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10-22-2020, 12:39 PM
The media is going nuts in the past month trying to help Biden.

Twitter bans Trump campaign team account, blames it on "Joe Biden a liar who has been ripping off our country for years, as it relates to the ⁦@nypost⁩ article." They block/censor Trump himself and so many more. Facebook & Twitter alike. Anyone daring to post it is being temp banned or having it deleted. The entire MSM spectrum has put out a blackout order and it's as if it never happened. Leading democrats don't address or acknowledge it, other than to parrot out "Russia, Russia, Russia" again.

And then the media, instead of reporting on this crime, is on a blitz to lie and lie some more as much as possible until election day.

They ask Trump over and over again to denounce white supremacy. He does so endlessly. They report endlessly that he refuses to do so. They twist or lie about things he has said from day one and never looked back. He's a racist, but then again so are the millions and millions of us deplorables.


CNN’s Chris Cuomo Gaslights Viewers with Lie About Trump ‘Talking up’ Proud Boys

CNN’s Chris Cuomo once again looked his handful of viewers right in the eye and straight-up lied to them, this time about President Trump “talking up” the Proud Boys.

You see, even though Iran is looking to interfere in the 2020 presidential election in the hope of getting their pal and patron Joe Biden elected, CNNLOL has to spin that as Trump’s fault because over at CNNLOL everything is Trump’s fault. I predict that before the week is over, CNNLOL will find a way to blame Trump for their senior legal analyst, Jeffrey Toobin, pulling his toob out during a work-related Zoom call.

So Iran is sending threatening emails to some voters signed by the Proud Boys, and here’s serial liar Fredo gaslighting his viewers Wednesday night [emphasis mine]:

The choice to use the Proud Boys is also relevant. It is proof that the president’s influence at home and abroad is real because he talked this group up, and he made them a target of opportunity for our enemies. Remember his message to the hateful Proud Boys of ‘stand back and stand by’ at the last debate. Now we know at least one foreign actor was listening. These foreign efforts are expected, by the way. We saw them in 2016. We see them all the time. What’s not expected is for their goal to be given a boost by our president.

That’s just a straight-up lie. Trump has never talked up the Proud Boys. The only time he ever speaks of the Proud Boys is when he’s badgered about them by the national media.

It was Joe Biden, in fact, who handed the Proud Boys a place in the national conversation. It was Biden who mentioned them in the first debate and demanded Trump disavow them, which he did.


(One of my favorite pictures of the fake tough guy.) Out and about and busted a week before, miles away, and then has CNN show his grand exit from his basement for the "first time" since he got sick. He was dreaming of this moment he says. :rolleyes:

Fredo is also lying about Trump telling the Proud Boys to stand by. He wasn’t telling the Proud Boys to stand by, he had told them to “stand down” and was then in the middle of being badgered and interrupted by both Biden and the moderator, Chris Wallace. He wasn’t telling them to “stand by” to commit violence. Look at the transcript.

Trump has condemned white supremacy more than any president in my lifetime.

Nevertheless, Fredo telling his viewers Trump “talked up” the Proud Boys is a deliberate lie, a deliberate attempt to mislead people. The only people “talking up” the Proud Boys are the media and Democrats.

If it was up to Trump, America would have no idea who the Proud Boys are.

None of this about Cuomo should surprise anyone. He’s a shameless liar.


He lied for days and days and days (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/04/21/nolte-cnn-stages-chris-cuomos-phony-exit-from-basement-quarantine/) about being quarantined in his basement with the coronavirus.

He lied about not violating his quarantine (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/05/18/chris-cuomo-insists-didnt-break-quarantine-leaving-house-sick/) while he was sick with the coronavirus.

He lied to protect Hillary Clinton (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2015/10/22/video-proof-cnns-chris-cuomo-caught-lying-about-benghazi-investigation/) about her role in the Benghazi scandal.

He lied about Democrats (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2018/03/28/fake-news-cnns-cuomo-says-no-one-calling-for-2nd-amendment-repeal-they-are/) not calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment.

He deceptively edits video to lie to his viewers (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/02/26/pollak-cnns-chris-cuomo-uses-deceptive-edit-to-boost-charlottesville-hoax/) in furtherance of the Charlottesville Hoax.

All the guy does is lie (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/04/08/nolte-cnns-chris-cuomo-caught-selectively-editing-trump-comments/) and encourage violence against those of us on the right. (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/04/30/nolte-cnns-chris-cuomo-defends-left-wing-terrorist-group-antifa-as-good-cause/)

But at CNNLOL, the only way to get ahead is to prove your fealty to CNNLOL chief Jeff Zucker, and the only way to prove your fealty to CNNLOL chief Jeff Zucker is to whore out your integrity.

Just ask Jake Tapper. (https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2020/09/14/nolte-report-says-obsessed-jake-tapper-blowing-up-candidates-phone-defuse-election-meddling-scandal/)


10-22-2020, 12:49 PM
And a refresher for the liars on the left. And proof of their repeated lying and repeated simply ignoring what they don't like - and just rewriting history in a manner, and just claim over and over that he never did so. And wouldn't surprise me, if they had THEIR way, a few decades from now it will be in history books that he refused to ever condemn. That's the left, that's who they are.

Over 20 times Trump publicly denounced 'white supremacy'

"Trump is a Racist" has been trending on Twitter following Tuesday's presidential debates, despite President Donald Trump denouncing white supremacy and white nationalists again and again over the years, revealing that the mainstream media has traded what is true for what they want to believe.

Twitter user James Klüg posted a video on Twitter Wednesday evening, stitching together 17 times Trump has publicly denounced white supremacy and white nationalism over the years.


Most alarming is that virtually every major liberal news outlet is featured interviewing Trump at some point, showing that he has openly denounced extremist behavior and even expressed his discontent with receiving votes from said extremists.

CNN's Jake Tapper has said of Trump: "Elsewhere in those remarks the President did condemn neo-Nazis and white supremacists. So he's not saying that the neo-Nazis and white supremacists are very fine people."

Trump said on August 15, 2017: "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists—because they should be condemned totally."

Trump said Feb. 21, 2017: "The anti-Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil.”

On April 11, 2017, the president said: “Recent threats targeting Jewish community centres and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries as well as last week’s shooting in Kansas City remind us that while we may be a nation divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning hate and evil in all of its very ugly forms.”

And on August 11, 2018, he said: “The riots in Charlottesville a year ago resulted in senseless death and division… I condemn all types of racism and acts of violence.”

FactCheck.org reported that Trump has come under heavy scrutiny for calling white supremacists and neo-Nazis "very fine people," when he was really speaking about the people "that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee—a great general, whether you like it or not."


Kimberly Klacik—a Republican Congressional Nominee in MD-District 7—tweeted out in response to all the blowback Trump has received for something he has denounced many times: "The President disavowing white supremacy for the fifth time is like removing confederate monuments & painting “Black Lives Matter” on the street, it doesn’t do a thing to better black lives in any stretch of the imagination."

Reuters reported in August of 2019 that Trump had strongly responded to the mass shootings in Texas and Ohio that left 29 people dead. Trump stated that "these sinister ideologies must be defeated," adding that "hate has no place in America. Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart and devours the soul."

It appears evident that Democrats are more interested in their beliefs about the president than what he has actually said.

Rest - https://thepostmillennial.com/over-20-times-trump-publicly-denounced-white-supremacy

Trump Has Condemned White Supremacists

Former Vice President Joe Biden wrongly claimed President Donald Trump has “yet once to condemn white supremacy, the neo-Nazis.”

Trump drew criticism for his condemnation of “hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides” after a rally organized by a white nationalist in Charlottesville in 2017, and for saying there were “very fine people on both sides.” But, contrary to Biden’s claim, the president twice specifically condemned white supremacists and neo-Nazis, and he has repeated that condemnation since.

On ABC’s “This Week,” Biden was asked what the consequences would be of a Trump victory in 2020. Biden responded that Trump would “go on dividing us based on race.”

Biden, Feb. 9: George, I, honest to God believe, they’re going to change the nature of who we are for a long, long time. Our children are listening. The idea — the man who can belittle people, go on dividing us based on race, religion, ethnicity, based on all the things that, in fact, make up America is just incredibly divisive. You see these white supremacists coming out from under the rocks. He’s yet once to condemn white supremacy, the neo-Nazis. He hasn’t condemned a darn thing. He has given them oxygen. And that’s what’s going to continue to happen. That’s who this guy is. He has no basic American values — he doesn’t understand the American code.

Biden has said that Trump’s comments in the aftermath of the Charlottesville rally convinced him to run for president. In a video announcing his candidacy, Biden said Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” comment “assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it” and “shocked the conscience of the nation.”

Trump has said his “very fine people” comment referred not to white supremacists and neo-Nazis but to “people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee — a great general, whether you like it or not.” Some have argued that explanation doesn’t hold up, because Trump referred in that statement to a protest “the night before” when — it was widely reported — white nationalists burned tiki torches and chanted anti-Semitic and white nationalist slogans. We’ll leave it to readers to make up their minds on Trump’s remarks, but Biden’s comment that Trump has “yet once to condemn white supremacy” is not accurate.

Let’s revisit Trump’s comments in the days after the Charlottesville rally. That rally turned violent, and one person, Heather Heyer, was killed and many others injured, when a man with a history of making racist comments plowed his car into a group of counterprotesters.

The day of that incident Trump said, “We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence, on many sides. On many sides.” Trump said he had spoken to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, and “we agreed that the hate and the division must stop, and must stop right now. We have to come together as Americans with love for our nation and true affection — really — and I say this so strongly — true affection for each other.”

Rest - https://www.factcheck.org/2020/02/trump-has-condemned-white-supremacists/

Oh, they listen alright, they need to know the truth and facts first in order to develop their plans of lying and hypocrisy. They know damn well and simply lie to Americans anyway.

Trump did condemn white supremacists, too bad so many people won't listen

Can we once and for all kill off the distortion that Donald Trump called white supremacists “very fine people”? In the very same comments people are always quoting from, Virginia, Trump said, "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists."

The discredited issue rose like a zombie when presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace asked Democratic nominee Joe Biden to address “President Trump’s response to the violence in Charlottesville (Virginia) three years ago, when he talked about 'very fine people' on both sides.” The former vice president then gave an emotional account of the events and repeated the “very fine people” comment, adding that “no president has ever said anything like that.”

Yes, Trump did, and has repeatedly, denounced white supremacists

Wallace’s question and Biden’s answer were based on a false premise. Yet it was amplified when Wallace asked President Trump whether he was willing to denounce “white supremacists and militia groups,” and Trump answered, "Sure, I'm willing to do that," before moving the discussion to left-wing violence. Somehow “sure” was not translated into a yes answer by some observers, and the president was left on the defensive again. Some prominent Republicans are urging the president to unequivocally denounce white supremacy, as he previously has time and time again.

A simpler and more direct answer would have been that yes, President Trump denounces white supremacists and militia groups, has always denounced them and always will. Because that is the truth.

Democrats persistently quote President Trump’s comment out of context, twisting his words to mean the opposite of what he plainly meant, namely denouncing extremism. The president made the "fine people" statement at an Aug. 15, 2017, press availability, during a spirited discussion with journalists. Here is what he said in context:

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. ... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. OK? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

It is clear from the full statement that President Trump was not making a distinction between the right and left, but between radicals of all types versus those who protest peacefully. This fits into a long American intellectual tradition of condemning the radicalism of the right and left.

The left keeps ignoring everything Trump has done

However, Democrats continue to use the out-of-context quote to support a baseless charge of racism against Trump. It is not the only such case. For example, Biden castigated Trump for allegedly not denouncing former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke, a charge PolitiFact rated as “Mostly False.” He has called Trump the first racist to be president, which is a strange charge coming from a candidate in Woodrow Wilson’s party. But critics cannot produce any evidence of Donald Trump unambiguously praising white supremacist organizations, ideas, dogmas or policies. At best, they refer to the president’s supposed “dog whistles,” which only the critics can hear.

The charge that Trump is tied to these extremist views is ridiculous on its face. President Trump was responsible for — and never misses a chance to highlight — the pre-pandemic lowest unemployment numbers ever for African Americans and Hispanics. He has supported funding for historically Black colleges and universities, wants to make Juneteenth a federal holiday and designate the KKK as a terrorist group.

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/10/02/trump-and-white-supremacy-he-did-condemn-and-has-repeatedly-column/5883336002/

10-23-2020, 05:04 PM
Is there a curse that comes with the name Cuomo? With the name comes the stupid:rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back in NY, the Governor is waging war against the Jews now that he's killed off half the old folks. I wonder when the Jews are going to get a clue and walk on the Dems. Not sure which/who is dumber at this point.

10-23-2020, 08:19 PM
Speaking of Lying...

It was never about a virus....


10-24-2020, 11:26 AM
Is there a curse that comes with the name Cuomo? With the name comes the stupid:rolleyes:

Meanwhile, back in NY, the Governor is waging war against the Jews now that he's killed off half the old folks. I wonder when the Jews are going to get a clue and walk on the Dems. Not sure which/who is dumber at this point.

Combine them and you will get at least half of a brain, but then double the lies.

It is a Cuomo thing, and also a leftist thing. I remember a little of when Mario Cuomo was in office and he was a dang liar and shithead too. I think that Chris is the worst of them, and why he qualified for CNN.

10-24-2020, 12:37 PM
Combine them and you will get at least half of a brain, but then double the lies.

It is a Cuomo thing, and also a leftist thing. I remember a little of when Mario Cuomo was in office and he was a dang liar and shithead too. I think that Chris is the worst of them, and why he qualified for CNN.I remember Mario. Never saw a camera he didn't like (so long as it didn't ask the "wrong questions). They were trying to pimp that guy for President. Talk about a train wreck :laugh:

There's obviously a genetic problem here that should be answered by the left's favorite "medical" procedure :smoke: