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View Full Version : Left-Wingers Who Didn’t Go Below the Belt on Trump Getting COVID-19

10-03-2020, 10:20 AM
Maddow, Milano and Perlman especially.

Only fair that I post about their positive tweets after posting so much about them in the past and their own words. I'll give them credit now and hope they mean it and not just keeping appearances.


Left-Wingers Who Didn’t Go Below the Belt on Trump Getting COVID-19

It was announced early Friday that President Trump and his wife had both tested positive for COVID-19, and while there’s been much mockery and insults directed at Trump, a few celebrities posted content that lacked their usual acidity.

Alyssa Milano tweeted, “As someone who has had #COVID19 and still suffers from post-covid syndrome, I can honestly say with all that I am that I wouldn’t wish this virus on my worst enemy. Please wear a mask.”

Television host Rachel Maddow tweeted similar sentiments. “God bless the president and the first lady. If you pray, please pray for their speedy and complete recovery — and for everyone infected, everywhere. This virus is horrific and merciless — no one would wish its wrath on anyone. We must get its spread under control. Enough.”

Joe Biden also expressed his condolences to Trump and his wife. “Jill and I send our thoughts to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for the health and safety of the president and his family.”

Actor Ron Perlman, a prolific tweeter of anti-Trump material who claimed that the president represented America’s ugly history, was uncharacteristically gentle. He briefly tweeted, “Thoughts & Prayers.”


Actress Patricia Arquette, another busy Trump hater on Twitter, tweeted, “As many problems as I have with Trump I hope he didn’t catch Covid.” She later tweeted, “They will have access to every medical support and intervention imaginable. I just hope I don’t have to hear later ‘it’s just a bad flu’.”


Actor Misha Collins tweeted, “I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Sorry for you, Mr. Trump.”

So apparently, not every left-wing celebrity on twitter will mock a person’s misfortune.


Black Diamond
10-03-2020, 11:26 AM
Clay surprises me the most.

Black Diamond
10-03-2020, 11:54 AM
It will be funny when trump wins in spite of this virus. I might just have to go back to those Twitter twats who were celebrating Donald's diagnosis and hoping he dies come inauguration day.

Black Diamond
10-03-2020, 11:56 AM

Black Diamond
10-03-2020, 01:21 PM

10-06-2020, 11:06 AM
It will be funny when trump wins in spite of this virus. I might just have to go back to those Twitter twats who were celebrating Donald's diagnosis and hoping he dies come inauguration day.

I certainly hope the president recovers fully and is in good health by January 20th.

I'd hate to miss out on him being handcuffed and escorted off the reviewing stand right after Sleepy Joe is sworn in.

10-06-2020, 08:56 PM
Alysa Milano suffers from "post COVID syndrome" :smoke:


10-06-2020, 09:16 PM
Alysa Milano suffers from "post COVID syndrome" :smoke:


"Gunny...I see you"
