View Full Version : Joe Biden Calls a Lid and Hides in His Basement with 9 Days Until Election Day

10-25-2020, 02:11 PM
So Trump is campaigning like a maniac, hitting anywhere from 3-5 states a day. And Joe is happy with what little he has done and called it a campaign and will now wait for a vote. How in the hell any sane person can see him being a president and putting in the time and energy needed - is NOT coming from this man.


Joe Biden Calls a Lid and Hides in His Basement with 9 Days Until Election Day

Joe Biden on Sunday morning called a lid and shut down for the day with 9 days until Election Day.

Biden is hiding in his Delaware basement as emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell continue to be released.

Meanwhile, President Trump is holding a massive rally in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Joe Biden has no in-person events today and called a lid per pool reporters.


Biden has one virtual event on his schedule: a concert this evening at which he is slated to deliver remarks.


These tweets are two hours apart. Unbelievable!


Joe Biden looked very fragile on Saturday when he walked over to small group of people after delivering a very angry speech in Bucks County, Pennsylvania.

Biden called Pennsylvanians who don’t support him “chumps.”

After wrapping up his speech, he shuffled over to a group of people without a face mask on.

Not only is Joe Biden feeble, he is compromised from his China, Russia, Ukraine pay-to-play scheme with his son Hunter.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/breaking-joe-biden-calls-lid-hides-basement-9-days-election-day/

10-25-2020, 02:18 PM
Sadder but as true: idiots will still vote for him.

10-25-2020, 03:39 PM
Sadder but as true: idiots will still vote for him.
For I don’t think anyone is “ for” Biden. They may be for Harris or whomever is pulling the strings; but mostly they are voting against Trump. Which is more? For or against? Then there will be fraud.

10-25-2020, 05:15 PM
For I don’t think anyone is “ for” Biden. They may be for Harris or whomever is pulling the strings; but mostly they are voting against Trump. Which is more? For or against? Then there will be fraud.

so true kat agree...Biden is just a temporary ...Proud leftist shit stain which will be washed away by his hard core handlers...

10-25-2020, 06:14 PM
He's only 5 years older than I am, and I watched how he walked in that video too! He's frail, unsure of his steps, and seemingly unaware of his surroundings when not on a stage. What scares me is....GOD FORBID...The cheating of the Dems is successful, and we...WE THE PEOPLE...end up with him and the SURE THING to replace him...Kamakhazi Harris.

I know this is just another conspiracy idea but...Knowing how Pelosi still thinks she's the greatest since Sliced Bread. I suspect the plan is...Joe somehow gets elected.
Joe fails, and must be replaced by Harris.
Pelosi (knowing she's next in line) somehow removes Harris, and Pelousy becomes the first Democrat Idiot to be both Speaker and President ALL ACCORDING TO THE SPEEDY Congressional law breaking that they use called the 25th Amendment since Harris has a terrible record being exposed then.

Let's play with that one. And I'll call my own LID.....See ya'all later!:laugh:

Abbey Marie
10-25-2020, 06:19 PM
Why bother campaigning when it’s in the bag?
