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10-07-2020, 04:56 PM

Hollywood Celebrities Mock Stephen Miller After Positive COVID Test: ‘Deadly Virus Has Infected a Worse Deadly Virus’

Left-wing Hollywood celebrities are engaging in collective schadenfreude following White House adviser Stephen Miller’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis, calling him a “Nazi” and a “dead eyed soulless creature.”

Stephen Miller confirmed Tuesday that he tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus. “Over the last 5 days I have been working remotely and self-isolating, testing negative every day through yesterday. Today, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am in quarantine,” Miller said in a statement.

The announcement prompted a deluge of mockery and derision from Hollywood elites, who used the occasion to attack Miller’s work in the White House and to hurl personal insults.

The West Wing star Bradley Whitford attacked Miller for his work on the president’s immigration policies, falsely claiming that Miller put kids in “cages” — which are really chain-linked enclosures. As Breitbart News previously reported, the policy of separating kids from adults at the border was created by the Obama-Biden administration.


Scrubs star Zach Braff called Miller a “Nazi,” omitting the fact that Miller is Jewish.











And more...

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2020/10/07/celebs-mock-stephen-miller-positive-covid-test-deadly-virus-has-infected-a-worse-deadly-virus/

Charles Hurt — Leftist Hatred Hits Its Apex: Trump-Haters Wishing POTUS Dead

One good thing about any serious crisis is how clearly it reveals people’s true selves.

Watching the hate-filled vermin squeal and squirm in their toxic juices over President Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis has been an astonishing thing to watch.

There were actually people out there publicly hoping that the president and first lady would die. Others, such as The Washington Post, rushed to bury the man while he was still alive. Imagine, The Post opined wistfully, “what it will be like never to think about Trump again.”

They actually wrote that.


And people wonder why our politics seem so utterly broken today.

Normally, such vermin and their hateful tantrums are not worth noting nor recording. But in this case, it is important to remember them. For long after this crisis has passed and Mr. Trump is back to tormenting his enemies, the sick rodents who infest our politics will still be the same sick rodents they were in that hot moment.

Also, they should pay a grievous political price for their treachery.

Yes, they despise Mr. Trump and wish him dead and gone. Yes, they are willing to torch the Constitution to stop him. Yes, they are perfectly fine undoing the 2016 election if it erases his presidency.

But it is not just Mr. Trump and his beautiful immigrant wife they despise. They despise all Americans. All people, really.

Anyone, that is, who stands between them and the unchecked government power they so blindly crave.

Take, for example, their current assault on the president. He was “stupid” and “reckless” for contracting the Wuhan Plague because he does not wear a mask everywhere he goes.

Is that so? Really?

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/health/2020/10/07/charles-hurt-leftist-hatred-hits-its-apex-trump-haters-wishing-potus-dead/