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10-19-2020, 09:03 PM
All the censorship taking place, and they already removed foreign policy from the final debate. He had to deal with debating Guthrie, and now let's see how often they mute him and if deserved. Hopefully they won't need it and Trump won't interrupt as much, and neither will Biden.


Debate Commission Will Silence Microphones in Final Debate

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has adopted a new rule ahead of Thursday’s second and final presidential debate and will silence the microphone of the candidate who does not have the floor during the uninterrupted two-minute periods at the start of each segment.

The Commission cited their prior announcement to consider “additional structure” to future debates following the first presidential debate with moderator Chris Wallace. The first debate saw several interruptions from both candidates and Wallace. While Joe Biden (D) set the tone by interrupting first, Wallace later stated that Trump bore the “primary responsibility” for what occurred during the debate.

“The Commission has determined that it is appropriate to adopt measures intended to promote adherence to agreed upon rules and inappropriate to make changes to those rules,” it said in a statement, detailing its plan to enforce the rule:

Under the agreed upon debate rules, each candidate is to have two minutes of uninterrupted time to make remarks at the beginning of each 15 minute segment of the debate. These remarks are to be followed by a period of discussion. Both campaigns this week again reaffirmed their agreement to the two-minute, uninterrupted rule. The Commission is announcing today that in order to enforce this agreed upon rule, the only candidate whose microphone will be open during these two-minute periods is the candidate who has the floor under the rules. For the balance of each element, which by design is intended to be dedicated to open discussion, both candidates’ microphones will be open.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/19/debate-commission-will-silence-microphones-in-final-debate/

10-19-2020, 09:10 PM
All the censorship taking place, and they already removed foreign policy from the final debate. He had to deal with debating Guthrie, and now let's see how often they mute him and if deserved. Hopefully they won't need it and Trump won't interrupt as much, and neither will Biden.


Debate Commission Will Silence Microphones in Final Debate

The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has adopted a new rule ahead of Thursday’s second and final presidential debate and will silence the microphone of the candidate who does not have the floor during the uninterrupted two-minute periods at the start of each segment.

The Commission cited their prior announcement to consider “additional structure” to future debates following the first presidential debate with moderator Chris Wallace. The first debate saw several interruptions from both candidates and Wallace. While Joe Biden (D) set the tone by interrupting first, Wallace later stated that Trump bore the “primary responsibility” for what occurred during the debate.

“The Commission has determined that it is appropriate to adopt measures intended to promote adherence to agreed upon rules and inappropriate to make changes to those rules,” it said in a statement, detailing its plan to enforce the rule:

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/10/19/debate-commission-will-silence-microphones-in-final-debate/

They didn't 'remove' foreign policy' it was part of the skipped debate. I don't like the silencing of mics, but it was agreed that the commission had the ability to adjust. Why do the Republicans time and again agree to the moderators, the rules, and that the mods get to set the questions? I guess that's a question to them.

It seems to be a problem each and every time since this commission was established.

10-19-2020, 09:20 PM
They didn't 'remove' foreign policy' it was part of the skipped debate. I don't like the silencing of mics, but it was agreed that the commission had the ability to adjust. Why do the Republicans time and again agree to the moderators, the rules, and that the mods get to set the questions? I guess that's a question to them.

It seems to be a problem each and every time since this commission was established.

Exactly. The Republicans should refuse to participate in these "debates". They're nothing of the sort.

10-19-2020, 09:23 PM
"The DNC/BIDEN Commission on Limiting Free Speech With A Silencer Microphone!"

10-20-2020, 05:07 PM
Exactly. The Republicans should refuse to participate in these "debates". They're nothing of the sort.

They know exactly what they're doing, and they inserted the mic mute. A bunch have stated that he should simply ask Joe himself directly during the debate, and jam it in there somewhere so that folks hear about it But they'll mute him now. But if me, I would just do it again at another time when answering.

Like answering to a national security question and part way through just "and it's like also the current situation with..." and state clearly & politely about the case. If they mute, repeat again. Don't turn it into a rude shit show, but simply and politely state your case. If you get muted while doing that it'll look more improper of them IMO.

They need to fix that commission. Fix the entire setup and ensure it's fair all the way around, and I think it's time to change the way moderators are chosen now. At minimum, make them say 4 debates and 2 moderators chosen by whatever sides are involved somehow.

10-20-2020, 07:31 PM
If the orange wonder could keep his mouth shut, they wouldn't need to mute anything.

The terms of thee debate, which wonder boy and his campaign agreed to, were that the moderators got to choose whatever subjects they wanted, so no one *took away* foreign policy.

I'm looking forward to watching the bloated buffoon make a fool of himself on Thursday. I know he will.

10-20-2020, 08:21 PM
Who is going to mute the moderator?

10-20-2020, 08:23 PM
I'm looking forward to watching the bloated buffoon make a fool of himself on Thursday. I know he will.

I thought you liked Biden.

Mr. P
10-20-2020, 11:04 PM

Mr. P
10-20-2020, 11:07 PM
I really don't need a debate.

I've seen what Trump has done for this country after being obstructed every single day for the last four years. If you haven't you have cranial rectitis, it's curable unlike TDS.

Biden has been at it for 47 years and now he's going to fix it all? I don't think so.

It's a no brainer.....TRUMP 2020 !!!
Just sayin

10-21-2020, 08:55 AM
I thought you liked Biden.

I'm not crazy about him, but any functioning adult will be an upgrade over Mr Trump.

10-21-2020, 02:01 PM
I'm not crazy about him, but any functioning adult will be an upgrade over Mr Trump.

For admitting your Unqualified status as well. Take another shot of your TDS medicine with 10 fluid ounces of DNC cesspool Swamp water, and call Biden in the morning.

10-21-2020, 10:12 PM
I'm not crazy about him, but any functioning adult will be an upgrade over Mr Trump.

"Common Man!...."


10-22-2020, 05:40 AM
For admitting your Unqualified status as well. Take another shot of your TDS medicine with 10 fluid ounces of DNC cesspool Swamp water, and call Biden in the morning.

Can I get some dressing to go with this fine looking word salad?

10-22-2020, 05:42 AM
"Common Man!...."



Your turn.

10-22-2020, 02:09 PM
Can I get some dressing to go with this fine looking word salad?

Help yourself. Turn over in your garbage can, and scrape the sides for your own salad.

10-22-2020, 04:20 PM
I am confident they will attempt to not let him speak about these articles or any information within. I think we'll see perhaps more muting going on than we did see interrupting in the first debate. I believe Trump should repeatedly bring it up. So how many times will they mute him and how many times will it be for trying to discuss the issue? It's one thing for simply interrupting, and another when it's his answer in his time. But will they allow for it?

His campaign is STILL trying the Russia bullshit. They are no doubt preparing for and doing their best to censor it, mute it, ignore it or lie about it.


They’re Panicking! Biden Spox on Debate: ‘If We See From Trump These Attacks on Biden’s Family, We Need to be Clear He’s Amplifying Russian Misinformation’

Biden’s campaign is in panic mode over Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell that is slowing dripping out damning emails in one of the best October surprises ever.

Rudy Giuliani is crushing Joe Biden’s campaign by releasing emails from Hunter’s laptop from hell that reveals Joe Biden was involved in a massive pay-to-play operation with China, Russia, Ukraine and other countries while he served as US Vice President and beyond.

The Democrat-media complex is desperate to stop the bleeding so they floated a bogus claim that Hunter’s emails were a part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

However, DNI John Ratcliff, the FBI and DOJ have now confirmed Hunter’s emails are not a part of a Russian disinformation campaign.

In fact, the FBI confirmed it is in possession of Hunter Biden’s laptop and it is linked to a money laundering probe.

President Trump and Joe Biden are scheduled to square off tonight in a rigged debate in Nashville, Tennessee at 9 PM EDT.

Trump has been hammering Joe Biden over the “laptop from hell” during his rallies so no doubt the president will bring up Hunter’s emails Thursday night in the debate.

The debate commission has already given Joe Biden an advantage by making a last minute rule change and announced each candidate’s microphone will be muted while the other responds for two minutes to a question by moderator and Trump hater Kristen Welker of NBC News.

No doubt the commission will use this as an opportunity to mute Trump’s mic when he brings up Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell and how “Pop” Joe Biden made 10%-50% of Hunter’s salary like a ruthless “Don.”

Biden’s campaign spox released a statement ahead of tonight’s debate in an effort to do some damage control because Biden is going to get buried by Trump.

“If we see tonight from Donald Trump these attacks on Vice President Biden’s family, I think we need to be very, very clear that what he’s doing here is amplifying Russian misinformation,” Biden’s campaign spox Kate Bedingfield said.
