or whatever mix you like and read quite a few pages of times he has done this.


Biden Immediately Flees From Podium After Philadelphia Speech, Ignores Reporters Shouting Questions at Him

77-year-old Joe Biden emerged from his basement on Sunday and traveled to Philadelphia to give a speech at the Constitution Center.

This is after Biden completely shut down his campaign on Saturday. He needed a day to rest.

Biden was in really bad shape on Sunday.

His labored breathing and claim that 200 million people will die from Covid by the end of his speech today raised eyebrows.

After his speech, Biden immediately bolted from the lectern as reporters attempted to ask him questions.



Biden only answers scripted questions from pre-approved reporters.

Biden completely froze out local media during his trip to Duluth, Minnesota on Friday.

He is unfit for office.


09-20-2020, 07:59 PM
​Cause his "Handlers" told him to do So....They didn't tell him why and Joe didn't ask...

09-21-2020, 06:17 PM
Like I said, another day...


Biden Flees Podium Before Reporters Can Ask Questions in Wisconsin

Joe Biden traveled to Wisconsin on Monday to deliver a doom and gloom speech on Covid deaths in the US.

As usual, Biden’s event in Manitowoc was a carefully crafted stunt with social distancing circles.

Only a small pool of approved reporters were allowed inside the event.

Biden’s short speech started off awkward because his mask was on backwards.

He bungled the Pledge of Allegiance and falsely claimed 200 Americans died from Covid.

Biden’s campaign blasted loud music to drown out reporters as soon as he concluded his speech.

Biden bolted from the lectern and refused to take questions from reporters.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/biden-flees-podium-reporters-can-ask-questions-wisconsin-video/

Joe Biden Botches Pledge: “I Pledge Allegiance to the United States of America. One Nation, Indivisible, Under God, For Real”

You know, the thing!

Joe Biden bungled the Pledge of Allegiance during his Wisconsin speech on Monday.

77-year-old Biden delivered a doom and gloom speech on Covid from Manitowoc, Wisconsin.

His speech started off awkward because his mask was on backwards.

Then this happened…

Biden botched the Pledge of Allegiance.

“I pledge allegiance to the United States of America. One nation, indivisible, under God, for real,” said Biden.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/joe-biden-botches-pledge-pledge-allegiance-united-states-america-one-nation-indivisible-god-real-video/

And it was like 2 days ago he said it was 200 million. :laugh:

With His Mask on Backwards, Joe Biden Claims 200 Americans Have Died From Covid

Joe Biden delivered a speech in Manitowoc, Wisconsin on Monday.

His mask was on backwards.


Biden rambled about Covid during his speech while his mask was on backwards.

On Sunday he claimed 200 million Americans will die of Covid by the time he was done with his speech.

But today he claimed 200 Americans have died from Covid.

“It means there are empty chairs at dining room tables and kitchen tables,” said Biden.

“I worry we’re risking becoming numb to the toll it has taken on us and our country and communities like this. We can’t let that happen. We can’t lose the ability to feel the sorrow and the loss and the anger for so many lives lost,” he said in his doom and gloom speech.

He added, “We can’t let the numbers become statistics and background noise. Just a blur that we see on the nightly news.”

“200 moms, dads, sons daughters, grandparents, uncles, aunts, friends, coworkers who are no longer with us,” he said.

Is it 200 or 200 million, Joe?

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/mask-backwards-joe-biden-claims-200-americans-died-covid-video/

And not like he doesn't have help

More Photos of Biden Teleprompter Revealed


Joe Biden spoke last week in Duluth, Minnesota to a handful of campaign videographers and approved press. The entire event was staged with Biden reading from his teleprompter and we now have proof.
The entire Duluth, Minnesota presser in Minnesota was a bad joke.

The entire crowd was either media and Biden handlers. He could have done it from his basement.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/breaking-photos-biden-teleprompter-revealed/