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10-29-2020, 06:24 PM
Fantastic first hand information from Bobulinski in the video, great watch! Lot more info!


Bobulinski: I Came Forward Because Schiff Accused Me of Being Part of Russian Disinformation

During an interview aired on Tuesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski stated that he was motivated to come forward on the record after House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) accused him of being part of Russian disinformation.

Bobulinski said, “When I saw Adam Schiff go on record, talking about Russian disinformation, after this email had been posted online by the New York Post…I was at the end of my rope. And so, I called Rob Walker and I told him that if that statement isn’t retracted by Congressman Schiff by midnight on Sunday, that I was going on record, and I was disclosing all the facts to the American government, to the American citizen, and the world. I was hoping the Bidens would do the right thing, or Schiff would retract his statement.”


10-29-2020, 07:50 PM
So, a crack?


Bobulinski is mentioned, as is Joe’s name.

10-29-2020, 08:50 PM
So, a crack?


Bobulinski is mentioned, as is Joe’s name.
Might sound like a conspiracy but I believe the intelligence agencies want Biden in as President because they know they have enough on him to control him so they had no plans to make public. New York Post screwed that up.

10-29-2020, 09:13 PM
Might sound like a conspiracy but I believe the intelligence agencies want Biden in as President because they know they have enough on him to control him so they had no plans to make public. New York Post screwed that up.

No. I think those agencies were part and parcel of pre and post election mischief with Obama admin. They had every reason to want Trump to lose this election. Not so sure it is for 'controlling' Biden, he won't be there long, one way or another.

If he didn't seem so ill, I'd think they were just setting him up for 25th amendment.

10-30-2020, 10:01 AM
Watching the left is the best part of all of this. Lots of true colors came out in the past 4 years.

How they can listen to intelligence stating it is NOT from Russian disinformation - and then watching the MSM, leading democrats and entire leftist spectrum get angry about the news and claim it's Russian disinformation. Or it's just all lies. Or that it's not verifiable. Made up by the right. OH, it's from Giuliani - ANYTHING to call it a lie or not factual - and bury it as deep as possible while discrediting it for anyone who may have read it before burial.

The more that becomes verified and the more that comes out - the harder they are working to censor things and the angrier their talk gets about shutting it down to anyone that brings it up. Same as 'ol Joe, getting angry with reporters and proclaiming it's all Trump lies. YEA, sure, Trump lied about everything and made up all the emails and mimicked Hunter's voice all over the place and somehow made his body magically appear just like Hunter's in videos. And also somehow fooled Bobulinski into thinking he was Hunter and making deals with him.... load of BS. It IS all Hunter and Joe in all the releases and Hunter is a crackhead child molester that is connected to MANY countries in deals helped by the Biden name and/or Joe Biden's assistance. <------ 100% verifiable FACT.

OOOORRRRRR.... you can do just as most lefties and on display by the few that come here to vomit. They too laugh and scoff and run - or just whistle in the wind over news involving non-stop wrongdoing from the left.

Non-stop "Proud Liars", literally on a daily basis. Get angry and deny things or act like they don't exist, aka never report on in the news. The hypocrisy is at the absolute highest level ever. From flip flopping to flip flopping daily depending on the audience.


Now the best yet, of course comes from their stupidest to offer... Someone must have filled her in with their operations and of course she blabbed it to the world blaming Republicans.

“let’s willfully act stupid, and if the public doesn’t take our performative stupidity seriously then we’ll claim bias.” - or we'll claim lies & call them racists or deplorables or just scream "Russia Russia Russia" for 4 years.

How is that NOT the entire left over the past 4 years? Lies lies and more lies and denials and lies and faked accusations and impeachments and then more lies and lies and denials. Russia Russia Russia and ignore things, censor them and lie lie lie. Acting like they do and then blaming/accusing/lying about the right and accusations of racism.... :laugh: