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View Full Version : Biden Lied: Treasury Dept Confirms Hunter Biden Received $3.5 Million Wire Transfer..

10-05-2020, 03:58 PM
Hunter received a substantial single wire transfer, $3.5 million, from Russian billionaire Elena Baturina who is suspected by the U.S. of corruption and Joe Biden was vice president at the time of the transfer.
The Treasury Department confirmed the findings from a Senate Republican-led investigation over Hunter’s role with Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings.

10-06-2020, 10:41 AM
I certainly won't vote Hunter Biden for president.

10-06-2020, 02:55 PM
I certainly won't vote Hunter Biden for president.

Nor anyone that worked closely with him for years, and helped fly him around the world on the taxpayer dime, leading to corruption in Ukraine & China thanks to Joe - and appears the only folks involved with Russia were Hunter Biden & the FBI helping delete information about Russia. No need to go into detail about the person listed as a national security risk being used by them & democrats. Guess he's not so risky when it's time to try and steal an election or steal it afterwards & still end up with zero on Trump.

Now, if we can only get our hands on the proof that Adam Schiff has in his possession about Trump working with Russia! Shit must be SO secret that it couldn't even be used in the impeachment!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-06-2020, 03:02 PM
I certainly won't vote Hunter Biden for president.

Stated as you try to pretend that daddy Joe was not in on it and just flew the boy around out of sheer ignorance and love for crooked son..
You people certainly take the cake with hypocrisy and pretend blindness, eh??
To the point it is downright sickening to decent people to have to see and endure the lies told and sheer arrogance on display..-Tyr

10-06-2020, 05:25 PM
I certainly won't vote Hunter Biden for president.

And, why would you vote for his dad? Do you want Hunter to continue with using his dad for personal greed?

10-06-2020, 06:40 PM
A Vote for Biden is a vote to put your children and grandchildren in poverty.

This is how it will be, two sets of rules, one for us and one for people like Biden, Obama, and Harris. They get the cash, they live in exclusive neighborhoods , they act with impunity because they write the laws.

The rest of us will see our savings taxed away, our neighborhoods riddled with crime, and our children’s futures replaced with destitution and despair.

Do you think they care? No, they don’t... as long as they get to Socialism, nothing else matters.