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10-23-2020, 08:58 AM

OCTOBER 23, 2020
REPORT ON BIDEN’S ACTIVITIES WITH CHINA. (https://www.baldingsworld.com/2020/10/22/report-on-biden-activities-with-china/) “First, it is almost exclusively taken from public sources and documentation. Everything from Chinese news reports to corporate records. The report is immaculately cited so that anyone who wishes to replicate where a specific piece of information was found or see the underlying documentation can do so.”
The full report is here. (https://www.baldingsworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/KVBJHB.pdf) Looks like lots of stuff for investigative journalists to run with, if there are any of those left.

30 (https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/408874/#respond)
Posted by Glenn Reynolds at 8:40 am

10-23-2020, 09:20 AM
Getting around:


10-24-2020, 11:23 AM
Went through a ton of that report. That and the article from Redstate. At minimum, it's NEWS - not lies & not propaganda or BS like usual leftist crap, which they always report as news. But this, they don't touch it. Let me rephrase, as they touch it alright, as they need to do so to bury it as deep as possible.


Jaw-Dropping Report Details Chinese State-Owned Company's Partnership With Biden, Kerry Families

A nearly 60-page intelligence report dated October 2 and provided to RedState late Wednesday, October 21 details the relationship between multiple Chinese State-Owned Entities (SOE’s) and companies owned by Hunter Biden, Chris Heinz (stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry), Devon Archer, James Bulger, and suspected Chinese intelligence asset Michael Lin. Despite what Hunter Biden’s attorney claimed in 2019, Hunter started traveling to China shortly before the Big Guy became Vice President and signed contracts with SOE’s while the Big Guy was Vice President.

According to Christopher Balding, Associate Professor at Peking University HSBC School of Business Shenzhen – who notes that he did not vote for Donald Trump in 2016 and will not be voting for him this year – who reviewed the report before publication:

Lost among the salacious revelations about laptop provenance is the more mundane reality of influence and money of major United States political figures. Ill-informed accusations of Russian hacking and disinformation face the documented reality of a major Chinese state financial partnership with the children of major political figures. A report by an Asian research firm raises worrying questions about the financial links between China and Hunter Biden.

Beginning just before Joe Biden’s ascendancy to the Vice Presidency, Hunter Biden was traveling to Beijing meeting with Chinese financial institutions and political figures would ultimately become his investors. Finalized in 2013, the investment partnership included money from the Chinese government, social security, and major state-owned banks a veritable who’s who of Chinese state finance.

It is not simply the state money that should cause concern but the structures and deals that took place. Most investment in specific projects came from state-owned entities and flowed into state-backed projects or enterprises.

According to the report Hunter Biden made incredible profits for essentially doing nothing, including a tidy sum off of a copper mine in the Congo and another healthy bundle for allowing the Bank of China to allocate its share of an IPO in Hong Kong to his venture capital firm, BHR. So he’s either the world’s savviest investor or there are some shenanigans/influence-peddling going on.

These activities were directed by people at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party, according to the report.

The entire arrangement speaks to Chinese state interests. Meetings were held at locations that in China speak to the welcoming of foreign dignitaries or state to state relations. The Chinese organizations surrounding Hunter Biden are known intelligence and influence operatives to the United States government. The innocuous names like Chinese People’s Institute for Foreign Affairs exist to “…carry out government-directed policies and cooperative initiatives with influential foreigners without being perceived as a formal part of the Chinese government.”

Balding, an American who lived in China for nine years, says of the report’s veracity:

I did not write the report and I am not responsible for the report. I have gone over the report with a fine-tooth comb and can find nothing factually wrong with the report. Everything is cited and documented. Arguably the only weakness is that we do not have internal emails between Chinese players or the Chinese and Bidens that would make explicit what the links clearly imply.

Rest - https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2020/10/23/jaw-dropping-report-details-chinese-state-owned-companys-partnership-with-biden-kerry-families-n267739

Then the report. And check it out, it's on "baldingsworld.com", if you read the above article. But gives the left an out to say BS about the site or guy himself or anything else. But check out the report, each and every page and every fact is in the footnotes. I know the left doesn't make it that far, as a sentence, or maybe two, is their limit. :)







10-24-2020, 11:25 AM
As you read down the above report - you'll notice that the majority of Hunter's dealings and questionable actions - are along with Dad's name so often. Along with a visit, just after a visit from Dad... and connections to the Kerry family too, which I reported about a year back or so.