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10-23-2020, 12:04 AM
Trump nailed it.

And the moderator did an excellent job, which was refreshing.

What's your verdict, my peeps?

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-23-2020, 05:31 AM
Trump nailed it.

And the moderator did an excellent job, which was refreshing.

What's your verdict, my peeps?

I agree with you.
To me, Biden seemed more pompous than Trump ever has.
And Biden lied many times, as well as not being very articulate.
And his contemptuous smile pissed me off to an nth degree.--Tyr

10-23-2020, 08:14 AM
Yup agree....But...the Moderator did interrupt Trump 111 times vs Joe...33 times...But I have to say she made chris wallace look like a fool! Another thing..TRUMP had to "bring up" the Big....main topics going on `Now`...

I give her a B minus Grade....

10-23-2020, 02:20 PM
Probably, as planned. The moderator never bothered to go back to Biden after he Obviously LIED so many times, and the president tried to get her to ask him.
The President did much better, and knew what he was talking about all the way. While Biden seemed to be somehow (coached?) MAYBE by a hidden earpiece? And Biden's last...long statement was...somehow IMO seeming to be read from a source...perhaps in the audience????
It was the longest statement I've heard Biden make, and he didn't stutter...which was strange enough for me to feel he was somehow cheating again. His speech may have been also another version of his plagiarism tactics...Ya know...when you repeat a lie often enough...it soon becomes your own truth?????????

10-23-2020, 09:14 PM
Probably, as planned. The moderator never bothered to go back to Biden after he Obviously LIED so many times, and the president tried to get her to ask him.
The President did much better, and knew what he was talking about all the way. While Biden seemed to be somehow (coached?) MAYBE by a hidden earpiece? And Biden's last...long statement was...somehow IMO seeming to be read from a source...perhaps in the audience????
It was the longest statement I've heard Biden make, and he didn't stutter...which was strange enough for me to feel he was somehow cheating again. His speech may have been also another version of his plagiarism tactics...Ya know...when you repeat a lie often enough...it soon becomes your own truth?????????

Biden was hopped up on some kind of stimulant. Watch the first 5 minutes and compare to the last - everything about him in the first 30 minutes was amped hard, and after 50 minutes, he crashed hard.

I think Kathi might be on to something with the Sundowner thing, but there was definitely drugs involved - the euphoria and energy at the beginning and the depressive crash later are pretty obvious.

10-23-2020, 09:19 PM
Biden was hopped up on some kind of stimulant. Watch the first 5 minutes and compare to the last - everything about him in the first 30 minutes was amped hard, and after 50 minutes, he crashed hard.

I think Kathi might be on to something with the Sundowner thing, but there was definitely drugs involved - the euphoria and energy at the beginning and the depressive crash later are pretty obvious.

If anyone watches the Debate video again. Take note of the number of times Biden looks at his watch.

Could be me, but...There are watches today...you can TEXT with. Suppose....just suppose...Joe was gettin' notes about what to say????????


10-24-2020, 01:09 AM
Biden was hopped up on some kind of stimulant. Watch the first 5 minutes and compare to the last - everything about him in the first 30 minutes was amped hard, and after 50 minutes, he crashed hard.

I think Kathi might be on to something with the Sundowner thing, but there was definitely drugs involved - the euphoria and energy at the beginning and the depressive crash later are pretty obvious.
I agree, totally on some sort of stimulant. Problem was it only lasted 1 hour.

10-24-2020, 10:07 AM
Trump nailed it.

And the moderator did an excellent job, which was refreshing.

What's your verdict, my peeps?

Hey Rick, I agree. Trump nailed it. Biden didn't have any Alzheimer's moments, but he had several obvious lies, such as "I was never against fracking". Biden also had some stumbles. He flat out said he wants to phase out the oil industry, which must be a shock to people in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Texas. He also couldn't answer Trump's question "why didn't you get any of this done during 8 years of Obama/Biden. He tried to say "Republican Congress" but overlooked the first two years when Dems had both houses of Congress and a supermajority in the Senate. I loved Trump's response then that "you have to talk 'em into it Joe. That's part of the job."

The moderator was relatively even-handed, especially for a Dem. She actually asked Biden about the Hunter Biden emails, although when he simply said he's never taken money from foreign governments instead of actually denying anything, she didn't pursue it. She was actually more even-handed than Chris Wallace. She seemed to interrupt Trump much more than Biden, and asked Trump to go first on most questions and give Biden the last word most of the time, but in this day and age it was way better than I was expecting.

10-24-2020, 11:41 AM
Biden was hopped up on some kind of stimulant. Watch the first 5 minutes and compare to the last - everything about him in the first 30 minutes was amped hard, and after 50 minutes, he crashed hard.

I think Kathi might be on to something with the Sundowner thing, but there was definitely drugs involved - the euphoria and energy at the beginning and the depressive crash later are pretty obvious.

I agree, totally on some sort of stimulant. Problem was it only lasted 1 hour.

I honestly think they are feeding him adderall. There's a good reason that 90% of college kids are popping them or know very well all about them since they are everywhere. Supposedly that in addition to being a fantastic stimulant that allows them to stay up all night to study for finals and then take then the next day. It makes you concentrate on your work apparently. Focus better and basically all better around speaking, talking, writing and all the above. :dunno:

Adderall is generally well tolerated and effective in treating the symptoms of ADHD and narcolepsy. At therapeutic doses, Adderall causes emotional and cognitive effects such as euphoria, change in desire for sex, increased wakefulness, and improved cognitive control. At these doses, it induces physical effects such as a faster reaction time, fatigue resistance, and increased muscle strength. In contrast, much larger doses of Adderall can impair cognitive control, cause rapid muscle breakdown, or induce a psychosis (e.g., delusions and paranoia). The side effects of Adderall vary widely among individuals, but most commonly include insomnia, dry mouth, and loss of appetite. The risk of developing an addiction is insignificant when Adderall is used as prescribed at fairly low daily doses, such as those used for treating ADHD; however, the routine use of Adderall in larger daily doses poses a significant risk of addiction due to the pronounced reinforcing effects that are present at high doses. Recreational doses of amphetamine are generally much larger than prescribed therapeutic doses, and carry a far greater risk of serious adverse effects.


Adderall is a stimulant medication that is used to treat ADHD. It works by increasing the activity of the central nervous system, which can lead to higher energy levels, improved focus, and decreased restlessness and fidgeting.

Increased alertness
Higher energy levels
Improved focus
Faster heart rate
Higher blood pressure
Decreased restlessness and fidgeting
Longer attention span and ability to finish tasks
