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10-07-2020, 11:31 AM
The first craziness was hilarious. A video of a woman whining to a couple of guys sitting all by themselves enjoying their food. She was scolding them for not wearing their masks. The guy wanted to know how she expected him to wear a mask when he's eating? :laugh: Then the kicker, the guy she is with, I think her husband, sitting back at her table ignoring her, was sitting there eating without his mask!!

So I'm thinking that maybe this liberal idiot Newsom saw this video as well, or maybe similar. Either way, yet another stupid rule by yet another idiot....

I present you with Gavin Newsom.

And taking your mask off in public - SHOULD be taken off in a certain way, and then folded and discarded so as not to touch it. Then wash entirely. Then when out again you wear another. So basically you SHOULD, if done correctly and don't want to defeat the purpose of wearing a mask to begin with - take the mask off between bites, bite your food, then wash hands and replace the mask.


Restaurant-Goers In California Told To Wear Mask ‘In Between Bites’ By Governor’s Office

California Governor Gavin Newsom’s office sent out a tweet urging restaurant goers in the state to wear a face mask “in between bites.”

“Going out to eat with members of your household this weekend?” the post read from Newsom’s office. The comments were noted by Fox News in a piece published Tuesday.

“Don’t forget to keep your mask on in between bites,” the tweet added. “Do your part to keep those around you healthy. #SlowtheSpread.http://covid19.ca.gov.”


The tweet included three pictures to help get the point across. One showed a person sitting down looking at a menu while wearing a mask. The second showed the person eating food without a mask on. And in the final bubble a person has the mask on again while putting a napkin on their lap.

Rest - https://dailycaller.com/2020/10/06/restaurant-goers-ca-wear-mask-between-bites-governors-office-gavin-newsom/

Abbey Marie
10-09-2020, 08:36 AM
I get that people are scared, but if you’re that scared you need to stay out of restaurants.
I haven’t yet been scolded in a restaurant, but I was for going the wrong way down an aisle in the grocery store.

10-09-2020, 09:23 AM
I get that people are scared, but if you’re that scared you need to stay out of restaurants.
I haven’t yet been scolded in a restaurant, but I was for going the wrong way down an aisle in the grocery store.

Yup, and nothing wrong with those not wanting to yet, or other things. But if others are doing the right thing, and they are comfy in doing so - then stay away from them and STFU if you don't like it. Hell, if someone wants to cut a round hole on their mask around the nose and mouth to breath better as that one woman did, so be it, I couldn't care less. :dunno:

Now if someone said that to me in a grocery story - knowing that the person coughing or sneezing in the aisle over can easily travel 2 aisles over - then it would be another STFU moment for me. :)

I said one thing to one person since this started - and I was at Micro Center shopping for computer stuff and was in line, and the guy in front of me, with a buddy and his kid, had his mask around his neck. Then kept turning sideways to talk so I could see him. I finally, and politely, asked him if he minded pulling up his mask, at least until he was away from me. He did so but didn't seem to be too happy with me. He too can STFU. :)

10-10-2020, 04:02 PM



:laugh:..."I hope no one see`s me and complains"

10-10-2020, 07:53 PM
May sound kind of silly, and unreasonable but....

IF....and I do mean IF.....Everybody would just start MINDING their own BUSINESS, and stop pointing accusing fingers at EVERYONE else when they are insulted, offended, angered, tee'd off, or just plain Being a STUPID BUSY BODY.....

Minding their own business puts all of this STUPID BULLSHEET to rest.

We have become an ignorant country filled with WHINING, OFFENDED, SELFISH and HATE FILLED idiots.

Anyone who can honestly say otherwise. YOU MAY BE THE PROBLEM!!!