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View Full Version : Clinton Foundation Is Now Morphed into a Criminal Investigation

09-27-2020, 04:58 PM
Seems there may be some legs to the criminal investigation. Still many emails unaccounted for - that WERE accounted for.

Gotta hit the link on the 2nd story and watch the 2 minute Twitter video at least...


The Clinton Foundation Is Now Morphed into a Criminal Investigation by US Attorney John Durham – KA-BOOM!

George Papadopoulos dropped a bomb on Friday. He pointed out the obvious but somewhat overlooked.
John Durham’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation is a criminal investigation.

Papadopoulos was on Newsmax Friday where he shared the following:

What a week. I thought after the bombshell developments about Senator Johnson about Hunter Biden’s overt corruption in the Ukraine would have been the headline of the week, but this I think even beats what’s happening. The Clinton Foundation’s investigation has now morphed into a criminal probe by John Durham. And why is this very important – because there have obviously been growing frustration with Huber’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation and his inability to get to the bottom of what exactly was going on.

It’s the same case with Horowitz’s investigation into the FBI. There were many questions that still remained after Horowitz. And the reason they remain, just like they remained after Huber’s, and why this is so important this has morphed into Durham’s investigation is because Durham’s investigation is a criminal probe.

That means that Durham can force testimony. He can issue subpoenas. He can issue grand juries, to get to the bottom of exactly what these allegations about pay-to-play are all about and whether the ex-Secretary of State was involved or not.

Papadopoulos shared this interview in the tweet below:


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/breaking-clinton-foundation-now-morphed-criminal-investigation-us-attorney-john-durham-ka-boom/

Sidney Powell’s Speech From March Is Now Making Waves as New Reports Indicate Clinton Foundation Is Under a Criminal Investigation

A speech by Sidney Powell back in November is now given more attention with word that the Clinton Foundation is now under a criminal investigation.

In her speech in March, Powell shared the following:

The Anthony Weiner laptop, which I don’t know if you heard this. I wrote an article about that too. 675,000 Clinton emails when they got Anthony Weiner’s laptop in a search warrant because of all his sex perversion issues. It was all the Clinton emails, the Clinton Foundation, her Secretary of State emails, Huma Abedin emails, lots of people emailed Huma as a proxy for Hillary, and it included what Comey called…the golden emails, because they were the blackberry backup emails. That they were supposedly just looking for very diligently, well guess what they did when they found them on the Weiner laptop? They got a search warrant for things that didn’t include the blackberry backup emails.

So when they told us, when he stood there and said that day, oh we’ve reviewed all the emails now, there is nothing there. That was a bald face lie.”


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/09/sidney-powells-speech-march-now-making-waves-new-reports-indicate-clinton-foundation-criminal-investigation/