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10-16-2020, 07:25 PM
Other than softball questions & completely ignoring the NY Post article and all the emails and info...

"7 or 8 year old, I decided I want to be transgender, that's what I'd like to be, it would make my life a lot easier, there should be zero discrimination, and what's happening is too many transgendered women of color are being murdered, they're being murdered and I think it's up to like 17 but don't hold me to that number, it's higher now just this year, so, I promise you there is no reason to suggest that there be any right denied your daughter or daughters.... and btw, my son Beau passed away was the AG of the state of Delaware, he was the guy who got the first transgender law passed in the state of Delaware and because of a young man who became a woman who worked for him in the AG's office."

What the F did he say? I only put bold around every other statement mushed in there. He's got 7 different things into his answer. Including something about a child choosing to become transgender to make life easier? Then onto women of color being murdered. Then states no reason to suggest his daughter be denied any right. Then, oh BTW my son passed away and he was AG. He got a transgender law passed. He also knew a transgender person who worked with him.


Joe Biden Supports Prepubescent Children Being Able to Change Their Gender

Joe Biden participated in a town hall hosted by ABC and Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos.

ABC News and George Stephanopoulos failed to asked Joe Biden about the bombshell New York Post reports with Hunter Biden’s emails showing Biden sold the US out to China, Ukraine and Russia in pay-to-play schemes.

But Biden was asked about an 8-year-old transgender child.

Biden said he would immediately get rid of Trump’s executive orders banning transgenders from enrolling in the military and said he supports prepubescent children being able to change their gender.

This is insane.




I've been speaking of Biden's declining skills, which accounts for some of his gaffes & then his being lost in space at times, getting locations wrong and sometimes trouble keeping his thoughts.

Gaetz: ‘Biden Can’t Be the Commander-in-Chief — He Can Barely Be the Commander of a Sentence’

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) offered his reaction to the dueling town halls for President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

Gaetz evaluated the candidates’ performances during their respective town halls. He criticized Biden’s performance and questioned the audience’s composition during Trump’s town hall on NBC.

“The Joe Biden town hall I saw wasn’t very much fun,” he said. “You know, Biden can’t be the commander-in-chief. He can barely be the commander of a sentence. And time and again, I think he was confronted with flip-flops and circumstances that confused his voters. And you compare that to the Trump town hall. The president was not only in command and engaging, he was incredibly charming, whether it was with the mother and daughter where he talked about teaming up to win the daughter’s vote, or whether he was responding to frontline health care workers or people concerned about the economy.”

“And I think one reason he was so charming is the Trump town hall was packed full of women,” Gaetz continued. “I mean, there were more women in the Trump town hall than in a Bill Clinton hot tub, and I think NBC News would’ve thought that was going to backfire on the president, but in fact, it gave him a platform to be able to show, I think, a real charming side of himself.”
