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View Full Version : The job of congress doesn't halt because Trump has covid

10-03-2020, 10:08 AM
But that's what Schumer will have you believe and now wants to once again try to delay the hearings.

I see ZERO reason for that to happen. Trump has made his nomination. The rest is the job of congress, and their jobs and responsibilities continue - and especially the most important responsibilities. And even at worst case scenario, anyone that is quarantined or even suspect should be able to attend via video. And precedent is set already for nominations via video this year.


Here We Go… Chuck Schumer Calls for Postponing Amy Coney Barrett’s Senate Hearings Because of Coronavirus — Updated

President Trump and Melania Trump announced last night they had tested positive for the China coronavirus.

On Friday morning GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, Senator Thom Tillis and Senator Mike Lee also announced they had tested positive for coronavirus.

On Friday night President Trump took Marine One to Walter Reed Medical Center for the weekend.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer wasted no time using the coronavirus news to urge the Republican majority to postpone the hearings for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. The Judiciary hearing is expected to start on October 12th.


UPDATE: This is a ridiculous delay tactic as Mike Davis reported.

There have been six nomination hearings since May of this year — during the coronavirus.

