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10-16-2020, 05:47 PM
Do people really get this angry when they see political signs? Or do they think that the sign is helping the other side so they will remove it to prevent that? :rolleyes:

And in this day and age, is it worth taking a chance when everyone has security cameras or cell cameras? :dunno2:

Thanks to the tolerant left, folks have to worry about their kids if putting out a sign. Worry about their homes becoming a target. Their signs stolen. Wear a hat and maybe get assaulted.


Unhinged South Carolina Elections Chairman Resigns After He Is Caught Defacing and Removing Trump Signs

The chairman of the board of elections in South Carolina resigned after he and his wife were caught on video defacing and removing Trump signs in the state.

Dean Smith resigned after he was caught on deer cameras vandalizing Trump signs on Pawleys Island.

The Daily Caller reported:

A chairman of a board of elections in South Carolina resigned after he and his wife were accused of removing and defacing multiple Donald Trump campaign signs from someone’s yard, numerous sources reported.

Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office Tuesday that Trump campaign signs were disappearing from his yard. A deer camera the resident placed in his yard caught the offender on Oct. 4 taking his signs and defacing another by writing “dump” over the Trump name on the sign, Coastal Observer reported.

An incident report identifies the offender as Dean Smith, who was seen on camera driving away with his wife, the report says according to WPDE. Smith resigned after serving on the elections board for 15 years Wednesday, two days after Republican Party officials filed a complaint with the sheriff’s office accusing him of helping his wife deface the campaign sign.


Blue State Blues: The Stolen Yard Sign and the Silent Majority

Roughly 24 hours after we put up a Trump yard sign, it was stolen. And then something remarkable happened.

I wasn’t going to put up a yard sign; I don’t put up yard signs, in general. On the liberal west side of L.A., there is almost no point. The GOP has basically ceased to exist as an electoral force in California.

And as a conservative journalist, even though it is no mystery whom I support in the 2020 election, I tend to keep politics out of my personal life, at least with my neighbors and relatives.

But when I saw the first Biden/Harris signs start to go up, I decided I had to take a stand.

Our community was hurt by the Black Lives Matter riots in late May. The local mall was boarded up and the National Guard was on the street.

In my beloved Santa Monica, where I lived until recently, the downtown area was smashed and looted on live TV. Further east, synagogues were tagged with graffiti.

Joe Biden’s first reaction was to blame police; our own senator, Kamala Harris, joined a protest in D.C.

If, after all that, people were still willing to support the Biden/Harris ticket, I felt I had to take a stand, at least on my lawn.

So I ordered a couple of Trump signs. But when they arrived, I was still uncertain if I should actually post them. “Don’t do that to your kids,” a friend said, warning me that our house could be targeted.

I knew we could not be the only conservative family in the neighborhood; perhaps there were more, in the homes flying American flags. Still, I gave it some thought.

Then, last Friday, I watched the press conference in which Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) discussed removing the president from office under the 25th Amendment, and I decided that enough was enough. I didn’t care if it was pointless; I didn’t care if it was dangerous.

I took the yard signs out, placing one on our lawn and mounting one on our fence, where it would be more visible. They looked nice; they seemed almost festive, among the other political signs in the neighborhood.

The next day, while I was at synagogue for — socially distant! — prayers, a car pulled up to the house. A man in a mask got out, walked into our driveway, snatched the sign, and ran back to the vehicle, where his accomplice pulled a U-turn, leaving the wire frame behind, taped to the fence.

When I came home, I was infuriated. The LAPD came by later to take a statement, just for the record. One of the officers, seeing our neighbors’ Biden/Harris signs, joked: “I think we found the culprits.”

I decided to order more signs, on principle.

On a walk around the neighborhood later that day, my wife and I laughed at one of the new Biden/Harris signs: “Unity Not Division.”

The thieves who stole our sign seemed to be from the area. Just a few hours before, I had seriously entertained the idea that people would be tolerant enough to accept the one Trump sign among dozens of Biden/Harris ones. Now, I understood more deeply why Trump supporters might not tell pollsters their true beliefs.

A couple of days later, I was doing some work in the front yard when a woman whom I had seen before, but never spoken to, walked by.

“Did they steal your sign?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I said.

She shook her head.

How odd, I thought.

Then it happened again — and again.

“Four more years!” one woman shouted from her car.

A man called approvingly from his pickup truck: “Get a bigger sign!” Another woman rolled down the window of her SUV: “You’re the only one around here with guts!”

I met more neighbors in half an hour than I had met in nearly a year of living in the neighborhood. It was incredible.

This was the “silent majority” — or, perhaps, a silent minority, but not an insignificant one. We were all living in fear — even of each other! — until one person broke the ice. And it felt good.

Trump could very well lose in a landslide. 2016 could really have been a once-off.

But maybe — just maybe — there are far more of us than we know, ready to shock the world again.


10-16-2020, 06:12 PM
Few Biden signs, but quite a few vandalized trump ones

10-16-2020, 07:31 PM
Few Biden signs, but quite a few vandalized trump ones

I got me a Trump flag and sign, but "not allowed" to put them out. :( Not allowed technically to wear any of my Trump hats. I suppose I could but was asked politely not to, just to avoid any controversy there may be. Sucks we live in such a time. Fearful of what may happen if we wear a baseball cap with the president of the USA's name on it. Or putting out a campaign sign and worry it will be gone by morning. Or that someone will harm your house in some manner.

10-16-2020, 07:45 PM
I got me a Trump flag and sign, but "not allowed" to put them out. :( Not allowed technically to wear any of my Trump hats. I suppose I could but was asked politely not to, just to avoid any controversy there may be. Sucks we live in such a time. Fearful of what may happen if we wear a baseball cap with the president of the USA's name on it. Or putting out a campaign sign and worry it will be gone by morning. Or that someone will harm your house in some manner.

We live in the United States of America, and as citizens. We have to be afraid, or scared to do anything....somebody else doesn't like????

Guess I, and all other Veterans were fooled...thinking we were helping to PROTECT our fellow American citizens here at home in defending our RIGHTS, FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES????

What is wrong with that picture? ANSWER: "DEMOCRAT RADICALS WHO HIDE BEHIND THE VERY SAME CONSTITUTION, but easily IGNORE IT, and our LAWS because they HATE AMERICA.

10-16-2020, 08:51 PM
I got me a Trump flag and sign, but "not allowed" to put them out. :( Not allowed technically to wear any of my Trump hats. I suppose I could but was asked politely not to, just to avoid any controversy there may be. Sucks we live in such a time. Fearful of what may happen if we wear a baseball cap with the president of the USA's name on it. Or putting out a campaign sign and worry it will be gone by morning. Or that someone will harm your house in some manner.
Who’s telling you not to wear? Governor? Wife? Commonsense?

10-16-2020, 09:16 PM
Who’s telling you not to wear? Governor? Wife? Commonsense?

Here on the East Coast. We get some pretty strange people with some pretty radical idea's even though we are all supposed to be honorable citizens.

In fact. Some of our neighbors are so honorable...A TRUMP bumper sticker, or MAGA hat has often led to damaged automobiles, snide remarks, dirty looks, and even some WONDERFUL name calling. So...our Gov. here in CaVirginia has told all of us FREE PEOPLE we can't go places, do things we used to do, and get punished (with a fine) if caught without wearing a mask, and not keeping SIX feet between shoppers...even at WALMART.
Virginia...the home of the FOUNDING FATHERS...is now more like an open Prison Yard where you have to keep looking over your shoulder...YES...even for old folks like me, and my wife.

We now live in senior apartments but...CAN'T FLY THE AMERICA FLAG outside. So I had to hang my RETIREMENT flag Inside my Bedroom window in order to not OFFEND the wonderful, thoughtful, whiny, ignorant neighbors who are across the street from our building.

Of course. Everything is Constitutional...but the Ignorant have their own Constitution.

10-17-2020, 02:01 PM
Who’s telling you not to wear? Governor? Wife? Commonsense?

Wifey and common sense. I bought Nikoh a Trump-Pence collar and she won't let me put it on her either. :( She's not anti-Trump, she's just one of those that rarely, if ever, discusses politics. Usually only with me, and behind a closed door from the kiddo. :dunno: She's just of the belief to not ever push buttons, even if it means restrictions like this.

If me making the decision - I wear a hat and a t-shirt to purposely and hopefully offend those that are anti-Trump here in NY. And I would also put out a few signs, and print them myself and make them brighter and more visible, and really only a tiny cost to replace. The originals I would lay along my roof if I could, or display it from the chimney, or just in a manner that it cannot be reached and also doesn't violate any ordinances. Since I'm wearing hats, I'd probably get a few offensive ones as well, for special occasions and special liberals. Same with some anti-TDS masks, Trump 2020 masks and a few middle finger style, for those special occasions and special liberals. :)

There's a good reason why our women are considered our "better halves". And my wife is no exception. She is quite aware of my dumbass tendencies at times and she carries the ban hammer there and doesn't allow me to do such things. :) And a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee amount of the decisions not to provoke is based on my own commonsense. :)

10-17-2020, 02:48 PM
Wifey and common sense. I bought Nikoh a Trump-Pence collar and she won't let me put it on her either. :( She's not anti-Trump, she's just one of those that rarely, if ever, discusses politics. Usually only with me, and behind a closed door from the kiddo. :dunno: She's just of the belief to not ever push buttons, even if it means restrictions like this.

If me making the decision - I wear a hat and a t-shirt to purposely and hopefully offend those that are anti-Trump here in NY. And I would also put out a few signs, and print them myself and make them brighter and more visible, and really only a tiny cost to replace. The originals I would lay along my roof if I could, or display it from the chimney, or just in a manner that it cannot be reached and also doesn't violate any ordinances. Since I'm wearing hats, I'd probably get a few offensive ones as well, for special occasions and special liberals. Same with some anti-TDS masks, Trump 2020 masks and a few middle finger style, for those special occasions and special liberals. :)

There's a good reason why our women are considered our "better halves". And my wife is no exception. She is quite aware of my dumbass tendencies at times and she carries the ban hammer there and doesn't allow me to do such things. :) And a weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee amount of the decisions not to provoke is based on my own commonsense. :)

As I figured, she's smart. ;)

10-17-2020, 03:24 PM
Political signed and tattoos. Something I actually learned from my father, and this was back in the late 60s - early 70s : don't have them. They identify you to potential enemies. Don't ask me why I remembered those two things and have stuck by them all these years because I have no answer :)

On the other hand, almost all my ball caps say United States Marine Corps in one variation or another, and I fly an American flag at my house. Got one on my truck, several t-shirts. My mask is an American flag. American flag and USMC on the truck.

At some point one has to just say "FU" and stand up. I hope anyone offended by my display of patriotism can't sleep over it. As far as I am concerned, displaying the US flag, the symbol of our Nation, the US Constitution and the ideals it embodies is a big :upyours: to the left. They can go cry to someone who give a flip.

10-17-2020, 04:15 PM
Political signed and tattoos. Something I actually learned from my father, and this was back in the late 60s - early 70s : don't have them. They identify you to potential enemies. Don't ask me why I remembered those two things and have stuck by them all these years because I have no answer :)

On the other hand, almost all my ball caps say United States Marine Corps in one variation or another, and I fly an American flag at my house. Got one on my truck, several t-shirts. My mask is an American flag. American flag and USMC on the truck.

At some point one has to just say "FU" and stand up. I hope anyone offended by my display of patriotism can't sleep over it. As far as I am concerned, displaying the US flag, the symbol of our Nation, the US Constitution and the ideals it embodies is a big :upyours: to the left. They can go cry to someone who give a flip.

Damn shame that some folks around the nation take issue with others and the American flag, or decide at a display to burn the flag. I'll be damned if my US flag stops going out.

In fact, we have a massive flag that really can't go out unless on a pole and an area that it wouldn't violate any ordinance.

10-17-2020, 04:19 PM
The area I grew up in was 'sign free' at election time. People had their opinions, even would disagree with friends and family, but was in person. I can't say I'm crazy about signs at current time, at least for national office-if folks don't know those names and party, they shouldn't be voting. LOL!

10-18-2020, 12:40 AM
When I see a Biden bumper sticker I want to do a pit maneuver, or a monster truck style drive over .... after all, I have huge Yukon Denali....... alas, those are just idle day dreams. I'm too practical to ruin my day with such shenanigans. But, one can fantasize!

10-18-2020, 10:28 AM
When I see a Biden bumper sticker I want to do a pit maneuver, or a monster truck style drive over .... after all, I have huge Yukon Denali....... alas, those are just idle day dreams. I'm too practical to ruin my day with such shenanigans. But, one can fantasize!

Oh yeah, see the sticker and it's time to run someone off the road. :) Ok, I kid, but I too have some grinning dreams for a few seconds. :)

10-18-2020, 03:34 PM
When I see a Biden bumper sticker I want to do a pit maneuver, or a monster truck style drive over .... after all, I have huge Yukon Denali....... alas, those are just idle day dreams. I'm too practical to ruin my day with such shenanigans. But, one can fantasize!

It's against the law to DRIVE on the SIDEWALK, and call it an accident!:laugh::laugh::laugh: