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09-29-2020, 09:46 PM
I have to say, I'm mildly surprised that Biden kept it together - Trump came out very aggressively trying to trigger Biden's dementia but it didn't pan out and he held his own.

I fully expected to see Biden to deteriorate into a gibbering idiot like we've all been seeing lately but other than some mild stuttering, he was almost normal.

Trump is going to have to work harder and prepare - and the next ones won't have someone impartial like Wallace was.

09-29-2020, 09:51 PM
That....was by far. The WORST debate I have ever wasted my time watching. The President did TOO MUCH overkill he didn't need to do, and Biden should have just been allowed to ramble on, and on, and on with the feeling he had the Upper hand...before his patronizing got the better of him. Making snide remarks was right down the steps to his basement Bunker.

IMO.....Nobody won, but the laughs were priceless.:laugh:

09-29-2020, 09:57 PM
I feel like I was caught in a tornado .... feel like I've been on a roller coaster and beat up. Jeezeeee ... Trump needs to let Biden talk so he can implicate himself.

Black Diamond
09-29-2020, 10:13 PM

Mr. P
09-29-2020, 11:49 PM
Damn Donald...STFU and let the other guy lose it. He will if you let him speak.

I know...you were going for a first round knock out. But you really F*cked this up!

Just sayin

09-30-2020, 12:53 AM
Just finished dinner, listening to FOX while doing so. I'm hearing pretty much the same as here, Trump lost, but Biden didn't win. Trump hurt himself, repeatedly.

Black Diamond
09-30-2020, 01:17 AM
I have to say, I'm mildly surprised that Biden kept it together - Trump came out very aggressively trying to trigger Biden's dementia but it didn't pan out and he held his own.

I fully expected to see Biden to deteriorate into a gibbering idiot like we've all been seeing lately but other than some mild stuttering, he was almost normal.

Trump is going to have to work harder and prepare - and the next ones won't have someone impartial like Wallace was.

Wallace impartial? Might as well have been Anderson Cooper.

Black Diamond
09-30-2020, 01:35 AM
So Biden says he doesn't support the green new deal. What will bernie and aoc say?

09-30-2020, 07:26 AM
That....was by far. The WORST debate I have ever wasted my time watching. The President did TOO MUCH overkill he didn't need to do, and Biden should have just been allowed to ramble on, and on, and on with the feeling he had the Upper hand...before his patronizing got the better of him. Making snide remarks was right down the steps to his basement Bunker.

IMO.....Nobody won, but the laughs were priceless.:laugh:

Maybe the only time we will agree in this lifetime. The debate was a debasement of the country and it's institutions. It was a serious waste of anyone's time. The VP debate will be interesting, but I'll not watch the next presidential debate. I have too many fun TV series to get through.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
09-30-2020, 08:23 AM
Wallace impartial? Might as well have been Anderson Cooper.

I agree. Wallace gave more leeway to Biden than he did Trump.
I do think Trump could have been a lot more civil in getting his points across.
I hope somebody did a lie count on Biden. I did my own and he lied repeatedly whenever he actually said anything of substance.
I feel sorry for anybody that thinks Biden team was not given the questions to be asked, beforehand.
I noted how often he was looking down reading his notes or whatever he was reading.
While Trump spoke from memory--not prepared notes.

When Pence and that POS Kamala go at it Pence will destroy her, imho.
So I guess the moderator has already been chosen that will in various ways protect her, like how they cheated to protect the Hildabeast. --Tyr

09-30-2020, 08:33 AM
Mr. Trump behaved like a poorly raised three year old. No one was surprised.

09-30-2020, 09:13 AM
I get the need to correct them. The need to not let them lie or ignore certain things, one sided events, softball questions.... So Trump has been the type to ensure he corrects them when necessary and not afraid to speak up. He has pointed out non-stop lies and omissions and cheating, asks the tough questions himself & ensures it's not a one sided event.

But if there was a point in the election that may have killed him, a point that had me believing he may now lose the election, last night was it.

That was the worst debate I've ever seen, the most out of control I've ever seen - and the worst display from Trump that I have seen.

He's never been a presidential person to begin with, but oh my. Non stop interruptions. Non stop insults. Just ignored pleas from Chris Wallace. Did as he pleased and dictated the debate downhill. Trying over and over and over to get Biden to stumble. But after the first 10 minutes of that he should have let up and let Biden speak on his own. But rather than let Biden speak and falter or speak and fumble, he interrupted and never even allowed a chance for an answer to develop, or for a forgetful moment to develop.

Biden wasn't that great at all, but his misery was ignored due to all the antics going one. He did lose his composure a few times but folks won't mind that type of response from him.

Trump performed well when he wasn't being an ass.

But Biden did very well compared to what I anticipated from him. Not much forgetting or stumbling at all. Was prepared with answers. Didn't look like he was going to fall asleep. And took advantage and pounced when Trump lost composure. Had a few whoppers in there though, but so did Trump.

All in all - went to Biden.

09-30-2020, 09:17 AM
Mr. Trump behaved like a poorly raised three year old. No one was surprised.

You popping in every now and a rare again, dropping barely a sentence trolling.... Well, no one here surprised.

Sometimes I have to wonder if liberals can write paragraphs and entire thoughts?

Black Diamond
09-30-2020, 11:24 AM
From a friend of mine :

If you’re dumb enough to believe that “Antifa is an idea, not an organization” then try typing Antifa(dot)com into your browser and see what pops up...

09-30-2020, 01:35 PM
You popping in every now and a rare again, dropping barely a sentence trolling.... Well, no one here surprised.

Sometimes I have to wonder if liberals can write paragraphs and entire thoughts?

I'm sure you do. It's what you've trained yourself to do. Why one would choose to write off another person's intelligence, honor and integrity because one disagrees with them politically is a mystery to me. However, there is nothing I can do about it, so I don't spend much time pondering it. To the point, no objective observer watching Mr Trump last night could have failed to compare him, unfavorably, to a three year old in the midst of a temper tantrum. Your characterizations aside, I'm no wildeyed, screaming, trustifarian who wants to take everyone's guns and make them eat tofu three times a day. I'm an old, retired reserve O-5/systems guy, living on SS and my investments, who wants to give his children and grandchildren a functioning democracy, the same as our parents gave us. I'm not sure that's possible with a man like Mr. Trump in power.

I will, however, endeavor to persevere. Have a great day.

09-30-2020, 03:16 PM
I made the mistake of thinking I would have a text file open and take notes from either guy as they spoke, for my memory and to revisit anything important after the fact.

It didn't take long before I was writing more about interrupting and fighting than I was any valid points. :(

1) SC justice

Trump - elections have consequences - dems would do the same - Amy Coney Barrett would be great --- quoted Ginsberg - he's elected for 4 years, not 3.
Biden - wait for people - getting rid affordable care act - how it would be harmful to women.... pre existing conditions taken way if so.... - wants to expand and increase obamacare - "i am democrat party" - 200k died on his watch

Biden says roe v wade on ballot - Trump says no


2) Healthcare

Trump not letting Chris take charge, ain't taking shit from him

Trump - debating Wallace he asks?

Biden - add public option - (Trump interrupting non-stop) Trump and Pocahontas - Biden says everyone knows he is a liar - Trump interrupting again - Biden calls him a clown - Trump trying to antagonize him right from the get go and get him sputtering!!!

Chris losing control already

Trump - condemning Obamacare again

Biden - Trump has no plan, hasn't lowered drug prices - has no plan, Trump doesn't know what he's talking about


3) Packing court? Ending filibuster?

Biden Go vote, won't answer (Trump asking) - Biden won't answer (Biden tells Trump to shut up!)



200k dead... years to be normal again.... <---Wallace - Why should American ppl trust you

Biden - 200k dead - 750-1k dead per day - you are who you are Trump, no plan, Trump knew, he panicked, Xi transparency according to Trump, get out of bunker, out of sand traps...

Trump - millions would have been dead if Biden in charge, China's fault, Biden wouldn't have closed for 2 months, vaccine going, less and less dying, good job done - fake news

Biden - HE shut down economy, talks of lost family without seeing them, may lose another 200k, doesn't trust Trump vaccine

Biden - same man who said gone by Easter, bleach shot in arm, Trump said sarcastic, "maybe" vaccine, but distribution not till next year, pray we even get "Trust scientist but not Trump" - Public health experts will be muzzled according to Harris

Trump - didn't go to Delaware state - finished lowest in class - nothing smart about you in 47 years - I had greatest economy, going up fast again

Biden - $$$ to business, schools (shushes Trump) republicans won't meet with senate

Trump - Biden wants to shut down - we learned about disease, learned a lot, but Biden wants to shut down, country will be hurt, shut till after election, it's political thing

Trump questions masks....

Trump - masks are OK - has mask, wears when needed - Biden biggest mask ever - Trump not fighting masks

Biden - masks make difference, wear masks, social distance save 100k lives


Wallace - Trump large events - Biden much smaller (no one will show according Trump)

Trump - people wanna hear what he has to say, not worried disease, outside, tremendous crowds, joe has 3 ppl

Biden - totally irresponsible, he's a fool


5) economy recovering from shutdown

Trump - v shape recovery - greatest economy, shut down, reopening, record business 10 mil back in force, Biden wants to shut down, causes issues, dems don't wanna open political election, should open states (dem), Biden will destroy,

Biden - K shape recovery - mill billion like him did well, market focused, others doing bad, he is 1st president to leave with fewer jobs from when started, front lines folks losing jobs, not caring for Americans, no intention to make virus stuff better, done nothing for small business

Trump - ppl want schools open, restaurants open, ppl want places open, I bought back football - big ten

Wallace - 2016-2017 750 in taxes total - will u tell us how much 2016 2017

Trump - i paid millions in income tax, paid millions said again, I was private developer, used privileges, tax credits, rambling no direct answer

Biden - tax code we made Trump takes advantage of - he's gonna eliminate it - Trump worst president ever

Trump - 47 years Biden and nothing

-Plans going forward, Biden focused big govt - proposes major taxes - Trump says hurt economy

Biden - my plan 7 million more than Trump in 4 years - trillion in growth... eliminate significant tax..

Trump - Moscow wife gave money to Hunter Biden -

Biden says not true - discredited

Biden - son did nothing wrong Burisma, been discredited, TRUMP KEEP INTERUPPTING again - "can't get word in with this clown"


Biden - decency, constitution, equity. he (Trump) walked away from it. Trump photo opportunities, dog whistles, racist division, blacks dead from coronavirus, this man savior? This man has done nothing.

Trump - interrupted again... Biden crime bill 1994, called them super predators, I let folks out of jail, you treat black community badly, no law enforcement support, all the places ran by Dems, Joe doesn't believe in law and order, won't say anything.

Wallace - Breonna Taylor

Biden - (police) yes, separate but unequal for blacks, law enforcement, education... most police good, but bad apples, need to be held accountable, we need more transparency, violence not appropriate, but peaceful protest is ok

Trump - gotta go back to core values, teaching bad things out there in schools

Biden - no one is doing that, he's racist (Trump), there is racial insensitivity, this guy looks down on people

Trump - division in Obama Biden admin

Wallace upset with non-stop interrupting

Honestly, while Biden is condemning Trump sharply, he doesn't seem to be too off guard and taken back without words, doing fairly well


--Reimagining police, support BLM?

Biden - I support the police, don't support defunding but Trump does, need psychologists out there...

Trump - name 1 LE group supporting you to Biden - none

--Wallace - violent cities - 100 days Portland, riots, VP Biden - as dem nominee, democrat party, have u called them in told them stop this and stop violence?

Biden - I don't hold office - it should be prosecuted - they can take care of it if Trump stays out of way -referring to national guard - Trump riling them up, won't deal with people and pours gasoline on issue every time

Trump - Wallace repeatedly interrupt complaint to Trump... will you condemn right wing bad groups to not add violence? - willing to do that - but see from left wing - wanna see peace - "proud boys stand back and stand by - but someone's got to do something about antifa

Biden - Antifa is an idea ????

Wallace - when president seeks 2nd term

Trump - record more than anyone - hoax, Hillary con job, no other admin did what I done, unity was coming, then virus - mentions fixing of VA, by end of 1st, 300 fed judges, 3 supreme court justices

Biden - under Trump, we are weaker, violent, poor - with me, we fixed economy, Trump is Putin's puppy

Hunter stories discredited - story about $3.5mil from Moscow mayor's wife appears legit. I have read more than enough and seen enough to understand Hunter Biden's dealings with Ukraine & China as well. All discredited my ass! He and the MSM have responded as such to all of it from the beginning, in the face of direct evidence and reports and witnesses.

SC Justices - bottom line is that the Republicans were able to stop a justice nomination in 2016 because they won elections and due to the ever changing majority and minority in the senate, they had the majority and used it to their advantage. Democrats claiming they would do otherwise is laughable and delusional. -- And now, with another nomination here, the senate majority still belongs to the Republicans. They are nominating and having a vote. Their words are hypocritical by many, but just as many as the Democrats now have changing views. So bottom line again is that things of such major importance, the party with the votes will use it to their advantage. --- in there was a lovely nugget by Biden claiming HE IS the Democrat party.

Packing the court - Biden AGAIN refuses to answer the question, leading me to believe he would. If he says he would, he would get backlash. If he says no, he may get held to that position down the road. He leaves it open ended and hopes for the best. :rolleyes:

Healthcare - Trump condemns Obamacare again, Biden says Trump has no plan and has not lowered drug prices.

Covid - Biden comments that he doesn't hold office, and uses it as an excuse to not speak up on certain things, or make claims of what to do. But only for subjects he doesn't want to address. He doesn't hold office, but has no issue talking of mandating masks to the country & other things about how Trump killed folks & how he would do it better. -- In reality, he was one of those telling people to get back out there, and Trump was wrong and xenophobic about shutting down travel from China early... but now claims he would have done so much better, Trump didn't act quick enough and other BS contrary to how he acted himself. - and like other Democrats, condemn Trump entirely for the country shutting down. In the same breath as saying he didn't do so fast enough. -- this is where Trump attacked on his claims of going to Delaware State when he didn't, and that he finished lowest in his class (in addition to plagiarizing). Told Joe tjhere wasn't anything smart about him in 47 years in office - and questioned several times "WHY didn't you do this or that while you were in office with the entire congress.

Wallace compared campaigning and events, and that Trump campaigned to many people in many states. Biden's response was only that Trump is a fool. Other than that, no comment really on his absence and why.

Biden took complete credit for him and Obama creating the great economy portion we saw in the past 4 years and that Trump killed it himself. That's when things went to comments about Hunter Biden and $3.5 million payment from the former mayor of Moscow's wife. Joe said it's been discredited, as was China and Ukraine stories, and that Hunter did nothing wrong at Burisma. Well, we all read the reports, and as they deny deny deny everything Russia, the truth came out over time.

Biden states he supports the police, does not support de-funding. That violence out there is wrong. He doesn't hold office though, so obviously isn't out there telling anyone what to do. Trump was asked if he would condemn right wing bad groups to not add violence - and he said yes, and he asked they stand back and stand by. He pointed out that someone has to do something about Antifa. -- Biden scoffs at the idea and claims Antifa is just an idea. Just an idea, not an organization. WTF? As to organization - hell, go to FB or Twitter and do a search. They have organized and named groups for cities around the nation and act exactly like an organization. These 'ideas' show up physically as groups, dressed to match. These 'ideas' are responsible for months and months of violence & many deaths. To say it's an idea is asinine.


Hunter Biden Took $3.5 Million From Ex-Moscow Mayor’s Wife

A new Senate report out Wednesday shows former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden accepted $3.5 million from the wife of a fired mayor of Moscow in 2014.

According to the joint report released by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee with the Senate Finance Committee, Rosemont Seneca, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina in 2014 while his father, Joe Biden, was vice president. The firm was also co-founded with former Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson Christopher Heinz, which received the money while Kerry was serving as the head of the State Department.

Baturina used to be married to Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov who was fired in 2010 by then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev over allegations of corruption benefiting Baturina’s enterprises.

“Luzhkov used his position as mayor to approve over 20 real estate projects that were built by a Baturina-owned construction company and ultimately generated multibillion-ruble profits for his family,” Senate investigators wrote.

Rest - https://thefederalist.com/2020/09/23/hunter-biden-took-3-5-million-from-ex-moscow-mayors-wife/

09-30-2020, 03:32 PM
I'm sure you do. It's what you've trained yourself to do. Why one would choose to write off another person's intelligence, honor and integrity because one disagrees with them politically is a mystery to me. However, there is nothing I can do about it, so I don't spend much time pondering it. To the point, no objective observer watching Mr Trump last night could have failed to compare him, unfavorably, to a three year old in the midst of a temper tantrum. Your characterizations aside, I'm no wildeyed, screaming, trustifarian who wants to take everyone's guns and make them eat tofu three times a day. I'm an old, retired reserve O-5/systems guy, living on SS and my investments, who wants to give his children and grandchildren a functioning democracy, the same as our parents gave us. I'm not sure that's possible with a man like Mr. Trump in power.

I will, however, endeavor to persevere. Have a great day.

Gotta love it when you point trolls out and their one liner behavior, and they come back to defend themselves with an entire paragraph! Imagine that!

Regardless if one thinks he acted like a child, or if another agrees with you. Seems the majority here also think Trump lost and fucked up in how he acted, how he cut him off.... and my reply to you is because you like to toss out insults towards a member occasionally and other times insulting the subject of the post or story. But to say the content of your posts is lacking would be appropriate. One liners of some form of insult to someone. Doesn't really offer much in the lines of debating a subject and/or discussing a subject.

In other words, simply trying to get you to engage and post normally - or simply point out that you're not. As for what words you post, don't care much, but confident it will all be humorous. :coffee:

Black Diamond
09-30-2020, 03:59 PM
What gives us hope are the fact there are people who feel the following way:


09-30-2020, 04:01 PM
Obviously not the only one paying attention, only it matters not apparently to democrats or the MSM.

Nunes: ‘Amazing’ Biden Didn’t Answer Question on Hunter Taking $3.5 Million from Russian Oligarch

Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Wednesday’s “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business Network questioned why Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden refused to answer a question at the first presidential debate about his son Hunter’s business dealings overseas.

Nunes said it is “amazing” Biden has not been pushed to answer why he is attacking President Donald Trump and Republicans for “nefarious” dealings with Russia but will not answer why his son took $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch.

“You had Biden still last night accusing Trump of having something to do with Russia, and meanwhile, no one in the mainstream media, including last night, pushed for Biden to answer the question,” Nunes lamented. You’ve been attacking Trump and Republicans for having something to do nefarious with Russia for four years now, and he won’t answer why his son took $3.5 million from a well-known Russian oligarch with ties to Putin. It’s simply amazing that he was not pushed to answer that question.”

Nunes went on to emphasize that Trump was the one to bring up Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

“Once again … Donald Trump had to bring this up last night directly to Joe Biden because no one’s asking Biden the questions of what’s his involvement,” he added.


FNC’s Pirro: Biden Kept Saying Hunter Stories ‘Discredited, Debunked’ — I Kept Waiting, By Whom Is It Debunked?

Tuesday following the presidential debate, Fox News Channel’s Jeanine Pirro called into question Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s claim allegations leveled at his son Hunter Biden had been “discredited” and “debunked.”

Pirro said she the former Vice President never backed up that statement.

“He kept saying it’s ‘discredited, debunked,'” Pirro said. “By whom? I kept waiting, by whom is it debunked? We know it is the bank records, we know people confirmed — he just said it’s a lie and we are supposed to accept that. Joe Biden cannot come up and look as we conceded, as timid as he did and think that he can run this country, and you know what, sean? I want to see Joe Biden out there tomorrow fighting. I don’t want to hear that he’s been in his house relaxing tomorrow because this has taken such a toll on him.”


09-30-2020, 04:50 PM
Obviously not the only one paying attention, only it matters not apparently to democrats or the MSM.

Nunes: ‘Amazing’ Biden Didn’t Answer Question on Hunter Taking $3.5 Million from Russian Oligarch

Representative Devin Nunes (R-CA) on Wednesday’s “Mornings with Maria” on Fox Business Network questioned why Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden refused to answer a question at the first presidential debate about his son Hunter’s business dealings overseas.

Nunes said it is “amazing” Biden has not been pushed to answer why he is attacking President Donald Trump and Republicans for “nefarious” dealings with Russia but will not answer why his son took $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch.

“You had Biden still last night accusing Trump of having something to do with Russia, and meanwhile, no one in the mainstream media, including last night, pushed for Biden to answer the question,” Nunes lamented. You’ve been attacking Trump and Republicans for having something to do nefarious with Russia for four years now, and he won’t answer why his son took $3.5 million from a well-known Russian oligarch with ties to Putin. It’s simply amazing that he was not pushed to answer that question.”

Nunes went on to emphasize that Trump was the one to bring up Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

“Once again … Donald Trump had to bring this up last night directly to Joe Biden because no one’s asking Biden the questions of what’s his involvement,” he added.


FNC’s Pirro: Biden Kept Saying Hunter Stories ‘Discredited, Debunked’ — I Kept Waiting, By Whom Is It Debunked?

Tuesday following the presidential debate, Fox News Channel’s Jeanine Pirro called into question Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s claim allegations leveled at his son Hunter Biden had been “discredited” and “debunked.”

Pirro said she the former Vice President never backed up that statement.

“He kept saying it’s ‘discredited, debunked,'” Pirro said. “By whom? I kept waiting, by whom is it debunked? We know it is the bank records, we know people confirmed — he just said it’s a lie and we are supposed to accept that. Joe Biden cannot come up and look as we conceded, as timid as he did and think that he can run this country, and you know what, sean? I want to see Joe Biden out there tomorrow fighting. I don’t want to hear that he’s been in his house relaxing tomorrow because this has taken such a toll on him.”


Because liberals believe if you say it enough times it becomes the truth. It's a game of the last thing said makes it a fact.

09-30-2020, 04:54 PM
In the debate:

TRUMP: “You agreed with Bernie Sanders to the manifesto and now you’re disavowing it.”

BIDEN: “There is no manifesto.”

Here are 110 pages of their intentions & motives.... Biden's own page and he has his own name on it as well - along with Sanders and cuckoo extraordinaire, Cortez. All over the green crap & yet he said he doesn't support that now either. Hmmmm.....


09-30-2020, 04:59 PM
In the debate:

TRUMP: “You agreed with Bernie Sanders to the manifesto and now you’re disavowing it.”

BIDEN: “There is no manifesto.”

Here are 110 pages of their intentions & motives.... Biden's own page and he has his own name on it as well - along with Sanders and cuckoo extraordinaire, Cortez. All over the green crap & yet he said he doesn't support that now either. Hmmmm.....

Wallace pointed out that the info for the question came from Biden's page but Biden categorically denied it was Green New Deal. In his mind if one item varies from AOC's plan then its not the GND.

However, Trump wouldn't shut up long enough for Biden to hang himself.

09-30-2020, 05:01 PM
Now the debate commission wants to beef up the rules. Maybe shock collars for interruptions? :poke:

Black Diamond
09-30-2020, 05:10 PM
Now the debate commission wants to beef up the rules. Maybe shock collars for interruptions? :poke:

Biden is so shot he wouldn't feel the shock.

09-30-2020, 05:21 PM
Yup, Biden says one thing, and his website itself promoting him and Harris says another thing:

Biden believes the Green New Deal is a crucial framework for meeting the climate challenges we face.


And I doubt he deletes it, as I think he's just lying that he wouldn't support it. But just in case.


09-30-2020, 05:40 PM
If he had great nominations, they would be all over it. But he didn't, and they know it's not a good look, so they ignore it.


TV Journalists Hide Biden's Court-Packing Fumble From Voters

Former Vice President Joe Biden refused to say during last night’s debate whether he would pack the Supreme Court with additional Justices if elected — a radical move which legal scholars on both sides of the aisle have warned would be catastrophic for the Court’s perceived legitimacy. Yet liberal news networks barely discussed Biden’s refusal to answer the question, and in fact the majority of them have not devoted even a second of airtime to the story.

The MRC examined all major liberal broadcast (ABC, CBS, and NBC) and cable (CNN and MSNBC) networks’ post-debate analysis from 10:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday night through 9:00 a.m. ET Wednesday morning.

On both ABC and NBC, not a single journalist mentioned that Biden would not say whether he supported packing the Supreme Court. CBS political analyst John Dickerson was the sole broadcast journalist to mention the story, which he did for a mere 26 seconds on Tuesday night, and an additional 9 seconds on Wednesday morning. MSNBC also failed to bring up the topic. Meanwhile, CNN’s coverage amounted to a meager 85 seconds on debate night, and just 14 more seconds the following morning.

That coverage on CNN primarily consisted of analysts dismissing the issue. On Tuesday night, CNN White House correspondent Abby Phillip insisted that Biden was just posturing, and that only fringe Democrats would actually consider packing the court:

This is sort of like the Medicare-for-all of the general election, which is that there’s an idea being talked about on the left of their party, and they want to stay in the middle.
I also think we should be very clear here: the idea of packing the courts is not some widely-held Democratic idea. There are people talking about it, many of them on the internet, but when you really look at how Democrats feel about this issue, this is not something that a majority of Democrats want.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/bill-dagostino/2020/09/30/tv-journalists-hide-bidens-court-packing-fumble-voters

Abbey Marie
09-30-2020, 06:22 PM
Now the debate commission wants to beef up the rules. Maybe shock collars for interruptions? :poke:

You’re too kind. I told Russ last night, they need electrodes on their testicles.

09-30-2020, 06:28 PM
Mr. Trump behaved like a poorly raised three year old. No one was surprised.
Yes, who was having a tussle with another poorly raised 3 year old. Both were equally childish and boorish.

09-30-2020, 07:18 PM
Wallace impartial? Might as well have been Anderson Cooper.

I've never been too sure of Wallace, I've seen him pull Pearl Harbors on people both left and right. I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton would still love to shoot him.

I didn't see Wallace do anything but try to keep some kind of order - did I miss something? I thought he was impartial last night.

09-30-2020, 07:27 PM
You’re too kind. I told Russ last night, they need electrodes on their testicles.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/g9sBDBosu0On7gJYyh_e7GekAWKEkCAA_MtvIsgXgSfsx_Cx6y 90cHvb5hVV_x6eTkwDfRflJis4-L-JfFy-lghiIaImo_XWhnHNuBFHVL_wJTJYJSxuWLeKj0U7ehUdCPEKaz 2ABZI0t4B-V4hKVqsx0Lt53U18_RKck29Q7c2wn-91GMpsXpLyIp8LxjwqQA


09-30-2020, 08:01 PM
You’re too kind. I told Russ last night, they need electrodes on their testicles.

How about both. Shock collars for first 3 interruptions and testicle shocker thereafter. And a trap door maybe ... into a dunk tank. That would be a nice timeout.

Abbey Marie
09-30-2020, 10:17 PM
How about both. Shock collars for first 3 interruptions and testicle shocker thereafter. And a trap door maybe ... into a dunk tank. That would be a nice timeout.


The ratings would be historic!