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09-29-2020, 08:27 AM
The story collapsed in every imagined direction. The "source" was actually a national security threat, lies galore to get warrants, massive deletions, even phones/servers deleted - and yet the FBI/CIA and many democrats have already been busted as lying, or committing crimes... and the Russian story itself has done a 180 and actually pointed to the Clinton campaign, and all the wrongdoing was by the left, and then the endless coverups.

And in the face of all of that - dipshits like this stand in front of cameras and will lie directly to your face over and over.


Russia Hoax Forever: CNN’s Brian Stelter Keeps Collusion Alive, Claims Ignorance About Steele Dossier Flaws

CNN’s Brian Stelter refused to accept that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, or to accept there were major flaws with the dossier alleging collusion, in an interview with Hugh Hewitt on Monday.

Stelter was on Hewitt’s show to discuss his new book, Hoax: Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Dangerous Distortion of Truth, which heavily criticized Fox News’s coverage of the Mueller investigation.

Hewitt pressed Stelter on his criticism that Fox News downplayed the Mueller investigation and called it a “hoax,” and pointed out that there was actually was no collusion.

“We know the end of the Mueller report, right? There was no collusion, correct?” Hewitt asked Stelter.

Stelter demurred: “You know, I’m not going to play a game about a word that is irrelevant to the question at hand. There’s still a lot we don’t know about the President’s ties with Russia, period.”

Hewitt pressed and Stelter continued to deflect.

HEWITT: But Brian, that kind of asks, that begs the question. Your criticism in Hoax, a lot of is based in the coverage of the Mueller investigation and how they downplayed it and called it a Hoax. It turns out there was no collusion, and it turns out we know this week, you couldn’t have known it during writing of Hoax, that the primary sub-source of the Steele dossier is probably a Russian agent, correct?

STELTER: I think there’s a fantasyland that Fox promotes about what you’re describing, about the Steele dossier and all of that that distracts from the key questions about Trump’s ties with Russia. We now know from the New York Times hundreds of millions of dollars of loans. Who does the President owe money to? We need to know. We deserve to know that, Hugh.

HEWITT: Brian, that’s a deflection. The primary sub-source of the dossier was revealed last week to be a Russian agent investigated by the Obama Department of Justice in 2009 and ’10. The dossier is discredited. There was no collusion. These are factual matters. That’s my problem with Hoax.

STELTER: I’m reflecting, I’m a media reporter, and I’m not a Steele dossier reporter. What I know is that when you use the word hoax over and over again the way the President has, it’s dangerous and poisonous, because it makes people think there’s nothing real and nothing true anymore. And that’s what I think the problem is.

HEWITT: Will you at least agree with me that the primary sub-source of the dossier has been revealed to be a Russian agent?

STELTER: I literally do not know, because I’m a media reporter.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/09/28/russia-hoax-forever-cnns-brian-stelter-keeps-collusion-alive-claims-ignorance-about-steele-dossier-flaws/

09-30-2020, 04:56 PM
Brian Stelter.... there aren’t enough curse words in the English language that would do him justice

He’s beyond contemptible

09-30-2020, 08:50 PM
Brian Stelter.... there aren’t enough curse words in the English language that would do him justice

He’s beyond contemptible

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