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10-08-2020, 07:11 PM
Planned ignorance:


Teaching history not permitted: St. John’s bulldozes academic freedom, punishes professor for posing question about ‘Columbian Exchange’

October 8, 2020
NEW YORK, Oct. 8, 2020 — “Do the positives outweigh the negatives?”

It’s a standard question asked of history students about a range of topics to encourage critical thinking. But when St. John’s University adjunct professor Richard Taylor posed this question to students during a class about the “Columbian Exchange” — the process of globalization that began in the 15th century — he was accused of racism, removed from his classroom, investigated, and found guilty of “Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment.” All without seeing the evidence against him, and without any opportunity to appeal.

Today, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education wrote to St. John’s, demanding it immediately rescind the investigation of Taylor, drop the bogus charges, and cease any further action in violation of his academic freedom rights.

“Academic freedom presupposes the freedom to ask the uncomfortable questions,” said Adam Goldstein, the author of FIRE’s letter. “History, as a discipline, is particularly concerned with complicating facile narratives and uncovering uncomfortable truths. Humans and their institutions are twisted and complicated, and academics have a duty to complicate our understanding of both. But at St. John’s, it appears some inquiries are forbidden.”


On Sept. 7, Taylor taught the Columbian Exchange to his “Emergence of a Global Society” class. As it has in earlier years, Taylor’s instruction focused on early global trade, including trade in silver and potatoes. As part of the class, he also covered the more pernicious aspects of early trade, such as slavery, the abuse of indigenous populations, and the spreading of disease. On his final slide was a discussion prompt: “Do the positives outweigh the negatives?” A lively discussion ensued. One student said slavery could never be justified. According to Taylor, he clarified that no one is justifying slavery and asked students to consider global trade as a whole, including lives lost to disease and lives saved from famine.

Three days later, the Instagram account “sjuradicals” posted slides stating that Taylor “forced students to formulate a pros and cons list concerning the topic of slavery” and alleged he “poses a dangerous threat to the education of our student body.” The final item urged readers to direct a form letter to the university in order to “bring meaningful justice to this heinous crime committed by Professor Taylor.” The post also mentions Taylor’s service in the Marine Corps and the New York Police Department. Later that day, history department chair Nerina Rustomji informed Taylor by phone that he was removed from teaching.

On Sept. 15, Taylor met with Director of Equal Opportunity and Compliance Keaton Wong, who informed Taylor there were over 300 complaints of misconduct against him. Taylor found this surprising, as there were only 30 students in the class where the alleged misconduct occurred. Wong informed Taylor that St. John’s intended to treat each of the identical sjuradicals form letters as a stand-alone complaint, and that St. John’s could find him in violation of campus policy without identifying which portion of the policy he violated or what specific conduct violated the policy.

On Oct. 5, Wong informed Taylor that he violated the “University’s Policy against Bias, Discrimination, and Harassment” by teaching his class and noted that “the investigation’s finding is final and non-appealable.” Wong’s letter did not identify which part of the over 2,300-word policy Taylor allegedly violated, and Wong refused to provide him with the evidence used to support the finding.

There was also a conflict of interest: Amidst Taylor’s investigation, Wong was also targeted by sjuradicals, who called for her firing based on their perception that she had not done enough to punish employees in the past.

“The school’s refusal to provide evidence or identify specific policy violations make the university’s actions particularly sinister,” said Goldstein. “St. John’s might want to ask a history professor about other authority systems that would punish you based on vague wrongdoing with no evidence.”

Taylor is set to meet with Interim Dean Gina M. Florio tomorrow to discuss “next steps.”

“St. John’s University is wrong for removing me from teaching,” said Taylor. “By asking students to think about history on both a macro level and a micro level, the idea is that they will look at history from a long-term perspective. The exercise was one in which there is no correct answer, only what the student feels. What I would like to happen is that I am allowed to continue to teach at St. John’s University and given my classes back immediately. How are young adults expected to become critical thinkers if we do not push them to think critically at the college level?”

While St. John’s is a private institution not bound by the First Amendment, it repeatedly promises to protect free expression and academic freedom in its policies, and states that “St. John’s University believes that there is no compromise whatsoever between Catholic identity and freedom of inquiry.”

“Under any basic conception of academic freedom, the choice of whether and how to confront controversial material in a pedagogically-relevant context is left to faculty members, not administrators,” wrote Goldstein in FIRE’s letter. “St. John’s promises this right to its faculty and must not violate those promises. Doing so casts an unacceptable chill over faculty rights and exposes the university to considerable legal liability.”

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to defending and sustaining the individual rights of students and faculty members at America’s colleges and universities. These rights include freedom of speech, freedom of association, due process, legal equality, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience — the essential qualities of liberty.


Daniel Burnett, Director of Communications, FIRE: 215-717-3473; media@thefire.org

Simon Geir Mřller, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, St. John’s University: mollers@stjohns.edu


10-09-2020, 08:07 AM
Kath, I'd love for you to enter a Baltimore city school and teach a class on the pros and cons of slavery. Would love to see it. Our history has been taught through a white lens. It's time to tell the real story of colored american history, not just blacks but native americans too. Starting with Monday being indigenous peoples day.

10-09-2020, 09:11 AM
Planned ignorance:


American history in 2050 compared to American history in 1986 when I was in high school - the stories and "facts" of our history will be totally different somehow and magically. :rolleyes: :dunno:

10-09-2020, 09:42 AM
American history in 2050 compared to American history in 1986 when I was in high school - the stories and "facts" of our history will be totally different somehow and magically. :rolleyes: :dunno:

The facts will be the same; the ones chosen to be be emphasized will be different. Same as it ever was.
I was in high school in 1969 and there were probably differences between '69 and '86.
They used to teach us to think for ourselves, which to me is way more important than whatever facts I regurgitated for grades.
I think these students are foolish and shortsighted and the professor should be reinstated.

10-09-2020, 09:58 AM
The facts will be the same; the ones chosen to be be emphasized will be different. Same as it ever was.
I was in high school in 1969 and there were probably differences between '69 and '86.
They used to teach us to think for ourselves, which to me is way more important than whatever facts I regurgitated for grades.
I think these students are foolish and shortsighted and the professor should be reinstated.

If the underlying truth were the same and it was a more think for yourself attitude, I wouldn't mind that too much. What I mind is if one side of politics is pushed over another. Whether that be someone being scolded about Trump or about Obama, Reagan or Bill Clinton. I just want to see the 100% truth being told and not someone's jaded version. And we read WAY too many stories of this happening. I want NO side taking, as history should never be taught with ANY type of lens between the truth and the student. Just pure facts to be taught, and then if kids are thinking for themselves, writing reports or whatever, that is their opinion only and shouldn't be altered so long as facts are used. --- 'Name someone you admire and why' - doesn't matter if someone chooses Trump or Clinton - the teacher shouldn't be unloading on a student at that point and condemning their opinion based on their own jaded views.

In this case it was an exercise in thinking for themselves. Now, whether or not they can make that connection that the good outweighed the bad is to be seen. So long as the teacher doesn't alter or deny their views, or tell them why he "thinks" they're wrong. Ask for an opinion and you get an opinion, and so long as a student isn't then scolded for their reasoning. But yes, they should be having exercises as such to better understand history and the "Why" questions.

Off topic - didn't realize what an old bastard you were! Fit right in with the rest of us! :thumb:

10-09-2020, 10:10 AM
The professor was doing nothing wrong, she was setting the students up to look at events in a more macro perspective for the times. It’s something that should start in middle school.