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10-14-2020, 11:22 AM


Spox: Senate Homeland Security Committee Investigating New Hunter Biden Docs; Update: Biden Called Lid At 9:41
ED MORRISSEYPosted at 12:01 pm on October 14, 2020

We’re getting a little more information about the earlier New York Post bombshell on Hunter Biden, but enough to still leave some nagging questions. According to its spokesperson, the Senate Homeland Security Committee has opened its own investigation into the claims by the Delaware technician, calling him a “whistleblower.” They only heard from him in the last few weeks, according to the Post’s report from about an hour ago:

A Senate committee is investigating a bombshell cache of documents about Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings acquired by a Delaware computer repairman and exposed Wednesday by The Post.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed it is working with the repairman, whose identity was confirmed by The Post, to verify the documents. …

The repairman contacted the committee in late September — one day after it released a report on Joe Biden’s apparent conflicts of interest in his son’s international business dealings — including a claim he received $3.5 million from the wife of Moscow’s former mayor.

The repairman provided correspondence to The Post documenting his outreach to the committee.

Hmmmm. The earlier report was a little more vague on this point. In fact, it didn’t mention anything about the repairman connecting with the Senate Homeland Security Committee, or any congressional committee. Did the Post forget to put that into its first report, or did they get an update from the repairman after its publication? If it’s the latter, that might go toward credibility of their source.

There are other points that remain to be clarified. The repairman turned over the laptop and hard drive to the FBI in December in accordance with a subpoena, and we have a picture of the subpoena in the first report. Did the SHSC ask the FBI about whether it could authenticate the documents, and indeed the laptop itself? They have had it for eleven months, it would appear, and should have some insight into the provenance of all the above. The FBI can’t comment publicly on investigations, but they should respond to inquiries from Congress about them, especially to determine whether this is a whistleblower or a crank — or worse.

This new timing answers one of the questions posed by New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman, but still leaves the others murky:

This makes it sound as though the repairman got tired of getting no response on the issue, and started looking for other options last month. If that’s the case, then it makes Rudy Giuliani and Stephen Bannon look a bit better than in the original telling. That, however, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s on the level either. Both of these men have been publicly asking for this kind of dirt for years, and would be susceptible to a disinformation campaign — especially just weeks ahead of an election.

The timing on this is odd in another way. The laptop emerged in December, just as the House was impeaching Donald Trump over Ukraine-gate. The FBI took it and it went nowhere. Now it’s suddenly emerging again just as the election comes up. Those might be coincidences, but they’re awfully convenient coincidences. Don’t dismiss this out of hand, but don’t buy into it either unless the FBI weighs in on this soon, or the SHSC provides a basis for confidence in this report.

Update: Here’s an amusing, if not entirely dispositive, development:

Biden’s been calling mid-morning lids for weeks, so this may have nothing to do with the Post stories. On the other hand, it’s an indication that they’re not prepared to get on top of this story, either.

10-14-2020, 02:46 PM
Here is the earlier article I noticed it linked to:


NY Post: We Have A “Smoking Gun” Proving The Bidens Lied About Burisma

Given to them by Rudy Giuliani, no less. According to the New York Post, an e-mail found on a laptop in a Delaware repair center shows that Hunter Biden introduced Burisma executives to Joe Biden a year before Biden intervened in Ukraine to demand the firing of their top prosecutor. That contradicts an number of denials from Joe Biden, who has insisted that he had never gotten involved in his son’s business dealings, in Ukraine, Romania, China, or anywhere else while he was vice president.

But is this on the level?


The never-before-revealed meeting is mentioned in a message of appreciation that Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma, allegedly sent Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015, about a year after Hunter joined the Burisma board at a reported salary of up to $50,000 a month.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the e-mail reads.

An earlier e-mail from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf.

The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer.

There are all sorts of questions this raises, but not just for the Bidens. For them, the questions are simple: if this is on the level, how do they explain lying all this time about their actions with Burisma and Ukraine? For House Democrats who impeached Donald Trump over his phone call with Ukrainian president Volodymir Zelensky by claiming it was corrupt, this raises a huge problem right before they have to go home to voters who will want to know what they will do about Biden. The same is true for Senate Democrats who tried to remove Trump over it.

That’s if this is on the level. How do we know this laptop had Hunter Biden’s information on it? According to the Post, it held a number of business and personal data connected to Hunter, including a twelve-minute video allegedly showing Hunter smoking crack and having sex. The Post uses a couple of other personal pics found on the drive, including one of Hunter and his family with Joe himself, and another of Hunter apparently smoking a cigarette in bed.

So the data at least appears to have come from Hunter Biden, but what about the laptop? Was it really Hunter’s, and how exactly did this computer data get to Giuliani? Well, that’s a fairly convoluted tale, at least as the Post tells it. Someone dropped off the laptop (with a Beau Biden Foundation sticker on it) to repair water damage but never came back to pick it up, despite a number of calls to the owner. In December, the shop owner looked at the hard drive and alerted the FBI about the contents, who then subpoenaed the shop owner to seize both the laptop and the hard drive. The Post has a photo of the grand-jury subpoena in the story.

But that was in December. How did Giuliani get the data, and why is it only coming out now?

Photos of a Delaware federal court subpoena given to The Post show that both the computer and hard drive were seized by the FBI in December, after the shop’s owner says he alerted the feds to their existence.

But before turning over the gear, the shop owner says he made a copy of the hard drive and later gave it to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s lawyer, Robert Costello.

Steve Bannon, former adviser to President Trump, told The Post about the existence of the hard drive in late September and Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of it on Sunday.

So the shop owner “later” gave the copy to Giuliani’s lawyer. When was “later”? Presumably after the impeachment and Senate trial; if Giuliani had this information and could authenticate it, he would have leaked it then to embarrass Democrats into ending that effort. Maybe he waited until September to pass it along, but that seems rather odd, given the political context of Joe Biden’s win in the primaries and the narrative-busting nature of this information. The timing of this seems pretty suspicious — it looks like a deliberate October surprise.

Meanwhile, where is the FBI in all of this? They had the laptop in December. If they authenticated it, why haven’t they acted on it, especially with the grand-jury subpoena? The FBI refused to confirm or deny that an investigation exists, as is their practice, but the long delay on any action could mean that they haven’t yet authenticated anything. It’s possible that this could be more game-playing by outside sources, especially since this just seems waaay too good to be true. Hunter Biden might be an idiot, but would even he leave a laptop at a repair center with the Burisma smoking gun on its hard drive? And not go back to get it when the repair center called? Or did someone manage to hack into Hunter’s files, retrieve some personal data, create the “smoking gun,” and then leave it all on a laptop with a Beau Biden Foundation sticker at a repair center while leaving the owner with an unpaid bill?

This might be entirely on the level, of course. There’s enough smoke around Joe Biden and the way his family members manage to get wealthy in areas where Biden takes policy interests to suspect multiple points of corruption fire. But until this gets some authentication, stay skeptical, or at least remember that things too good to be true usually aren’t.


Is it legit? This doesn't mean so, but apparently the FBI seized it:


It's in the original article from the NY Post. There were also 11 private photos on the laptop. Could have been gained in another way though. - https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/email-reveals-how-hunter-biden-introduced-ukrainian-biz-man-to-dad/

What a shocker, Facebook immediately whip out the censors. :rolleyes: - https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/facebook-censors-the-post-to-help-joe-bidens-2020-campaign/

More info from Biden's travels - https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/biden-campaign-says-burisma-meeting-not-on-official-schedule/

Hunter Biden emails show leveraging connections with his father to boost Burisma pay - https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/hunter-biden-emails-show-leveraging-connections-with-dad-to-boost-burisma-pay/

Sen. Josh Hawley threatens Facebook over handling of Post exposé on Bidens - https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/josh-hawley-threatens-facebook-over-handling-of-expose-on-bidens/

Sen. Josh Hawley demanded answers from Facebook Wednesday about why it “censored” The Post’s reporting on emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The Missouri Republican fired off a letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg questioning the Silicon Valley titan’s Wednesday move to limit the distribution of The Post’s exclusive exposé detailing emails that indicate Hunter Biden introduced his father, Joe Biden, to a Ukrainian energy executive.

“The seemingly selective nature of this public intervention suggests partiality on the part of Facebook,” Hawley wrote. “And your efforts to suppress the distribution of content revealing potentially unethical activity by a candidate for president raises a number of additional questions, to which I expect responses immediately.”

Facebook said The Post’s story could be reviewed by third-party fact-checkers, a step it generally takes for news articles that raise red flags for misinformation. That led Hawley to ask whether it was normal for the company to limit the spread of news reports from established publications before they are fact-checked by outside sources.

10-14-2020, 02:48 PM
Apparently Twitter is censoring it as well. Figures. :laugh::rolleyes:

10-14-2020, 03:13 PM
Add this in too:

Senate Homeland Security Committee Investigating Hunter Biden Emails

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will investigate newly released emails that revealed Hunter Biden introduced his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, to an executive at Ukrainian gas firm Burisma.

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), the chairman of the committee, told Fox News that the committee had contacted the source who provided the emails. The New York Post revealed that Hunter Biden introduced a Burisma executive to Joe Biden less than a year before he lobbied Ukrainian government officials to fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the company.

Johnson said:

We regularly speak with individuals who email the committee’s whistleblower account to determine whether we can validate their claims. Although we consider those communications to be confidential, because the individual in this instance spoke with the media about his contact with the committee, we can confirm receipt of his email complaint, have been in contact with the whistleblower, and are in the process of validating the information he provided.

One May 2014 email showed Burisma executive Vadym Pzharskyi wrote to Hunter Biden in May 2014 asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” to benefit Burisma, of which Hunter Biden was a member of the board.

Joe Biden also said that he was successful in pressuring Ukraine to fire Shokin, who was investigating the founder of Burisma at the time.

The former vice president said at a 2018 Council on Foreign Relations meetings, “I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money.”

“Well, son of a bitch. He got fired,” he said.

Despite the Post’s report about Hunter Biden introducing the former vice president to a Ukrainian executive, Biden has claimed that he “never” discussed Hunter Biden’s “overseas business dealings” with his son.


10-14-2020, 03:19 PM
This all could be crap made up by a college kid and submitted. The source has to be triple verified & how this data got on this laptop & what is the relation to the Biden's? It's possible it'll be investigated and slowly disappear as something that couldn't be verified or similar.

But if this turns out to be true, and they can verify all various ends and it's proven, then it can be quite damaging.

For now, covered in only republican/conservative/right leaning/pundit/opinion pages. I couldn't care less who covers it right now and care more so about them finding out if it's legit or not first. Not gonna run with this one other than post the above stories. Not gonna say it's true as I just don't see it solidly.

What they could do best more than anything would be to get Pzharskyi's device it was sent on or even better the server it went through if they would cooperate. This would almost solidify whether they match or not and the existence for sure or not.

10-14-2020, 03:22 PM
Makes it more believable though when you see Facebook and Twitter censoring it.

And not on the MSM liars - not CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC. Every other rumor on earth is acceptable, but one with emails/images & seized by the FBI and has an investigation by the DHS, doesn't rate enough. :rolleyes::laugh:

10-14-2020, 04:29 PM
Makes it more believable though when you see Facebook and Twitter censoring it.

And not on the MSM liars - not CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC. Every other rumor on earth is acceptable, but one with emails/images & seized by the FBI and has an investigation by the DHS, doesn't rate enough. :rolleyes::laugh:

Getting more and more interesting:


OCTOBER 14, 2020

HUH. WHAT COULD ACCOUNT FOR THIS? (https://twitter.com/sohrabamari)
Maybe this?
Coupled with this, from Amari’s now-banned Twitter account?
Our Tech Oligarchs are all-in for the Democrats. Don’t give them a pass on this. However the election goes, they must be brought to heel.
Related: Twitter Locks Account of Ric Grenell over Voter Fraud Warning. (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/10/08/twitter-locks-account-of-ric-grenell-over-voter-fraud-warning/)
They’re not even pretending anymore.
Related: Richard Fernandez: (https://twitter.com/wretchardthecat/status/1311032585410113536)
MORE: The Media Does Not Want You To Read, Share, or Discuss The New York Post‘s Hunter Biden Scoop. (https://reason.com/2020/10/14/hunter-biden-new-york-post-story-media-facebook-burisma-ukraine/)

245 (https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/406828/#respond)

Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 4:17 pm

10-14-2020, 04:32 PM
Chastising the reporters for not doing their job; while allowing the social media to shape the news for many:


MEDIA CRITICISM (https://reason.com/tag/media-criticism/)
The Media Does Not Want You To Read, Share, or Discuss The New York Post's Hunter Biden ScoopJournalists should correct the story rather than pretend it doesn't exist.ROBBY SOAVE (https://reason.com/people/robby-soave/) | 10.14.2020 2:54 PM


10-14-2020, 05:25 PM


10-14-2020, 07:31 PM
Full on press to stop this news. What a load of shit. They should be reporting the story.

Twitter Censors Links to New York Post Biden Bombshell

Twitter shut down links to the New York Post’s bombshell story about the Biden family’s business dealings in Ukraine, branding links to the newspaper’s story “unsafe” and claiming the story lacked “authoritative information.” The Masters of the Universe are also citing policies against “hacked materials” for censoring the Post story.

The bombshell Post story indicates that – contrary to his previous denials — Joe Biden allegedly did meet with an adviser to the board of Burisma while he was Vice President, arranged by his son Hunter, who was then working as a lobbyist for the company.

The story made the front page of the Post, which also reveals that the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee is investigating emails provided to it by a whistleblower, allegedly between Hunter Biden and executives at Burisma.

Joe Biden has previously said, “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”

But according to emails obtained by the Post, Hunter introduced his father to a Burisma executive less than a year before the then-VP pressured the Ukrainian government into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.

New York Post op-ed editor Sohrab Ahmari revealed that Twitter was blocking him from posting a link to the Biden-Ukraine story, calling it “potentially harmful.”

“This is a Big Tech information coup,” said Ahmari. “This is digital civil war.”



Ted Cruz: Twitter Censorship of Damaging Hunter Biden New York Post Story ‘Obvious’ Attempt to Influence Election

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) sent a letter to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednesday, charging that the social media company’s censorship of a New York Post story that alleged Hunter Biden facilitated a meeting between a Ukrainian gas company and former Vice President Joe Biden amounts to an “obvious and transparent attempt” by Twitter to influence the 2020 presidential election.

Twitter censored and prevented the distribution of a New York Post article saying that, contrary to Biden’s claims, he allegedly met with an executive at Burisma when he was vice president. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s son, reportedly arranged the meeting while he was working as a lobbyist for the company.

In a letter to Dorsey, Cruz charged that the emails the New York Post obtained are authentic, and it would show that Biden “lied when he said in 2016 that he had ‘never spoken to [his] son about his overseas business dealings.”

Cruz noted that Twitter’s suppression of the article could significantly impact the election. He wrote:

Twitter has apparently decided to preemptively censor this report. Twitter is not only prohibiting users from sharing this story on their accounts, it is prohibiting the New York Post from posting its own content. Twitter [is] well-known for its incredible ability to influence public dialogue by promoting some stories while suppressing others, and it has plainly decided that the American people should not be seeing or discussing this particular story, which could significantly influence voters’ views of candidate Biden.

“But Twitter’s censorship of this story is quite hypocritical, given its willingness to allow users to share less-well-sourced reporting critical of other candidates for public office,” Cruz declared. “Accordingly, this can only be seen as an obvious and transparent attempt by Twitter to influence the upcoming election.”


Trump Releases Ad Highlighting Hunter Biden’s Business Ties

President Donald Trump’s campaign released a new ad on Wednesday highlighting how Hunter Biden’s lucrative business dealings overseas have intersected with his father’s political influence.

The ad, which is simply titled, “Hunter,” intermixes segments of an October 2019 interview Biden did with ABC News, in which he admitted that a number of business ventures came about solelybecause of his family name, with details about some of the dealings. Trump’s ad, in particular, focuses on Biden’s work with Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas conglomerate, and an equity firm with investments from entities tied to the People’s Republic of China.

“The question is not why Hunter Biden used his name to get these gigs,” the ad’s narrator states. “The question is why Joe Biden let him do it?”


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/14/trump-releases-ad-highlighting-hunter-bidens-business-ties/

10-14-2020, 08:55 PM
Rudy claims he has more? Waiting purposely or is it crap? IMO, this would have hurt just as badly had they released it earlier. So what was the holdup? That's my main reason for doubting, but then again the whole thing about October surprises and last things on voters minds.


Joe Biden DENIES meeting his son's Ukrainian business partner despite 'thank you for opportunity to meet your father' email found on laptop - as Giuliani claims he has 40,000 emails and MORE 'compromising' Hunter 'sex and drugs' photos

Email cache raises new claims about Hunter Biden's dealings with Ukrainian firm
He apparently introduced Joe Biden to an executive at gas company Burisma
Biden would later pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor investigating the firm
Prosecutor was fired amid concerns which were shared by other countries
Stash of files was disclosed by Donald Trump's personal attorney Rudy Giuliani
The Senate Homeland Security Committee says it has been contacted by the 'whistleblower' and is looking into the matter

Joe Biden's presidential campaign on Wednesday dismissed an explosive story about Hunter Biden after emails purported to come from Hunter's laptop appeared to show Hunter making an introduction between his powerful father and a Ukrainian energy firm.

A trove of emails obtained from Hunter's laptop and revealed by Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani showed Hunter making an effort to introduce his father to an adviser at his Ukrainian gas firm before the then-vice president lobbied for the firing of a prosecutor who had investigated the company.

Burisma adviser Vadym Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for 'an opportunity to meet your father' in an email sent in 2015, according to the stash of data given to the New York Post by Giuliani.

Hours after the story landed, the Biden camp blasted the report, and said a records search indicated no such meeting occurred.

Biden spokesman Andrew Bates said the paper 'never asked the Biden campaign about the critical elements of this story...moreover, we have reviewed Joe Biden’s official schedules from the time and no meeting, as alleged by the New York Post, ever took place.'

Bates said: 'Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as "not legitimate" and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump Administration officials have attested to these facts under oath,' he said.

The email is just one among a trove being referenced by Giuliani and his team.

Giuliani lawyer Bob Costello said there are some 40,000 emails on the hard drive including thousands of texts. It also includes images of Hunter 'in very compromising positions,' Costello told Fox News.

Trump's campaign seized on the Biden campaign's response, claiming it constituted confirmation of the material on Hunter's hard drive was real, evan as some outside observers raised the prospect it could have been hacked or altered.

'The Biden campaign does not dispute the authenticity of the emails published by the New York Post, which serves to confirm that they are real. And if Joe Biden never met with Vadym Pozharskyi, the Biden campaign would say so,' said Trump campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh.

'They do not say that. Their answer basically is that the entry ‘Meeting with Ukrainian businessman buying access to the Vice President’ does not appear on Joe Biden’s official schedule. Their response is so carefully worded that it reveals the truth in what they don’t deny. They also don’t address the overarching question of why Joe Biden lied to the American people about never discussing with Hunter Biden his corrupt business dealings with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. Americans deserve a full accounting of the conversations Joe Biden had with Hunter, and what Joe Biden discussed with Vadym Pozharskyi.'

A year after the 2015 email, Joe Biden successfully pushed for the prosecutor's removal, amid concerns at his failure to tackle corruption which were shared by other countries.

The files also show Hunter repeatedly apparently referring to his father as 'my guy' while writing to a colleague at Burisma, and pictures of him engaged in sex, smoking drugs, and partially-naked selfies.

Their publication at 5am in New York set off a series of developments including:

The Senate Homeland Security Committee helmed by Republican Ron Johnson said that it has been contacted by the 'whistleblower' who had the laptop and is looking into the matter;
Giuliani promised there was 'much more' to come from the laptop;
Facebook said the story was 'eligible for fact checking' and that it was 'reducing its distribution on our platform' prompting the president's son Don Jr. to accuse the platform of 'election interference';
Democrats accused Giuliani of being untrustworthy, with Connecticut senator Chris Murphy tweeting: 'Remember he’s been parading around with a Russian secret agent for the last year.'

Rest - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8838939/Joe-Biden-met-son-Hunters-Ukrainian-energy-contacts.html

10-15-2020, 09:05 AM
This will definitely cripple Biden's chances this year.

I mean, Rudy said it's true, so who's to doubt it, right?

10-15-2020, 12:41 PM
This will definitely cripple Biden's chances this year.

I mean, Rudy said it's true, so who's to doubt it, right?

Well, we'll see what the sender says and more. Looks like a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetle more than just Rudy's words.

10-15-2020, 01:32 PM
Seems to be picking up speed. But as to the truth? Seems it's fake according to Biden's team - as they point out the decision made by Twitter - and that it proves... something?


DAY 2 BOMBSHELL: Newly Released Emails Show How Hunter Biden Worked to Cash in Big on China WITH MONEY HELD FOR HIS DAD, JOE BIDEN!

For being a notorious drug and crack addict Hunter Biden has done quite well for himself.

In 2013 Hunter Biden joined his father and Vice President Joe Biden on an official government trip to China. It was during this stay in China that Hunter — inexperienced and out of place — was able to secure a $1.5 billion from China for private equity fund which he was forming at the time.

In 2015 Hunter’s Bohai Harvest joined forces with the Chinese military contractor; Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), to buy American parts manufacturer; Henniges Automotive.

AVIC has been identified as a front for China’s military.

AVIC is notorious for stealing US military technology to build China’s own fighter jets and drones.

It’s not clear how many deals Hunter Biden secured for his family with the Chinese Communist regime.

Today the New York Post released more emails from Hunter Biden’s computer that reveal Hunter attempted to secure big cash from China for him AND HIS DAD!

The New York Post reported:

Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show.

One email sent to Biden on May 13, 2017, with the subject line “Expectations,” included details of “remuneration packages” for six people involved in an unspecified business venture.

Biden was identified as “Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” an apparent reference to the former Shanghai-based conglomerate CEFC China Energy Co.

His pay was pegged at “850” and the email also noted that “Hunter has some office expectations he will elaborate.”

In addition, the email outlined a “provisional agreement” under which 80 percent of the “equity,” or shares in the new company, would be split equally among four people whose initials correspond to the sender and three recipients, with “H” apparently referring to Biden.

Read the rest here. (https://nypost.com/2020/10/15/emails-reveal-how-hunter-biden-tried-to-cash-in-big-with-chinese-firm/)



Emails: Hunter Biden Strives for ‘Lasting and Lucrative Arrangement’ with Chinese Nationals

Hunter Biden canvassed possible business involvement with a major Chinese firm as he sought deals that would be “interesting for me and my family,” according to a new batch of emails released by the New York Post on Thursday.

The son of the Democratic presidential nominee corresponded with China’s largest private energy provider, CEFC, messages unearthed by the Post from what is alleged to be Hunter’s personal laptop show.

In one missive sent to Hunter in May 2017 titled “Expectations,” details of “remuneration packages” for six people in a business venture were discussed.

He was identified as the “chair/vice chair depending on agreement with CEFC,” an apparent reference to the now bankrupt Shanghai conglomerate China Energy Co.

Hunter’s pay was “850” and the correspondence also outlined he “has some office expectations he will elaborate.”

The email revelations come barely 24-hours after the Post published other emails that showed Joe Biden lied when he said he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” as Breitbart News reported.

Gas company Burisma’ adviser Vadym Pozharskyi thanked Hunter for “an opportunity to meet your father” in an email sent in 2015, according to the trove of data given to the Post by Rudy Giuliani.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/15/emails-hunter-biden-strives-for-lasting-and-lucrative-arrangement-with-chinese-nationals/

LIES AND ELECTIONEERING: Biden Campaign Says Twitter’s Reaction to NY Post Hunter Biden Bombshells Proves It’s “False and Not True”


The New York Post dropped its second major report on Hunter Biden’s emails on Tuesday. The Hunter Biden emails reveal how Hunter Biden worked to cash in big on China and to withhold money for his dad!

Joe Biden was IN ON IT!

In response to these devastating reports Twitter has censored and banned several Trump accounts including White House spokesperson Kayleign McEnany and the Team Trump account.

This is electioneering!

On Tuesday morning the Biden Campaign came out and lied about the emails.

Biden Campaign Spokesman Jamal Brown told MSNBC, “Twitter’s response to the actual article itself makes clear that these purported allegations are false and are not true.”

There you have it!

The Biden Campaign is using Twitter’s censorship as “proof” that the email reports from Hunter Biden’s campaign are “false and are not true.”

Twitter and the Biden Campaign are working together, along with the mainstream media, to lie to the American public and hide the truth from voters.

It’s just too bad Republicans are TOO WEAK to confront this most important issue — The Right to Free Speech in America.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/lies-electioneering-biden-campaign-says-twitters-reaction-ny-post-hunter-biden-bombshells-proves-false-not-true/

Twitter Censors Official US Government Website to Protect Joe Biden After Latest NY Post Bombshell – Blocks Links to GOP House Judiciary Committee

The New York Post on Thursday released a second round of Hunter Biden emails that revealed Hunter attempted to secure big cash from China for him AND HIS DAD!

Biden wrote that Ye [Jianming] – (who had ties to the Chinese military) had sweetened the terms of an earlier, three-year consulting contract with CEFC that was to pay him $10 million annually “for introductions alone.” – The New York Post reported.

The tech giants immediately began censoring the New York Post on Wednesday after they first hit Joe Biden with an October surprise by releasing emails and pictures found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned computer hard drive.

Twitter blocked links to the New York Post and also locked their official Twitter account.

Twitter took their Chinese style Communist censorship to the next level on Thursday and blocked links to an official US government website to protect Joe Biden.

Twitter users were actually blocked from clicking on the House Judiciary GOP website.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/twitter-censors-official-us-government-website-protect-joe-biden-latest-ny-post-bombshell-blocks-links-gop-house-judiciary-committee/

WAR: Twitter Locks Team Trump Official Campaign Account Over Video Based on NY Post Hunter Biden Emails Article

After locking out White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany from her personal account Wednesday for posting the New York Post article on Hunter Biden’s emails, Twitter on Thursday locked out an official Trump campaign account, Team Trump, for posting a video based on the Post article. The New York Post’s account has been locked by Twitter for nearly twenty-four hours over the article.

Mike Hahn, social media director for Team Trump made the announcement Thursday morning, “Twitter has suspended ⁦@TeamTrump⁩ for posting a video calling Joe Biden a liar who has been ripping off our country for years, as it relates to the ⁦@nypost⁩ article. 19 days out from the election.”

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/war-twitter-locks-team-trump-official-campaign-account-video-based-ny-post-hunter-biden-emails-article/

10-15-2020, 01:35 PM
Don't dare even mock and post any type of meme's, can't be having any of that!

Seriously though, the media in America has finally lost it, and just jumped in head first to using their various platforms to try and influence the election in any way they can. From MSM to social media. And there is zero doubt.


Twitter Locks Jack Posobiec Out of Account over Hunter Biden Meme

Conservative commentator Jack Posobiec was locked out of his Twitter account on Wednesday evening after he shared a meme based on the bombshell New York Post report about Joe and Hunter Biden that was widely censored by Facebook and Twitter throughout the day.

Breitbart News reported on Wednesday that Twitter censored a story from the New York Post that allegedly revealed that Hunter Biden arranged a meeting between Joe Biden and an adviser to the board of Burisma. Many Twitter users were blocked by the platform when attempting to share the report on Wednesday.

Posobiec was suspended after sharing a meme with photos of Hunter Biden that were sourced directly from the New York Post article. According to screenshots provided by Posobiec, Twitter told him that he would only regain access to his account if he deleted the tweet.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/10/15/jack-posobiec-locked-twitter-locks-jack-posobiec-out-of-account-over-hunter-biden-memeout-of-twitter-account-after-sharing-meme/

10-15-2020, 02:49 PM
I don't know what is true and what isn't or who's doing what. OTOH, things ARE breaking:


C-SPAN suspends political editor Steve Scully indefinitely after he admits he lied about his Twitter feed being hacked
Posted: Oct 15, 2020 / 03:29 PM EDT / Updated: Oct 15, 2020 / 03:29 PM EDT


He's suspended indefinitely.

Biden's camp's denial comes down to-'no meeting on official schedule.'

10-15-2020, 03:23 PM
So today Scully is out, in spite of there no longer being a debate. The Commission of Presidential Debates has has their fake claims of 'bi-partisan' and unbiased blown out of the water.

So what about the NY Post article? First it was 'untrue' then it was, 'no meeting on official VP calendar. Now it's IF there was a meeting, it was cursory. . .

This is what is known as drip, drip, drip.

So, who's flipping between ABC and NBC this evening?


Biden Team Is Now Furiously Backpedaling Over NY Post Story About Hunter’s Emails
Posted at 9:00 pm on October 14, 2020 by Nick Arama


Twitter and Facebook are getting blasted today because of trying to suppress the NY Post story about Hunter Biden’s emails.

Twitter not only blocked the NY Post from spreading their own story, they’ve even locked out people like the White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing the story.

There is no evidence that the material was “hacked” despite that being Twitter’s excuse for stopping the spread of the story.

But the fact they were trying so hard to suppress it, made people want to share it all the more and made people give it more credence and attention.

They wouldn’t be trying so hard if they didn’t think it was a big problem for Biden.

But now the Biden team responded earlier to the explosive story about Hunter Biden’s emails.

Among the emails was one which involved an advisor to Burisma, Vadym Pozharskyi, was thanking Hunter Biden for setting up a meeting with his father, the then Vice President and Obama administration point man on Ukraine, Joe Biden.

The initial response of Biden’s team claimed they had checked Joe Biden’s official calendar and denied there ever was such a meeting because it was not on the calendar. But given the nature of the meeting, who would put such a potentially “quid pro quo” meeting on an official calendar?

But they didn’t dispute that the emails were Hunter’s and it was very clear there were Hunter’s pictures and videos that also were on the hard drive.

But the Biden team must know that they’re in trouble on this because now they are trying to hedge their bets, perhaps in case there are actual photos or recordings of the meeting. Now they’re not ruling out there might have been an “informal interaction” with the Burisma advisor but said any meeting would have been “cursory.”

So before Biden denied he even had one, but now they’re claiming if he had one it was “cursory?” Sounds like they’re basically now admitting now that the meeting could have occurred but they were playing word games in their initial response and are doing their best to minimize it. Can we say backpedal? This adds more to the claim that Joe Biden wasn’t telling the truth about not talking about his son’s business dealings.

Joe Biden called a lid at 9:41 a.m. today, no doubt hoping to avoid any more questions on this story. But despite that, it still blew up. With this further “non-denial,” it adds more fuel to the fire.


10-15-2020, 04:13 PM
I don't know what is true and what isn't or who's doing what. OTOH, things ARE breaking:


He's suspended indefinitely.

Biden's camp's denial comes down to-'no meeting on official schedule.'

Yep, many stating that it's their reply, but only meaning his official schedule but could of been "unofficial". :dunno: Is a little odd they chose to write it that way.

As for Scully, I knew that from the moment I read it... Plus his history of using the hackers excuse...

I don't believe the hacking BS. Someone is always hacked when they send something the wrong way. Some go to send a PM and post public, others to the wrong person, some have multiple accounts and post from the wrong one....

Didn't happen, look away, nothing to see, was just a hacker. BS.

And looking at the tweet photos - if Scully was hacked as he claims - was Mooch hacked as well? And then what was Mooch responding to?

But like I added in the 2nd post there, and now we know that Scaramucci's reply was legit, what was it all about I wonder?

10-15-2020, 04:28 PM
So today Scully is out, in spite of there no longer being a debate. The Commission of Presidential Debates has has their fake claims of 'bi-partisan' and unbiased blown out of the water.

So what about the NY Post article? First it was 'untrue' then it was, 'no meeting on official VP calendar. Now it's IF there was a meeting, it was cursory. . .

This is what is known as drip, drip, drip.

So, who's flipping between ABC and NBC this evening?


They finally got to it on air? Still not a peep across the MSM on the internet sites. Wasn't a peep on TV either but I didn't bother last night. Plenty of BS across their sites though, things like Trump not accepting the election and interaction from military... tons of crap from Obama speaking... CNN has garbage galore and lies, but nothing about Hunter Biden... msnbc makes CNN look great with their tabloid material from idiots like Maddow and Brzezinsky. I still can't fine one single lefty source online mentioning the story.

And yeps, what you mention, which makes them not covering the story that much more like they are trying to help him.

But the Biden team must know that they’re in trouble on this because now they are trying to hedge their bets, perhaps in case there are actual photos or recordings of the meeting. Now they’re not ruling out there might have been an “informal interaction” with the Burisma advisor but said any meeting would have been “cursory.”

So before Biden denied he even had one, but now they’re claiming if he had one it was “cursory?” Sounds like they’re basically now admitting now that the meeting could have occurred but they were playing word games in their initial response and are doing their best to minimize it. Can we say backpedal? This adds more to the claim that Joe Biden wasn’t telling the truth about not talking about his son’s business dealings.

No doubt, a plan for when it's proven. Then it will be the "I don't recall this or that" and hope he either loses by then or he wins and it disappears.

10-15-2020, 07:06 PM
So today Scully is out, in spite of there no longer being a debate. The Commission of Presidential Debates has has their fake claims of 'bi-partisan' and unbiased blown out of the water.

So what about the NY Post article? First it was 'untrue' then it was, 'no meeting on official VP calendar. Now it's IF there was a meeting, it was cursory. . .

This is what is known as drip, drip, drip.

So, who's flipping between ABC and NBC this evening?


I'm recording both.

10-15-2020, 07:37 PM
No one's opinion of Hunter Biden is going to change; everyone already knew he's a total slimeball.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, is quite clearly revealed as a liar. He's stated many times that he never talked to Burisma and never talked to Hunter about Burisma. That is obviously a lie now. You have to have been in total denial to not have already realized Biden's a liar with all the plagiarism and claims that he got arrested in South Africa trying to visit Nelson Mandela, was at the top of his class, and got scholarships and multiple degrees, but now its right in front of everyone's face.

Dem apologists will desperately claim that the emails are fake or from Russia, but the Gmail crypto signature of the email from Burisma to Hunter is easy to verify. Check this out: https://blog.erratasec.com/2020/10/yes-we-can-validate-leaked-emails.html#.X4jprhBKipo

Dems will not want to hear about or suggest any actual verification of the emails because they suspect that all the emails are all valid. After all, the hard drive also included pictures of Hunter Biden naked, and videos of him having sex. How would they explain that.

Even worse for Joe is emails that show he was selling influence through Hunter to Communist China. I know Dems will deny anything, but do they really want a President who has had illicit deals with China? How much dirt can China hold over Joe at this point? A lot, I'd say.

10-15-2020, 07:55 PM
This will definitely cripple Biden's chances this year.

I mean, Rudy said it's true, so who's to doubt it, right?

Lol, you're such a fuckin' hack.

Looks good on ya.

10-15-2020, 08:04 PM
Biden clearly taking bribes and his son was the middle man. This is precisely why Biden was demanding the prosecutor looking into Burisma corruption be immediately fired - he knew what would be uncovered.

Anyone else aghast at the complete lack of intelligence shown by Hunter Biden taking his primary laptop loaded with pictures smoking crack and thousands of emails detailing international bribery and corruption at the highest levels to a computer shop?

I bet he'd dearly love to take a hammer to it now and buy another $1200 laptop.

The beauty to this is that computer has records of all his different email accounts, and I'm sure the FBI, NSA and CIA already have an impressive list of other democrats also being bought by other countries.

10-16-2020, 04:47 PM
Mostly ignoring the story but explaining why or bringing up denials and paperwork or something to prove it wrong would be appropriate. The NEWS agencies should be reporting NEWS regardless of their beliefs. Right now it's still an active story. But they are all choosing to ignore it from the get go and as more comes out. Continued ignoring all around as more and more information comes out about it only makes it seem that much more true.

Some more things of interest in here. Looks perhaps like Hunter had a "wash my hands over there and I'll do the same here" deal. His end in helping end possible investigations. And imagine what happened?

Now the child porn is a hell of a twist, but no proof other than a signature of the FBI that makes people think. But squat there that I see, for now. But they are convincing me more and more and more that it's legit. So if it is, that part is going somewhere, but nothing points to a specific person yet other than a connection based on who owns/owned it.


‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings

Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to arrange private meetings for potential foreign clients and investors at the highest levels in the White House. These never-before-revealed emails outline how a delegation of Chinese investors and Communist Party officials managed to secure a private, off-the-books meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

In a 2011 email, Hunter Biden’s business associates also discussed developing relations with what one called “China Inc.” as part of a “new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese.” These emails are completely unconnected to the Hunter Biden emails being released by the New York Post.

These and more explosive never-before-revealed emails were provided to Schweizer by Bevan Cooney, a one-time Hunter Biden and Devon Archer business associate. Cooney is currently in prison serving a sentence for his involvement in a 2016 bond fraud investment scheme.

In 2019, Cooney reached out to Schweizer after becoming familiar with the revelations in his 2018 book Secret Empires. Cooney explained that he believes he was the “fall guy” for the fraud scheme and that Archer and Hunter Biden had avoided responsibility.

Archer, who was also convicted in the case, saw a federal judge vacate his conviction. But an appellate court overturned the lower court judge’s ruling, reinstating Archer’s conviction in the case. Archer, Hunter Biden’s longtime business partner, awaits sentencing.

Cooney, their associate who is currently serving a prison sentence on his conviction in the matter, later reestablished contact with Schweizer through investigative journalist Matthew Tyrmand. From prison, Cooney provided Schweizer with written authorization, his email account name, and password to his Gmail account to retrieve these emails. He authorized, in writing, the publication of these emails— notable because it is the first time a close associate has publicly confirmed Hunter’s trading on his father’s influence.

The emails offer a unique window into just how the Biden universe conducted business during the Obama-Biden Administration. These associates sought to trade on Hunter Biden’s relationship with, and access to, his father and the Obama-Biden White House in order to generate business.

For instance, on November 5, 2011, one of Archer’s business contacts forwarded him an email teasing an opportunity to gain “potentially outstanding new clients” by helping to arrange White House meetings for a group of Chinese executives and government officials. The group was the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the delegation included Chinese billionaires, Chinese Communist Party loyalists, and at least one “respected diplomat” from Beijing. Despite its benign name, CEC has been called “a second foreign ministry” for the People’s Republic of China—a communist government that closely controls most businesses in its country. CEC was established in 2006 by a group of businessmen and Chinese government diplomats.


CEC’s leadership boasts numerous senior members of the Chinese Communist Party, including Wang Zhongyu (“vice chairman of the 10th CPPCC National Committee and deputy secretary of the Party group”), Ma Weihua (director of multiple Chinese Communist Party offices), and Jiang Xipei (member of the Chinese Communist Party and representative of the 16th National Congress), among others.

“I know it is political season and people are hesitant but a group like this does not come along every day,” an intermediary named Mohamed A. Khashoggi wrote on behalf of the CEC to an associate of Hunter Biden and Devon Archer. “A tour of the white house and a meeting with a member of the chief of staff’s office and John Kerry would be great,” Khashoggi said before including what should have been a major red flag: “Not sure if one has to be registered to do this.” Presumably, Khashoggi meant a registered lobbyist under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Khashoggi believed the trip presented “a soft diplomacy play that could be very effective” and would give Hunter Biden’s business partners “good access to [the Chinese] for any deal in the future.”

Indeed, the email boasted of CEC’s wealthy membership:

CEC’s current membership includes 50 preeminent figures such as: Liu Chuanzhi, Chairman of the CEC, Legend Holdings and Lenovo Group; Wu Jinglian, Zhang Weiying, and Zhou Qiren, China’s esteemed economists; Wu Jianmin, respected diplomat; Long Yongtu, representative of China’s globalization; Wang Shi (Vanke); Ma Weihua (China Merchants Bank); Jack Ma (Alibaba Group); Guo Guangchang (Fosun Group); Wang Jianlin, (Wanda Group); Niu Gensheng (LAONIU Foundation); Li Shufu (Geely); Li Dongsheng (TCL Corporation); Feng Lun (Vantone) and etc.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/16/exclusive-this-is-china-inc-emails-reveal-hunter-bidens-associates-helped-communist-aligned-chinese-elites-secure-white-house-meetings/

Hunter and Joe Biden Scandal Takes a Dark Turn — FBI’s Top Lawyer on Child Porn Involved in Case

The emails and text messages of Hunter Biden are depressing. Despite many millions of dollars in income, the younger Biden seems to be always in financial distress.

These emails and texts came to light in a series of New York Post stories on the contents of a laptop, presumably belonging to Hunter Biden. Someone dropped off the laptop at a computer repair shop to have its hard drive content recovered. That customer never paid and never returned for the device or its contents.

The store owner was disturbed by the laptop’s content. Fearing for his safety, he released the hard drive to the FBI in December 2019. When the FBI failed to follow up on the disturbing contents, the shop owner turned over a copy of the contents to former federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani, in turn, released the material to the New York Post.

In one text, Hunter Biden tells his daughter Naomi she can’t keep living like a billionaire’s daughter because her dad is broke.


In another, he promises never to demand half her salary the way her grandfather does.

Rudy Guilliani holds a print of Biden’s text message to daughter claiming Joe Biden demands half of Hunter’s salary.

The question arises, why would Hunter Biden agree to turn over cash to his father?

And another question: Why has the FBI done nothing?

We don’t know, of course, if anything Hunter Biden wrote to his daughter is true. Hunter could be lying. And we don’t yet have definitive prove anything on the laptop is authentic. But, based on the evidence, there’s every reason to believe it’s all true.

So, again, we ask, why would Hunter Biden consent to passing half his income to his father?

It’s not like Joe Biden is destitute. Once known as “the Senator from MBNA,” Joe Biden has millions in his political career. He was Vice President of the United States for eight of the last twelve years. Before that, he’d been a US Senator since 1973.

Maybe Hunter is just a remarkable kid who would never say “no” to his father. But there’s another, darker possibility. Maybe Hunter felt he had no choice.

The FBI’s Child Porn Attack Dog

One image included in the New York Post photos was the FBI’s subpoena for the laptop.

Bleeding through the top page was the FBI Special Agent’s signature: Joshua Wilson. As Western Journal describes it, Joshua Wilson works a specific kind of crime: child porn.

FBI Grand Jury subpoena for Hunter Biden’s laptop.


In 2012, Wilson was described by The Star-Ledger, a New Jersey-based newspaper, as “an FBI agent based in New Jersey who has spent nearly five years working full time on child pornography.

More recent news articles suggest Wilson has also worked child abduction cases.

A child pornography criminal complaint from 2012 includes Wilson’s signature — seemingly an exact match to what was found on the December subpoena.

Both Western Journal and the left-leaning Business Insider confirm that the Special Agent’s signature belongs to the same Joshua Wilson.

From Business Insider:

It’s unclear whether the FBI employs more than one agent named Joshua Wilson. But the available evidence seems to show **the Joshua Wilson who signed the subpoena for Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the Joshua Wilson who investigates child pornography for the FBI, are the same person**. This raises the possibility, not explored by the Post, that the FBI issued the subpoena for reasons unrelated to Hunter Biden’s role in Ukraine and Burisma.

The shop owner has told several news outlets that he did not *see* any child pornography on the hard drive. But those news outlets also confirm that the shop owner has severe vision problems. Some commenters have described him as “legally blind.”

Suppose the FBI’s child pornography and exploitation division is investigating the laptop. In that case, we begin to see possible answers to the two burning questions: Why did Hunter Biden agree to share his income with his wealthy father, and why has the FBI failed to act on the laptop’s contents.

Was Joe Biden Blackmailing His Own Son?

We know that Hunter Biden exploited his father’s position as Vice President to win ridiculously lucrative jobs with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, several Chinese companies and officials, and a $3.5 million gift from the wife of Moscow’s mayor.

We have learned from the New York Post story that Hunter seems to have arranged a meeting between a Burisma executive and Joe Biden in 2015.

We know that Joe Biden got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired in exchange for a $1 billion gift to the Ukrainian government.

We just learned that Joe Biden demanded at least half of his son’s vast income and that Hunter Biden complied with his father’s demands.

And now we know the FBI sent its child porn expert to seize Hunter Biden’s laptop.

We also know that Hunter Biden has lived a troubled life. The Navy kicked him out for drug abuse. He fathered a child he denies and refuses to support. Photos, both in the press and on the hard drive, reveal a playboy’s lifestyle of travel, drinking, drugs, and women. And constant financial problems despite millions of dollars in income.

Considering the numerous photos of Hunter and Joe together, it is reasonable to assume Joe knows about Hunter’s lifestyle. In other words, Joe Biden knows what’s in Hunter’s closet. And the potential consequences to Hunter’s reputation and freedom.

All of this information leads to one final question. A question that answers the two burning questions: **Did Joe Biden blackmail his son?**

Did Joe Biden exploit Hunter’s recklessness by pimping him out as a bagman to foreign capitals?

Did Joe Biden use his influence and power to hamstring FBI investigations of Hunter?

Therefore, did Hunter Biden feel he had no choice but to turn over half the loot to his “Pops?”


10-16-2020, 04:50 PM
TUCKER CARLSON’S BOMBSHELL: Burisma Told Hunter Biden They Wanted to “Close Down Any Cases-Pursuits Against” its Top Official in Ukraine


Fox News’ Tucker Carlson announced on Thursday that he will be revealing more emails tonight that further expose corruption by the Biden family.

Tucker Carlson tweeted this at 4:16 PM on Thursday.


On his show tonight Tucker Carlson reviewed information that was released earlier today by The New York Post.

And then he dropped a bomb on the Biden Crime Family…

Tucker Carlson shared with his audience Burisma Holdings told Hunter Biden they wanted to “close down any cases – pursuits against” its top official in Ukraine.



10-17-2020, 10:48 AM
So it begins?

Doesn’t matter that they focus on Russia. Bottom line is there IS something hinky about the blind guy and related people, especially Giuliani. It now is in the MSM and many are going to hear about what Twitter was trying to bury:

10-17-2020, 11:35 AM
Well, we'll see what the sender says and more. Looks like a leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetle more than just Rudy's words.

Yeah, we will. I won't be waiting up nights, though. If Trump is counting on this to make a difference, he's going to be disappointed.

10-17-2020, 02:15 PM
So it begins?

Doesn’t matter that they focus on Russia. Bottom line is there IS something hinky about the blind guy and related people, especially Giuliani. It now is in the MSM and many are going to hear about what Twitter was trying to bury:

The only coverage will be denials or to reverse it as such and lay claims to a setup via Giuliani, or turn it around and claim Trump is colluding with Russia again. :rolleyes:

10-17-2020, 02:21 PM
Yeah, we will. I won't be waiting up nights, though. If Trump is counting on this to make a difference, he's going to be disappointed.

Of course, because exposing the truth about anything on the left, any negativity, isn't something that anyone on the left cares one bit about. And of course no one will be waiting up, because they don't care one bit & they also know how other leftists and how the MSM handles such information. Knowing that so many others will be helping bury scandals as they happen, that's gotta help folks sleep easier. No care in the world about it, about losing, and not one bit of care about the truth and how much Joe was involved. Not a single care if Ukraine or China was working with them with the end goal being $$$.

But if Trump dared eat McDonald's or KFC for his lunch, well then folks on the left will stick around, hit social media to report on it & wait at night to ensure all the networks are on board with the same story. :thumb:

10-17-2020, 02:25 PM
Does anyone think Hunter, much less coercive Joe are going to spend a minute even in the hot seat over this?

Remember Hillary and her server which was a case of multiple felonies? The Dems are criminals are never going to hold their own accountable for anything. They're going to run right down and vote for the groper and the ho just like they did Fatass Hitlery.

10-17-2020, 03:12 PM
So this at least confirms that the laptop in question and materials being cited belonged to Hunter Biden. That changes things drastically and now makes them much more believable.

Then, below, we find out that Hunter Biden is more of an idiot than we thought. First, with personal material on his broken laptop, he brings it somewhere for repair, rather than a way guaranteed to keep things private. So he drops his laptop off with info and all. Techs can retrieve things, THAT is why you brought it there! Then he doesn't reply and doesn't call and doesn't return in person.

The FBI is approached and they don't take it at first, nor 2nd. But they do get an image of the drive with a subpoena and grand jury proceedings. Pretty much confirms a lot of things there too.

Upon never hearing anything and seeing no action taken, the owner contacts Rudy Giuliani and he blows the lid on the laptop and that's when the NY Post article then comes out. MUCH MUCH more believable now, as in guaranteed. His lawyer, info that was found, the FBI, grand jury...

And with all of that, we will still be met with denials and still met with ignoring it and hiding it & censorship will continue on social media.


Email Sent to Computer Shop Owner John Paul Mac Issac from Hunter Biden’s Attorney Is Released

The Biden Crime Family is Finally Exposed

Rudy Giuliani was in the news this week after the explosive Biden Crime Family emails went public.

Giuliani was approached by computer repairman John Paul Mac Issac after Hunter Biden, a known drug addict, turned over his computers to the store and then refused to come pick them up.

The FBI took the hard drives from the computer and then hid them from the American public, President Trump, Congress and the executive branch.

On Friday intel expert Larry C. Johnson, who contributes at The Gateway Pundit, interviewed the computer store owner John Paul Mac Issac.

John Paul Mac Issac shared his story with Larry. And he told Larry Johnson that he received an email LAST WEEK from Hunter Biden’s attorney!

The Biden team was evidently tipped off that Hunter’s emails, photos and videos were about to make headlines!

The Biden Crime Family is Finally Exposed

Early Saturday morning Adam Housley released the email from Hunter Biden’s attorney to John Paul Mac Issac from last week!


Here is the letter from Hunter Biden’s attorney George Mesires.

Hunter Biden’s attorney called John Paul’s shop a few days ago and asked for Hunter’s computers back. The letter was sent after the call. This confirms that the computers held by John Paul Mac Issac were indeed from Hunter Biden.



Larry C. Johnson Interviews John Paul Mac Issac — The American Patriot Who Was Hired to Fix Hunter Biden’s Computers and the Rest Is History

This is the story of an American patriot, an honorable man, John Paul Mac Issac, who tried to do the right thing and is now being unfairly and maliciously slandered as an agent of foreign intelligence, specifically Russia.

John Paul Mac Issac is not an agent or spy for anyone. He is his own man. How do I know? I have known his dad for more than 20 years. I’ve known John Paul’s dad as Mac. Mac is a decorated Vietnam Veteran, who flew gunships in Vietnam. And he continued his military service with an impeccable record until he retired as an Air Force Colonel. The crews of those gunships have an annual reunion and Mac usually takes John Paul along, who volunteers his computer and video skills to record and compile the stories of those brave men who served their country in a difficult war.

This story is very simple–Hunter Biden dropped off three computers with liquid damage at a repair shop in Wilmington, Delaware on April 12, 2019. The owner, John Paul Mac Issac, examined the three and determined that one was beyond recovery, one was okay and the data on the hard drive of the third could be recovered. Hunter signed the service ticket and John Paul Mac Issac repaired the hard drive and downloaded the data. During this process he saw some disturbing images and a number of emails that concerned Ukraine, Burisma, China and other issues. With the work completed, Mr. Mac Issac prepared an invoice, sent it to Hunter Biden and notified him that the computer was ready to be retrieved. Hunter did not respond. In the ensuing four months (May, June, July and August), Mr. Mac Issac made repeated efforts to contact Hunter Biden. Biden never answered and never responded. More importantly, Biden stiffed John Paul Mac Issac–i.e., he did not pay the bill.

When the manufactured Ukraine crisis surfaced in August 2019, John Paul realized he was sitting on radioactive material that might be relevant to the investigation. After conferring with his father, Mac and John Paul decided that Mac would take the information to the FBI office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mac walked into the Albuquerque FBI office and spoke with an agent who refused to give his name. Mac explained the material he had, but was rebuffed by the FBI. He was told basically, get lost. This was mid-September 2019.

Two months passed and then, out of the blue, the FBI contacted John Paul Mac Issac. Two FBI agents from the Wilmington FBI office–Joshua Williams and Mike Dzielak–came to John Paul’s business. He offered immediately to give them the hard drive, no strings attached. Agents Williams and Dzielak declined to take the device.

Two weeks later, the intrepid agents called and asked to come and image the hard drive. John Paul agreed but, instead of taking the hard drive or imaging the drive, they gave him a subpoena. It was part of a grand jury proceeding but neither agent said anything about the purpose of the grand jury. John Paul complied with the subpoena and turned over the hard drive and the computer.

In the ensuing months, starting with the impeachment trial of President Trump, he heard nothing from the FBI and knew that none of the evidence from the hard drive had been shared with President Trump’s defense team.

The lack of action and communication with the FBI led John Paul to make the fateful decision to contact Rudy Giuliani’s office and offer a copy of the drive to the former mayor. We now know that Rudy accepted John Paul’s offer and that Rudy’s team shared the information with the New York Post.

John Paul Mac Issac is not responsible for the emails, images and videos recovered from Hunter Biden’s computer. He was hired to do a job, he did the job and submitted an invoice for the work. Hunter Biden, for some unexplained reason, never responded and never asked for the computer. But that changed last Tuesday, October 13, 2020. A person claiming to be Hunter Biden’s lawyer called John Paul Mac Issac and asked for the computer to be returned. Too late. That horse had left the barn and was with the FBI.

John Paul, acting under Delaware law, understood that Hunter’s computer became the property of his business 90 days after it had been abandoned.

At no time did John Paul approach any media outlet or tabloid offering to sell salacious material. A person of lesser character might have tried to profit. But that is not the essence of John Paul Mac Issac. He had information in his possession that he learned, thanks to events subsequent to receiving the computer for a repair job, was relevant to the security of our nation. He did what any clear thinking American would do–he, through his father, contacted the FBI. When the FBI finally responded to his call for help, John cooperated fully and turned over all material requested.

The failure here is not John Paul’s. He did his job. The FBI dropped the ball and, by extension, the Department of Justice. Sadly, this is becoming a disturbing, repeating theme–the FBI through incompetence or malfeasance is not doing its job.

Any news outlet that is publishing the damnable lie that John Paul is part of some subversive effort to interfere in the United States Presidential election is on notice. That is slander and defamation. Fortunately, the evidence from Hunter Biden’s computer is in the hands of the FBI and Rudy Giuliani and, I suspect, the U.S. Senate. Those with the power to do something must act. John Paul Mac Issac’s honor is intact. We cannot say the same for those government officials who have a duty to deal with this information.


10-17-2020, 03:20 PM
There likely is much to these emails, but the whole Guiliani/blind guy mix is just beyond weird. This is not a good thing to keep publicizing imo.

10-17-2020, 03:28 PM
There likely is much to these emails, but the whole Guiliani/blind guy mix is just beyond weird. This is not a good thing to keep publicizing imo.Great minds :). Said much the same. I don't know enough about it to open my mouth, and I'm not running toward the goal line with the ball like Jim Marshall on something that just sounds too convenient, and too good to be true. If it turns out to be BS, it'll do more harm than good.

10-17-2020, 03:31 PM
Great minds :). Said much the same. I don't know enough about it to open my mouth, and I'm not running toward the goal line with the ball like Jim Marshall on something that just sounds too convenient, and too good to be true. If it turns out to be BS, it'll do more harm than good.

I don't think this can go to court, no fair chain of evidence. OTOH, no doubt with the pics and videos-they're Hunter. Then there's the fact that the campaign hasn't denied any of it; best they've come up with: 'Not on his official calendar' which of course, it wouldn't be.

So we'll see. Bottom line, something hinky.

10-17-2020, 03:39 PM
I don't think this can go to court, no fair chain of evidence. OTOH, no doubt with the pics and videos-they're Hunter. Then there's the fact that the campaign hasn't denied any of it; best they've come up with: 'Not on his official calendar' which of course, it wouldn't be.

So we'll see. Bottom line, something hinky.I'll stick with my original statement: Biden is not going to to be held accountable, true or not.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that he actually is held accountable for his use of coercion to have a foreign government official removed. By accident or design? President Harris to follow (based on the assumption of a Biden win). Looks like a win-win for the Dems to me. Nothing is beneath them.

10-17-2020, 03:43 PM
I'll stick with my original statement: Biden is not going to to be held accountable, true or not.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that he actually is held accountable for his use of coercion to have a foreign government official removed. By accident or design? President Harris to follow (based on the assumption of a Biden win). Looks like a win-win for the Dems to me. Nothing is beneath them.

I agree about accountability, not the 'win/win' for Dems necessarily. Thanks to the brouhaha with twitter and facebook, good chance that most moderates and independents have seen much of it. Then take Joe's reaction the CBS reporter just asking and some will wonder.

10-17-2020, 04:32 PM
Great minds :). Said much the same. I don't know enough about it to open my mouth, and I'm not running toward the goal line with the ball like Jim Marshall on something that just sounds too convenient, and too good to be true. If it turns out to be BS, it'll do more harm than good.

Hell, I'll gladly be Marshall, I know better and always stop to gather facts/proof/evidence before crossing the goal line and spiking it. :)

I agree it's too convenient and that's why I prefaced a lot in the first 2 days, as there are tons of accusations, and emails & related information. But nothing 100% confirmed. And no one directly involved in any names shown has come out or showed information to back things up. Nor why an "October surprise" of prized information and how it magically came out just now.

But now many things are confirmed. Much is more than an accusation now. Emails have been proven & at least one person involved spoke up to corroborate. And as to the reason, it appears the FBI was that reason, and they had the drive/info, and the "magic" is the owner contacting Giuliani's office just a week or two back with the information after he thought nothing was being done. That changes things IMO.

I don't think this can go to court, no fair chain of evidence. OTOH, no doubt with the pics and videos-they're Hunter. Then there's the fact that the campaign hasn't denied any of it; best they've come up with: 'Not on his official calendar' which of course, it wouldn't be.

So we'll see. Bottom line, something hinky.

What they need is backup of folks involved/mentioned and/or server related information. You got getting the info out prior to the election, as it's a matter of character and then some about how Joe Biden may treat the most powerful position in the nation. And then you have a potential court case as well, with Hunter. That'll be more difficult to prove. But for now, things need to be quite quickly proven to any independent voters out there, those that see it anyway. At the very least, it's broken through the legit news barrier with this additional information and most definitely should be reported on to Americans and also shouldn't be censored IMO in any way.

I'll stick with my original statement: Biden is not going to to be held accountable, true or not.

Let's assume for the sake of argument that he actually is held accountable for his use of coercion to have a foreign government official removed. By accident or design? President Harris to follow (based on the assumption of a Biden win). Looks like a win-win for the Dems to me. Nothing is beneath them.

That's the sad unfortunate fact. He won't be held accountable, the only chance to hold him accountable is right now prior to election.

I agree about accountability, not the 'win/win' for Dems necessarily. Thanks to the brouhaha with twitter and facebook, good chance that most moderates and independents have seen much of it. Then take Joe's reaction the CBS reporter just asking and some will wonder.

That's surely a good thing. Now, the question is, for the next few weeks, how much information will get out there?

10-17-2020, 04:49 PM
Hell, I'll gladly be Marshall, I know better and always stop to gather facts/proof/evidence before crossing the goal line and spiking it. :)

I agree it's too convenient and that's why I prefaced a lot in the first 2 days, as there are tons of accusations, and emails & related information. But nothing 100% confirmed. And no one directly involved in any names shown has come out or showed information to back things up. Nor why an "October surprise" of prized information and how it magically came out just now.

But now many things are confirmed. Much is more than an accusation now. Emails have been proven & at least one person involved spoke up to corroborate. And as to the reason, it appears the FBI was that reason, and they had the drive/info, and the "magic" is the owner contacting Giuliani's office just a week or two back with the information after he thought nothing was being done. That changes things IMO.

What they need is backup of folks involved/mentioned and/or server related information. You got getting the info out prior to the election, as it's a matter of character and then some about how Joe Biden may treat the most powerful position in the nation. And then you have a potential court case as well, with Hunter. That'll be more difficult to prove. But for now, things need to be quite quickly proven to any independent voters out there, those that see it anyway. At the very least, it's broken through the legit news barrier with this additional information and most definitely should be reported on to Americans and also shouldn't be censored IMO in any way.

That's the sad unfortunate fact. He won't be held accountable, the only chance to hold him accountable is right now prior to election.

That's surely a good thing. Now, the question is, for the next few weeks, how much information will get out there?

I basically have positive feelings this may work out for the election, that would be a win. However, calling the Mac guy a super patriot or whatever it was that was going on, the guy is very hinky. Between his various accounts and Giuliana being involved, it's from that quarter things could blow up any day now. That is my not so positive feeling.

10-17-2020, 04:49 PM
I will add this:

Maybe they did and just didn't mention it, but they showed images only of the emails. Do they have the emails on the latop? Because the header data in each email carries a ton of information. Start sharing THAT information with some backup and it would be more credible. If they cannot produce it, then that presents a problem with the story.

10-17-2020, 04:57 PM
I will add this:

Maybe they did and just didn't mention it, but they showed images only of the emails. Do they have the emails on the latop? Because the header data in each email carries a ton of information. Start sharing THAT information with some backup and it would be more credible. If they cannot produce it, then that presents a problem with the story.

I look at it this way, the information coming out is staggering in the sense 'Big Guy' has already been id as Joe, making him look pretty venal. The story Hunter tells his daughter about having to give 1/2 of all to his father, well that goes some way of explaining how someone in public service forever is a many multiple millionaire.

No way is 'definitive proof' coming in 2 weeks, best Trump can hope for is more slime comes out and none of it is from Giuliani or blind guy. Gunny's point of no repercussions I think is right-legally. For the election? Jury's out.

10-17-2020, 04:57 PM
I basically have positive feelings this may work out for the election, that would be a win. However, calling the Mac guy a super patriot or whatever it was that was going on, the guy is very hinky. Between his various accounts and Giuliana being involved, it's from that quarter things could blow up any day now. That is my not so positive feeling.

Same here, but why I always tell folks to ignore rhetoric if they can and highlight/bold the facts within. Even those opinion pieces can carry facts within. All I care about is evidence, and can it be verified/proven.

That was the opening sentence, and I did zero background at that very moment, and I still didn't believe it. Dumb way of writing, IMO.

The ENTIRE thing is hinky! October and perfect timing, Hunter leaving it at such a place, then never picking it up? It's all so very questionable, but at the same time, if the FBI did subpoena the laptop and it was used somehow or way in grand jury proceedings, and we know that Hunter's lawyer contacted the owner, something is up. It IS all possible that images were faked by this guy, information convenient but also made up, emails could be faked... and the subpoena and GJ may have been about interference somehow, and the lawyer contact may have been to tell him to STFU with the made up stuff? Stranger things have happened! But I'm more than leaning on the side of Biden ownership of all the above.

10-17-2020, 04:59 PM
I look at it this way, the information coming out is staggering in the sense 'Big Guy' has already been id as Joe, making him look pretty venal. The story Hunter tells his daughter about having to give 1/2 of all to his father, well that goes some way of explaining how someone in public service forever is a many multiple millionaire.

No way is 'definitive proof' coming in 2 weeks, best Trump can hope for is more slime comes out and none of it is from Giuliani or blind guy. Gunny's point of no repercussions I think is right-legally. For the election? Jury's out.

I agree the likeliness of definitive proof is little to none, but ya never know. In the mean time, and they know it's legit, get out the best of what they have in the best presentable manner.

10-17-2020, 05:00 PM
Same here, but why I always tell folks to ignore rhetoric if they can and highlight/bold the facts within. Even those opinion pieces can carry facts within. All I care about is evidence, and can it be verified/proven.

That was the opening sentence, and I did zero background at that very moment, and I still didn't believe it. Dumb way of writing, IMO.

The ENTIRE thing is hinky! October and perfect timing, Hunter leaving it at such a place, then never picking it up? It's all so very questionable, but at the same time, if the FBI did subpoena the laptop and it was used somehow or way in grand jury proceedings, and we know that Hunter's lawyer contacted the owner, something is up. It IS all possible that images were faked by this guy, information convenient but also made up, emails could be faked... and the subpoena and GJ may have been about interference somehow, and the lawyer contact may have been to tell him to STFU with the made up stuff? Stranger things have happened! But I'm more than leaning on the side of Biden ownership of all the above.

If it were all faked-lawyers would be all over it, tossing so many accusations at Trump-probably already a new impeachment hearing. Nope, there's real smoke. I doubt we'll ever know the facts for certain, as any legal remedies I doubt forthcoming whomever wins. This is election stuff, imo, nothing bigger.

10-17-2020, 06:16 PM
I read this this morning, I think I didn’t link, so here you go. Greenwald is liberal, by the way:


10-18-2020, 10:26 AM
I read this this morning, I think I didn’t link, so here you go. Greenwald is liberal, by the way:


This is the opening paragraph of that article:

THE NEW YORK POST IS one of the country’s oldest and largest newspapers. Founded in 1801 by Alexander Hamilton, only three U.S. newspapers are more widely circulated. Ever since it was purchased in 1976 by media mogul Rupert Murdoch, it has been known — like most Murdoch-owned papers — for right-wing tabloid sensationalism, albeit one that has some real reporters and editors and is capable of reliable journalism.

And here's where the left would already stop reading and continue accusations about the newspaper being right leaning... Let's face it, every media agency these days has a slant. Whether the owner, writers, speakers, editors... it's how much of a total they allow their own beliefs to effect the news. Maybe I was naive, but growing up I thought it was almost all straight national news, local news and then sports. And pundit shows were separate and something I just never watched. But the news was delivered and the watcher could make up their own minds. Today, each has their own way of doing things, but seems even just straight national news and local news is told with a political lens as if they are telling the news and trying to all slant the news to their own beliefs.

And the left, well they just then dismiss anything on the right, claiming the source. They always ignore any facts stated within. And the funny part is the hypocrisy, knowing the left leaning agencies are beyond dishonest and giving a slant when they tell the news. I don't know if they just fall for it, or know the slant/lies are there and simply don't care.

And hell yes, a line is being crossed majorly here. As pointed out, while nothing is 200% definitive, there is nothing to doubt yet either. In fact, some of it proven already. And yes, it's relevant and newsworthy.

Just two hours after the story was online, Facebook intervened. The company dispatched a life-long Democratic Party operative who now works for Facebook — Andy Stone, previously a communications operative for Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, among other D.C. Democratic jobs — to announce that Facebook was “reducing [the article’s] distribution on our platform”: in other words, tinkering with its own algorithms to suppress the ability of users to discuss or share the news article.

Interesting little tidbit. :rolleyes: It's a clear all on effort suppression of the news. And think back to 2015-present - and the amount of accusation type stories about Trump and team. (think of Pete and his endless fails) They will post or broadcast anything at the slightest hint of wrongdoing, no matter the proof. CNN, MSNBC... and folks posting any accusation they wanted and worry about the truth later. None was ever stopped. In fact, they lowered/censored what you saw from the right, while promoting via algorithms other things anti-Trump. But now, this is a no go. :rolleyes:

10-18-2020, 06:36 PM

Trump Campaign: 11 Questions The Media Must Ask Joe Biden About Hunter Biden ‘Selling Access’

Tim Murtaugh, the spokesperson for President Donald Trump’s campaign, said Sunday that the news media should ask Democratic rival Joe Biden “red, flashing, glaring” questions about allegations about his son, Hunter Biden, “selling access.”

Murtaugh noted that the Biden campaign had not denied the substance of reports that Hunter Biden had arranged meetings between his business partners in Ukraine and China and with then-Vice President Biden.

The reports have been based on emails purportedly discovered on a laptop abandoned at a repair shop in Delaware, and subsequently reported by the New York Post and others; and emails shared independently with Breitbart News by one of Hunter Biden’s former partners.

Biden is reported to have met with an adviser to the corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma; and with executives from the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC), including Chinese billionaires and Chinese Communist Party loyalists.

The Biden campaign “does not dispute the authenticity of these emails nor do they dispute that the laptops these emails came from” belonged to Hunter Biden, Murtaugh said.

He argued that the emails showed that Joe Biden lied when he said: “I have never discussed, with my son or my brother or with anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses. Period.”

Murtaugh added that Biden had not denied any of the allegations.


“The lone exception is to say that no such meeting [with Burisma] appeared on Joe Biden’s official schedule at the time. This explanation is a joke, and it’s embarrassing to the Biden campaign that this is the best they can do.”

He noted that the Biden campaign had told Politico that it could not rule out that such a meeting might have taken place. And he noted a report in Fox News about emails that discussed 10% of one deal being set aside for someone called the “big guy.”

Murtaugh also noted that the one time a mainstream media reporter asked Biden about the allegations, Biden attacked him.


Nevertheless, Murtaugh argued, journalists covering the Biden campaign had a duty to ask him the following questions:

Did Hunter drop off this laptop at that repair show in Delaware? (see lawyer email to shop)
Does the laptop belong to Hunter Biden? (see lawyer email to shop)
Why would a grand jury subpoena the laptop [which was seized by the FBI for a grand jury]?
Are the emails authentic?
Have you ever met any of Hunter Biden’s foreign business partners?
What did you talk about with Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s business partner and fellow Bursima board member, when you played golf [as captured in a photo revealed last year (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/10/01/photo-joe-hunter-biden-golf-with-ukraine-energy-company-board-member-in-2014/)]?
Did you meet with Vadym Pozharskyi, the Bursima executive, in that meeting [in 2015], as described in the emails?
Can you explain the 10% stake n the Chinese energy company described as being specially for you, as worked out by Hunter and his business partners?
Is Hunter Biden holding money for you?
Do you make Hunter give him half of his income [as alleged by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, based on a text message purportedly found on the laptop]?
Are you, as a candidate for President of the United States, compromised by the Chinese?

Murtaugh added that efforts by Facebook and Twitter, the “Silicon Valley mafia,” to “squelch” the story had “backfired on them, because it made it a much bigger story.”

He said that if the moderator in the third debate did not bring up the issue, President Trump would likely do so.


Trump Ad Blasts Joe Biden over Son’s Lucrative Business Dealings: ‘Turns Out He Lied’

The Trump campaign released an ad Saturday highlighting Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s family “making themselves rich off of the vice presidency.”

“A Ukrainian company hands Hunter Biden a lucrative deal,” the voiceover states as the chyron reveals Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, made tens of thousands of dollars per month with Burisma despite a stunning lack of experience or expertise in the energy sector.

“Joe Biden said he knew nothing. Turns out he lied. Biden met personally with a Ukrainian executive after they hired his son. Joe Biden lied to the American people about his family making themselves rich off of the vice presidency,” the voice over continues, asking, “What else is he lying about?”:


The ad follows last week’s bombshell report from the New York Post featuring “smoking gun” emails suggesting that Joe Biden met with an adviser to the board of Burisma, Vadym Pozharskyi.

The email, allegedly sent to Hunter from Pozharskyi, reads:

Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure.

The date of the purported email — April 17, 2015 — is significant, as Breitbart News’s John Nolte detailed:

The date of the email is important. The meeting between Pozharskyi and the then-vice president would have taken place eight months before Biden threatened to withhold U.S. aid from Ukraine unless the country agreed to fire a prosecutor who was looking into Burisma. The prosecutor was fired.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/18/trump-ad-blasts-joe-biden-sons-lucrative-business-dealings-turns-out-he-lied/

10-19-2020, 10:54 AM
Well, so much for that excuse. As if it still won't be ran with until election day, and then some. :rolleyes:

Just suppose for a moment that were true, it's Russia's doing and they're aware of that. Well, why not cover it, why not show the people what you know. Not only is that definitely news that should be reported if it were true, but it would address the story and diminish it for all the people that are aware of it. Put it to bed. But they know it's BS and the goods are right there for all to see.

CNN has nothing on it, not a peep about Russia trying to influence and how it did this or that with a laptop. :rolleyes:


DNI Ratcliffe: ‘Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Not Part of Some Russian Disinformation Campaign’

Monday during an appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Director of Intelligence John Ratcliffe dismissed claims from House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and others that emails that surfaced in a recent New York Post story reportedly from a laptop of Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden were part of a so-called Russian disinformation campaign.

Ratcliffe suggested it was an effort by Schiff to politicize the intelligence community.

“So Maria, it is funny that some of the people that complain the most about intelligence being politicized are the ones politicizing intelligence,” he said. “And unfortunately, in this case, it is Adam Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who, as you pointed out, said on Friday the intelligence community believes that Hunter Biden’s laptop and the emails on it are part of some Russian disinformation campaign. Let me be clear: The intelligence community doesn’t believe that because there is no intelligence that supports that. We have shared no intelligence with Chairman Adam Schiff or any other member of Congress that Hunter Biden’s laptop is part of some Russian disinformation campaign.”

“It’s simply not true,” Ratcliffe continued. “And this is exactly what I said would I stop when I became the Director of National Intelligence, and that’s people using the intelligence community to leverage some political narrative. And in this case, apparently, Chairman Schiff wants anything against his preferred political candidate to be deemed as ‘not real’ and as using the intelligence community or attempting to use the intelligence community to say there’s nothing to see here. Don’t drag the intelligence community into this. Hunter Biden’s laptop is not part of some Russian disinformation campaign. And I think it’s clear that the American people know that.”

Ratcliffe said any investigation of Hunter Biden’s alleged wrongdoing would not be under his jurisdiction but that of the FBI and not the intelligence community.


10-19-2020, 11:06 AM
NY Times Smears NY Post but Can’t Deny Authenticity of Hunter Biden Emails

The far-left New York Times published a lengthy hit piece against the New York Post about the Hunter Biden emails.

Bottom line with yours truly… When it comes to the shady gathering of the truth for the public good, I refuse to play by two separate sets of rules. I refuse to live in a world where it’s okay for the New York Times to make Trump’s tax returns public but not okay to make Hunter Biden’s business emails public.

There are two headlines in the New York Times hit piece…

The first is that the Times does not in any way dispute the authenticity of the emails.

In fact, no one has disputed the authenticity of the emails, including Hunter Biden and Joe Biden and the Biden campaign.

In fact, outlets like Fox News have started to confirm the authenticity of the emails, and if the emails do prove to be authentic (and I believe they are authentic), that means that Joe Biden is the equivalent of a mafia godfather who’s been using his family as a front for decades to sell out his country and enrich himself.

The second headline in the New York Times piece is that the New York Times is not angry because the New York Post story is in some way false or untrue… No, the New York Times is angry because the New York Post is reporting the truth.

You know, a few years back, Breitbart News ran headlong into this phenomenon when we proved Lena Dunham lied in her 2013 memoir about being raped by a college Republican while attending Oberlin College.

After Breitbart News published the Dunham bombshell, we were attacked — not because anything in our story was wrong. No one could dispute the reporting. Even Lena Dunham and her publisher admitted the reporting was on the money. No, what everyone was so angry over was that we dared to report a truth — a truth they did not want told. In other words, they weren’t angry we got the story wrong; they were all angry we got the story right.

We’re seeing the same with the Hunter Biden emails.

No one — and I mean no one — including the Bidens, is disputing the accuracy of the Post‘s reporting. They’re just mad the truth is being reported, or they’re focused on where the emails might have come from and, without any evidence — at least so far, claiming the emails were gained through an illegal hack, maybe even by the dreaded Russians.

Who cares where the material came from?

Who cares? --- What they said with a few things Trump related, and same now, cat is out of the bag. All that matters is whether they are legitimate or not. Whether or not the actions are true or not. And the answer appears to be yes to both.

The only time the media make a point of how the sausage is made is when the media do not want to report on the sausage.

And unlike the New York Times, who just a few weeks ago published President Trump’s private tax returns, the Post detailed exactly how it came into possession of Hunter’s emails.

There is simply no moral difference between publishing Trump’s tax returns and Hunter’s emails.

There is no moral difference whatsoever.

There might be a legal difference. There are federal laws protecting the right of privacy related to tax returns. But if the story behind how Hunter’s emails were obtained is true — that someone dropped off a laptop to be repaired and never came back to pick it up or pay the bill — it doesn’t appear as though any laws were broken.

Nevertheless, a moral difference does not exist.

And as far as I’m concerned, I don’t give even a tiny damn where the truth comes from, as long as what’s being reported is the truth. I said that about WikiLeaks when John Podesta’s emails were released in 2016. I believe that about Trump’s tax returns (which only proved he did nothing wrong), and I believe that about Hunter’s emails.

Let’s face it… The national political media are now so corrupt, so compromised, so wicked, that the only way we are ever going to learn the truth about a Joe Biden or a Barack Obama or a John Podesta or a Hillary Clinton is by way of a WikiLeaks, a Breitbart News, or a James O’Keefe. -- So true and their censoring and burying info is proven time and time again.

I’m not okay with the humiliation and ridicule of Hunter Biden’s drug problems, the photos flying around… If I were king, we’d stick to business and keep the personal personal.

Let me repeat… When it comes to the shady gathering of the truth for the public good, I refuse to play by two separate sets of rules. I refuse to live in a world where it’s okay for the New York Times to make Trump’s tax returns public but not okay to make Hunter Biden’s business emails public. I refuse to live in a world where the leaking of the Pentagon Papers is a virtue and Edward Snowden is a villain.

The liars and hypocrites and hacks do not work at the New York Post. Those desperate to mislead the public by hiding the truth from the public, do not work at the New York Post.

No, they work at the New York Times and the Washington Post and CNNLOL, NBC, ABC, CBS, Twitter, Google, and Facebook.

The truth is the truth is the truth, and I want to know the truth.


10-19-2020, 11:26 AM

Ukrainian Lawmaker Says Government Has Seized Second Laptop Belonging to Hunter Biden’s Business Contacts

Ukrainian Pariamentarian Andriy Derkach (pictured) held a much publicized press conference last October in Ukraine.

In his press conference Derkach revealed that Joe Biden was paid $900,000 for lobbying efforts from Burisma Holdings in Ukraine.


Derkach even brought charts and images as proof during his presentation.

This is the same organization that paid Hunter Biden over $50,000 a month to sit on their board in an obvious pay-for-play maneuver.

Cristina Laila reported on this development back in October last year…

Former Vice President Joe Biden was personally paid $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Holdings, according to Ukrainian MP Andriy Derkach.
Derkach publicized the documents at a press conference at the Interfax-Ukraine agency Wednesday as he said the records, “describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr.”

“This was the transfer of Burisma Group’s funds for lobbying activities, as investigators believe, personally to Joe Biden through a lobbying company. Funds in the amount of $900,000 were transferred to the U.S.-based company Rosemont Seneca Partners, which according to open sources, in particular, the New York Times, is affiliated with Biden. The payment reference was payment for consultative services,” Derkach said.

During his press conference Derkach even displayed images and a timeline of Joe Biden’s nefarious dealings in the Ukraine.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/developing-ukrainian-lawmaker-says-government-seized-second-laptop-belonging-hunter-bidens-business-contacts/