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09-16-2007, 08:35 PM
Universal Auto Insurance, should that be a right for all?

Some may ask, but wait a minute MtnBiker, not everyone drives. True, but at some point we are all dependent on transportation, whether it be transporting ourselves or goods needed for ourselves. There is a general welfare clause in the constitution. So how about it, should universal auto insurance be a right?

09-16-2007, 08:47 PM
Universal Auto Insurance, should that be a right for all?

Some may ask, but wait a minute MtnBiker, not everyone drives. True, but at some point we are all dependent on transportation, whether it be transporting ourselves or goods needed for ourselves. There is a general welfare clause in the constitution. So how about, should universal auto insurance be a right?

damn straight--transportation is in everyones interest. Even pedestrians and bike riders get hit. I would love to have everyone help pay my truck insurance. !

09-16-2007, 11:00 PM
Where I live there's a compulsory scheme for insurance involving bodily injury, it's called Third Party Insurance. You have to pay for it when you register your car. If you drive without it you are going to wear a big fine and licence cancellation.

But there's no compulsory scheme for negligence involving damage to someone else's vehicle although there has been some talk of bringing it in here. I think that should be compulsory.

09-16-2007, 11:05 PM
Universal Auto Insurance, should that be a right for all?

Some may ask, but wait a minute MtnBiker, not everyone drives. True, but at some point we are all dependent on transportation, whether it be transporting ourselves or goods needed for ourselves. There is a general welfare clause in the constitution. So how about it, should universal auto insurance be a right?

no.....no insurance you don't drive...if you do....go to jail....

make these people pick grapes for my wine.....

09-16-2007, 11:13 PM
no.....no insurance you don't drive...if you do....go to jail....

make these people pick grapes for my wine.....

What stone age thinking. A better way would be universal coverage to be certain that everyone is covered.

09-16-2007, 11:31 PM
What stone age thinking. A better way would be universal coverage to be certain that everyone is covered.

nope...if you can't afford coverage you don't drive....what you can afford a car, gas and a cell phone, addias shoes, designer jeans,,,nike hat and a pair of shades and chains...but you cant afford insurance....fuck it ....your ass needs to be in jail...

09-16-2007, 11:36 PM
Little Johnny doesn't have all those things and is only meeting ends meet in this economic disaster of the Bush economy, by keeping him from transportation you are keeping him from working and earning a meger income. Universal Auto insurance would be the fair way to go.

09-16-2007, 11:43 PM
Little Johnny doesn't have all those things and is only meeting end meet in this economic disaster of the Bush economy, by keeping him from transportation you are keeping him from working and earning a meger income. Universal Auto insurance would be the fair way to go.

throw his ass on the bon fire in the town square.....

09-19-2007, 07:01 PM
No, there should not be universal auto insurance. For that matter, there shouldn't be laws that mandate that I have to buy auto insurance.

10-15-2009, 10:42 PM
No, there should not be universal auto insurance. For that matter, there shouldn't be laws that mandate that I have to buy auto insurance.

Well, who would have thought in just a few short years that mandated auto insurance is possibly going to become mandated health insurance?

10-16-2009, 12:43 AM
To purchase a new vehicle, the lender wants it insured. To purchase a home, the lender wants it insured. Mandatory health insurance --- demanded by the government..........because we will be owned by the government!

As I've said before ......... the only thing I want my taxes used for is to protect the country (military, law enforcement and fire protection) and to provide the infrastructure (roads, bridges, dams, etc.). Let the rest be taken care of through supply and demand...........our health care, our education, etc. I guarantee you that if there was no welfare or social security, people would save/invest their income rather than spending it on non-essentials. People would also make a point to belong/participate in community programs by volunteering and participating so that there is a place to get help when needed.