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10-08-2020, 09:35 PM
Anyone else watch it?

I thought Pence did a great job, and won it hands down.

It was appalling to listen to Harris repeat the same tired old bullshit liberal soundbites - Trump's a racist, Biden was for shutting down traffic from China, Biden isn't against fracking, somehow won't raise taxes by repealing Trump's tax cut, etc.

I was quickly reminded why Harris did so poorly in the primaries... she's awful at debate.

Hopefully Trump takes Pence's approach in the next debate and actually lets Biden hang himself with his babbling. All he has to do is let the old fool speak and he'll end himself.

10-08-2020, 10:29 PM
Anyone else watch it?

I thought Pence did a great job, and won it hands down.

It was appalling to listen to Harris repeat the same tired old bullshit liberal soundbites - Trump's a racist, Biden was for shutting down traffic from China, Biden isn't against fracking, somehow won't raise taxes by repealing Trump's tax cut, etc.

I was quickly reminded why Harris did so poorly in the primaries... she's awful at debate.

Hopefully Trump takes Pence's approach in the next debate and actually lets Biden hang himself with his babbling. All he has to do is let the old fool speak and he'll end himself.

It was informative and watchable, a great improvement over the presidential one. There was snarkiness, which is appreciated. They both danced around and outright dodged specific topics they wanted too.

The moderator was unfair, but didn't bother Pence, he was totally in control. Notice he wasn't even distracted by the fly?

10-08-2020, 10:35 PM
Yeah, he was cool as a cucumber. And was a gentleman even whilst delivering some very nice jabs.

I would have liked more aggressiveness against the lies, but he did very well... there's only so much you can fit in during a 60-second response.

10-08-2020, 11:24 PM
Yeah, he was cool as a cucumber. And was a gentleman even whilst delivering some very nice jabs.

I would have liked more aggressiveness against the lies, but he did very well... there's only so much you can fit in during a 60-second response.
Hot Air had someone timing how much time each had, was pretty equal. She did keep up, "Time's up, Mr. VP," over and over. Much more polite with 'Kamala. . .'

10-09-2020, 09:13 AM
Just reading an article on Yahoo with a bunch of bullshit in it. They're claiming that Harris had it SOOOO much tougher as a black woman. Not allowed to show anger, nor show emotion... huh? Just make shit up. She can show emotion and has, and she's allowed to show her anger at anything, and in fact some is good. But better to keep her the victim.

Black Diamond
10-09-2020, 12:29 PM
It was informative and watchable, a great improvement over the presidential one. There was snarkiness, which is appreciated. They both danced around and outright dodged specific topics they wanted too.

The moderator was unfair, but didn't bother Pence, he was totally in control. Notice he wasn't even distracted by the fly?


10-09-2020, 12:42 PM

Would be nice, but the left and their antics obviously have 46 and Harris now lined up. If Trump wins then 2024 will likely be them 2. If Biden wins, well then as his VP she may have a better chance in 2024.

Black Diamond
10-09-2020, 12:47 PM
Would be nice, but the left and their antics obviously have 46 and Harris now lined up. If Trump wins then 2024 will likely be them 2. If Biden wins, well then as his VP she may have a better chance in 2024.

October 7 was the fourth anniversary of the Billy Bush tape release. Everyone told trump to quit and everyone said the race was over. A month later there was crying all over the place.

10-09-2020, 01:46 PM

I'd be on board with Pence 2024.

10-09-2020, 01:55 PM
October 7 was the fourth anniversary of the Billy Bush tape release. Everyone told trump to quit and everyone said the race was over. A month later there was crying all over the place.

Yup, and national polls showed Hillary winning, and like one poll got it right. Now nationally they are showing Biden winning, and a few out there with the opposite. How is CNN having their own poll with Biden having a 12 point lead, and then Trafalgar group has Trump up by 1. A 13 point difference?

They got Trump winning Arizona, Ohio, NC, Florida, Missouri, Louisiana, Minnesota.... But most importantly the overall lead.

And this too. And the few places that covered the release.


Pollster Who Shows Trump Ahead Nationally Says Florida Is Almost Out of Reach for Biden – Trump is Doing Great

At a time and place where a far-left CNN Poll shows Obama crony Joe Biden ahead of President Trump by 11 points nationally, a Democracy Institute poll over the weekend showed Trump winning nationally and in the Electoral College.

We learned in 2016 and before (see Ann Coulter’s book Slander) that the Democrats use polls to manipulate elections. We now know they lie and spy and create scandals in efforts to gain power. Over the weekend one pollster, who’s apparently not part of the Democrat media complex, released numbers showing President Trump is ahead of Joe Biden nationally and in almost every category. This poll appears to best reflect reality as we have measured attendance of supporters at events since Labor day for both parties and see with our own eyes that President Trump is filling up events around the country while Biden doesn’t even fill up the circle markers at his events wherever he goes.

Below are some notes from the Democracy Institute on the results of their analysis:

A Democracy Institute poll over the weekend showed Trump winning nationally and in the Electoral College. Patrick Basham of the Democracy Institute was interviewed about the results of his poll. The poll showed Trump winning nationally and in the Electoral College.

Basham from Democracy Institute shifted their polling from a 2-way to a 4-way race. He believes some are “parking their votes” with 3rd-party candidates. He senses some of these will move back to Trump or Biden, with more going to Trump. He also thinks more undecideds will go for Trump.


Basham believes in the “SHY TRUMP VOTER”: “The shy Trump voter is not only real it is larger than last time.” Basham believes this is not just a rural voter under a haystack: “The shy Trump voter is much more likely to be in fact . . . an African American in an urban setting or a Suburban white woman.”

“Those are votes for Trump that if they come in are going to surprise people because they are the ones who are least expected to support him.”

There is even a shy Trump vote in MD-7 (Kim Klacik district) and Klacik is doing great in the race.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/pollster-shows-trump-ahead-nationally-says-florida-almost-reach-biden-trump-great/

So I was concerned with this group, but they have been around doing this since 2006, and how many others publish who's running it? CNN? MSNBC? Yeah right, only thing they admit is talking to more Dems.

The Democracy Institute is a think tank based in Washington, DC and London. It was founded in 2006.[1]

On its website the Institute says that "We commonly address public policy in comparative terms. Many of our research projects, therefore, have a transatlantic or international flavor. We are currently conducting and commissioning work in the following areas: democratization; education policy; electoral studies; the European Union; fiscal studies; health care; international relations; obesity; and the regulation of risk."[1]

The Institute's founding Director, Patrick Basham, is a former adjunct scholar with the Cato Institute,[2] and was previously the founding director of the Social Affairs Center at the Canadian Fraser Institute.[2]

The Institute's Advisory Council includes Chris Edwards, Christopher Preble and Marian Tupy of the Cato Institute, Martin Zelder of Duke University and Ivan Eland of the Independent Institute. Nigel Ashford of the Institute for Humane Studies is also a member of the Council as is Jeannie Cameron, who was formerly employed by British American Tobacco. Jeremy Lott, formerly of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, is a Senior Fellow.[3]

A 2006 Democracy Institute book by then Senior Fellow Dr. John Luik on Why Graphic Warnings Don't Work was acknowledged as being "made possible by funding provided by Imperial Tobacco Group PLC"


US election poll: Trump BEATING Biden despite being hospitalised with Covid – EXCLUSIVE

DONALD TRUMP'S illness with coronavirus has not impacted his push to win a second term in the White House, an exclusive poll has revealed.

The monthly Democracy Institute Sunday Express poll for the Presidential election shows that Mr Trump is still on course for victory with 46 percent of the popular support compared to his Democrat rival Joe Biden’s 45 percent.

However, his overall lead has dropped by two points since the last poll in September.

Rest - https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1343305/US-election-poll-donald-trump-coronavirus-covid-joe-biden-exclusive-polling/amp

Why Secret Trump Voters Are The Crucial Bet For Shifting Election Odds

After the party conventions, President Donald Trump’s odds of winning re-election peaked at 48% on online sportsbook Bovada. After the Supreme Court vacancy, first debate smackdown, and then Trump’s COVID diagnosis, Joe Biden’s betting odds rose by over 10 points. Meanwhile, polls continue to be all over the place - due, perhaps, to the strong possibility that a significant part of the electorate won’t discuss their vote.

“Odds for Biden actually spiked after Tuesday night’s debate,” according to VegasElectionOdds.com, “primarily on the strength that he didn’t actually keel over at the podium on live television. Biden, it must be said, handled the fight against Trump better than most expected.”

Once Trump was diagnosed with COVID and admitted to Walter Reed Military Hospital, all bets were off - literally. “We suspended all betting Friday when he was admitted,” Bovada political oddsmaker Pat Morrow told me. “We resumed wagering around 4 pm this afternoon” - that was Monday, as Trump returned to the White House - “with Biden -175, Trump +145 – roughly Biden 61%/Trump 39%.”

Bovada’s odds are the strongest for Trump. The Real Clear Politics betting average, as of Tuesday, calls it Biden 64%/Trump 35.1%.

When it comes to polls, the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average has Biden up 9 points nationally, and 4.4 points in battleground states. But different polls feed completely different narratives. The most recent poll from NBC/Wall Street Journal has Biden up 14 points, while Trump-bashing CNN has Biden up 16 points. Rasmussen, which had Trump narrowly in the lead three weeks ago, now has Biden up 12 points. Biden landslide? Not so clear.

Three other larger polls have the race as a toss-up. Zogby has Biden up by only 47% to 45% - two points. Investor’s Business Daily has Biden up by 2.7% - 48.6% to 45.9%. And the Democracy Institute - which forecast Trump’s 2016 upset and Brexit - has Trump up a point, 46% to 45%. All three results lay all within their respective margins of error. Democracy Institute shows Trump with a narrow but significant 4-point lead in battleground states Florida, Minnesota, and New Hampshire.

Rest - https://www.forbes.com/sites/jimrossi/2020/10/07/why-secret-trump-voters-are-the-crucial-bet-for-shifting-election-odds/#14f36f3f7697

Poll that correctly forecast 2016 election shows Trump-Biden race tightening

Some reliable national polls have the presidential race tightening, but not the Wall Street Journal/NBC News survey released over the weekend and celebrated by liberals.

The poll found that Joseph R. Biden has leaped to a 14 point lead, post-debate, four weeks before election day over President Trump.

If the number sounded familiar, it was. That is the exact spread the WSJ/NBC poll found four weeks before the Nov. 8, 2016 presidential election. It said Hillary Clinton held a 14-point lead.

She won the popular vote by 2 percent.

Conservatives reject the WSJ/NBC poll because they say the voter sample contains too many people who identify as Democrats–––45 percent––compared with Republicans––36 percent.

The 2016 actual turnout was 38 percent Democrats; 34 percent Republicans; and 28 percent independents, according to pollster John Zogby.

That is the science of polling: take party identification provided by respondents and mold a turnout model.

Here are other after-debate polls that show a much tighter race.

* John Zogby Strategies-EMI Research Solutions Poll online poll of 1006 likely voters found Biden with a 2 point lead, 49-47. Biden had held a 6 point in Zogby’s previous survey. Mr. Zogby’s party split was the 2016 election: 38 percent Democrats and 34 percent Republicans.

* The Sunday Express/Democracy Institute survey has Mr. Trump with a one-point lead, 46-45 among 1,500 likely voters. Its sample is 37 percent Democrats and 35 percent Republicans.

Both Zogby and Democracy Institute put Mr. Trump’s job approval at 50 percent.

* Emerson University poll pegged Mr. Biden with a 7 point lead, 52-45.

* Investors Business Daily/TIPP poll puts Mr. Biden ahead, 49-46, among 1,021 likely voters, for which the party split is about even.

TIPP’s numbers should be watched closely. It will soon begin a daily tracking poll.

Rest - https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/oct/5/poll-correctly-forecast-2016-presidential-election/

10-10-2020, 01:30 AM
Forget the polls.

10-10-2020, 08:23 PM
Anyone else watch it?

I thought Pence did a great job, and won it hands down.

It was appalling to listen to Harris repeat the same tired old bullshit liberal soundbites - Trump's a racist, Biden was for shutting down traffic from China, Biden isn't against fracking, somehow won't raise taxes by repealing Trump's tax cut, etc.

I was quickly reminded why Harris did so poorly in the primaries... she's awful at debate.

Hopefully Trump takes Pence's approach in the next debate and actually lets Biden hang himself with his babbling. All he has to do is let the old fool speak and he'll end himself.

I saw the first 20 minutes or so. I thought Harris was doing a decent job for her part, but was definitely getting beat by Mike Pence, who was absolutely excellent. I hope Trump uses Pence's blueprint for his next debate. I love the way Pence spelled out the far-left positions the Harris has taken several times, such as signing onto the Green New Deal and saying no fracking anywhere, anytime. More reasons why Harris never got more than 1% on her own. The key for Pence is maintaining a forceful attack without ever losing his cool.

It is very ironic that the only time Harris was above 1% during the primaries was for a week or so just for attacking Joe Biden in a debate.