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View Full Version : Donald Trump Returns to the White House: Don’t Let Coronavirus Dominate You

10-06-2020, 07:10 AM
So Trump returns wearing a mask, folks appear to be standing back at a distance & he doesn't take his mask off until up on the balcony appearing out the front. And yet the media freaks that he took his mask off so so quickly. :rolleyes:

I honestly didn't think he'd be back so quickly. Whether he is well enough to debate or continue campaigning or not will be left to see.


Donald Trump Returns to the White House: Don’t Let Coronavirus Dominate You


President Donald Trump urged Americans to stop being afraid of the coronavirus after he returned to the White House from receiving treatment for the virus.

“I learned so much about coronavirus and one thing that’s for certain: don’t let it dominate you, don’t be afraid of it,” Trump said. “You’re going to beat it.”

The president filmed and released a new video on Monday as soon as he returned to the White House after receiving treatment at Walter Reed Military Hospital for the coronavirus.

The video appeared to be filmed on the South Portico of the White House after the president removed his mask.

The president noted that the United State had the best therapeutics and medicines to treat the virus, and thanked the staff and doctors at Walter Reed Military hospital for their excellent care.

He admitted that he “didn’t feel so good” until he went to the hospital on Friday, and now felt “great.”

“Don’t let it dominate. Don’t let it take over your lives, don’t let that happen,” Trump said. “We have the greatest country in the world.”

He indicated that he had no regrets about traveling around the country and meeting people in person, putting himself at risk and ultimately contracting the virus.

“I stood out front. I led. Nobody that’s a leader would not do what I did,” he said. “I know there’s a risk. There’s a danger, but that’s ok, and now I’m better. And maybe I’m immune. I don’t know.”

“Don’t let it dominate your lives. Get out there, be careful, we have the best medicines in the world … and the vaccines are coming momentarily,” Trump concluded.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/05/donald-trump-returns-to-the-white-house-dont-let-coronavirus-dominate-you/

10-06-2020, 07:12 AM
He also made another video and a few say he is struggling to breath, and I just don't see it. Sometimes folks take a breath when speaking, air is important! :laugh:

10-06-2020, 07:29 AM
WTF? Are they actually upset that Trump is getting better already? So only dictators and such seem to get better quicker or go back to work or film it? Dunno, not what I think of when coming to dictators. :dunno:


Stelter: Trump Hospital Departure Not a Real Show of Strength, But a Performative Show of Strength — ‘What Strongmen Do’

Monday, upon President Donald Trump’s departure from Walter Reed Hospital, CNN’s Brian Stelter proclaimed Trump’s departure, which was caught on camera live, to be “performative” and called it the product of something you might see in an “autocratic regime.”

“It’s not a real show of strength but its a performative show of strength,” Stelter said. “This is what strongmen do in autocratic regimes. Of course, thankfully, we are in a democracy. This is the kind of thing you see from strongmen who want to appear to be leading. It’s a ‘dear leader’ sort of approach. And I think that is what we are seeing on our television screen. Meanwhile, there are big questions about the cover-up. You know, why won’t they tell us about his testing history, when he was tested? We’ve moved from this possibly being a cover-up to actually being a cover-up. And whether the President is at Walter Reed or back at the White House, reporters are going to keep demanding answers to those questions.”


10-06-2020, 07:32 AM
Coming from the guy who made a huge deal and filmed himself coming out of his basement after 2 weeks - even though he was filmed out in public a week before. :rolleyes:

Truly sounds like they are mad he didn't die is what it sounds like and upset he's back partly already.


CNN’s Cuomo: Trump’s Coronavirus Spin a ‘Bunch of Bullsh*t’

CNN’s Chris Cuomo said President Donald Trump’s return to the White House was staged as a “scene” for a campaign ad on Monday’s broadcast of his show.

Cuomo said, “There he is hair blown majestically, reshooting the scene for his own ad. ‘I hold rallies, and I tell you to ignore masks, and I rip mine off as I vanquish the virus, for I am a leader. Fear not, COVID!’ What a bunch of bullshit!”

He continued, “If you want to know the reality, the truth, OK, the virus is the truth. The virus doesn’t care about left and right. The virus does what’s reasonable. You give me a chance I will spread. You keep away from me. You don’t give me a chance. I run out of hosts. I die. I’m the truth. If you are doing the right thing, you don’t see me that much. If you are doing the wrong thing, you do. The White House is literally what we fear the most, a rash of contagion called a cluster.”

He added, “You want a metaphor, you have a president who is a drunk driver who is pushing others to drive drunk. That’s what he is. Do I want to see a drunk driver get hurt? Hell no. But I worry more about the people he hits. I love seeing him do that victory lap in the limo, thank God, you know why? I knew that meant he to be OK, not the people in there with him PPE up to their nose. Now they have to quarantine. He doesn’t give a damn. And now, I do not have to feign any extra measure of compassion. He returned to a cluster and took his mask off. That is, covidiocy, he is a cov-idiot. You are disrespecting the president? No. He disrespected the presidency. All that is left is the residue of outrage. That’s the only emotion I have.”

He concluded, “He didn’t beat the virus. He is not better than anybody who didn’t beat the virus or takes time. He is not stronger than I am. He got every advantage. He has use of all the things he denies the rest of us. He is supposed to get tested every day with the test that you can turn around quickly and know what’s going on. Did he do them? Did he even use what’s at his disposal that the rest of us are desperate for? That our kids need in our classes that he does not discuss? No.”


10-06-2020, 09:22 AM
All examples of unhinged reactions of dems. Add in death wishes and there are the reasons that have driven my vote.

There seems no bottom to hate or deception on either side. I guess this truly is my defeated vote for least bad for whatever comes next.