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View Full Version : Biden calls on Muslims

10-08-2020, 12:57 PM
Biden still accuses the president of a "muslim ban" - which doesn't exist and never did. He did create a travel ban from certain countries, war torn and terrorist countries. It simply "barred tourism and immigration from seven countries previously identified by the Obama-Biden administration as being particularly vulnerable to terrorism, partly because their internal record-keeping was substandard."

But the democrats have been lying about what Trump specifically states since prior to him even being elected. Just make up a ton of shit and pray for adhesion. :rolleyes:

But not only does he lie - he is speaking directly to muslims and apparently calling for 'jihad' from them. A fight against the enemies, and in this case the enemy being the president of the USA and more.

And never covered, as this wasn't the most recent.

Click link to watch 30 second clip, and a tad more in the videos beneath.


Former Obama VP Joe Biden in a Recent Ad Disparages Police – Then Calls on Muslim Voters to Wage Jihad

Most Americans didn’t realize it or see it but Democrat Joe Biden in a recent ad called for Jihad for Muslim voters.

The former Obama Vice President called for Muslim voters to wage Jihad while attacking the police.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/exclusive-former-obama-vp-joe-biden-recent-ad-disparages-police-calls-muslim-voters-wage-jihad/



10-11-2020, 10:37 PM