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View Full Version : World cries out in agony as Spanish wine tank ruptures, ruining 66,000 bottles’ worth

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2020, 05:30 AM
World cries out in agony as Spanish wine tank ruptures, ruining 66,000 bottles’ worth of wine
Allison Robicelli
Mon, September 28, 2020, 10:26 AM CDT

World cries out in agony as Spanish wine tank ruptures, ruining 66,000 bottles’ worth of wine
Allison Robicelli
Mon, September 28, 2020, 10:26 AM CDT
Spilled red wine on wooden floor
Spilled red wine on wooden floor

There’s definitely use crying over spilled wine

The video you’re about to see is not easy to watch. If you’re standing up, sit down. Actually, you should probably lie down, because this clip is so disturbing, it may induce fainting, dizziness, or comas. I know this might be a lot to process on a Monday, but I don’t make the news, folks, I just report it. Sorry.

That, dear reader, is a tsunami of more than 13,000 gallons of red wine gushing from a ruptured tank at a Spanish winery. That’s roughly 66,666 bottles of wine that shall never see the light of day. Oh, the humanity!

The accident occurred at Bodegas Vitivinos in Villamalea in Albacete in central Spain, which produces up to 6 million kilograms of wine grapes a year. For those of you who don’t feel like whipping out your calculator, that’s roughly 13,227,700 pounds, or 1,102 African elephants (because we Americans will measure with anything but the metric system). According to local sources, the spill was precipitated by a faulty fermentation tank. Thankfully, no injuries were reported, aside from the countless people whose tempranillo-hued hearts were left bleeding after watching this now viral video.

66,666 bottles of wine on the wall.. --Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-29-2020, 06:00 AM
66,666 bottles of wine on the wall.. --Tyr

This article made me think of a friend I worked with back in 1974.
He only drank wine and did so in excess. Pretty much stayed drunk most of the time when not at work.
I 20 years old then and he was 44 years old. Great guy, funny as hell but definitely a functioning alcoholic.
When I was getting divorced from my first wife he gave me some good advice(I so wish Ihad taken it).
He said,
"Robert my young friend, women are gems, gems we men desperately need. They keep us from self-destructing.
They keep us warm in bed, satisfied and often give us a gentlier look at life, this sad world and our own proclivity
towards using violence too often. They give us our beloved children. They give us many, many blessings..
Thing is, they hold so much power over us that most of us are ignorant off and so blinded to, and son some of them know this all too well.
Some are far worse than ten thousand devils!!
You are about to get divorced. So please take this advice, as it is intended as a truth, a message to a friend.
Please, next time you get married try to make sure you haven't been a damn fool and are not about to marry a one hundred percent
certified biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatchhhhhh.
As no man can change such a devious she-devil and many a man has been destroyed attempting to do so.....
Son, such women as handmaidens of the devil himself....

His name was Leodus, he was a black man, very intelligent and world-wise...
I was indeed a fool again, but live and learn is a part life.
Third time at bat, I made damn sure that I found a peach and not a devious, man destroying biaaaaaatchhhhh.
Lesson learned finally.
Be wise, look deep and do not let beauty(sex) blind you to the truth....
I am saving this post to share with my 13 year old son, Justin , later today.
With the added statement,
Son, search diligently for a truly good woman to marry-- if you find one-do not let go , as that is the greatest of treasures a man can have in this world
and the treasure that can give the beloved family that one needs...--Tyr