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10-31-2020, 01:34 PM
“You guys can sit there and not even get up from your f*cking tables with your overpriced f*cking food,” she yells at the diners. “You’re horrible, every single one of you.”

So wait a minute. These scumbags purposely go to another town to disrupt folks simply out to enjoy a meal together.

Doing nothing wrong and nothing political whatsoever, nothing more than eating, smiling & maybe listening to some nice music. And this scumbag - she expects people to what? Are they supposed to stand to acknowledge them? Maybe kneel for them? Are they supposed to run from the scary people? She mentions the price of their food. Should they buy junk food or only fast food? All the time, or only when scumbags come to disrupt them?

So they didn't get up from their meals. Their food was expensive. <---- that makes them horrible people.

Don't eat expensive food √
Always stand for antifa scumbags √



Antifa Attacks Restaurant Patrons in Suburban Vancouver, Washington

A large group of Antifa protesters from Portland, Oregon, crossed the river into Vancouver, Washington, and attacked patrons of local restaurants. Protesters carried Antifa, and Black Lives Matter flags and signs.

A “large mob of BLM-antifa from Portland are marching through Vancouver, Wash,” journalist Andy Ngô tweeted. “They’ve attacked bar patrons on the way & confronted people at their homes.”


As the group entered a business district lined with restaurants and bars, Antifa brutally assaulted a man — kicking him repeatedly as he fell to the ground.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/31/watch-portland-antifa-invades-vancouver-attacks-restaurant-patrons/

Antifa Steals, Burns U.S. Flag from Driver in Vancouver, Washington

A large group of Antifa protesters marching through a Vancouver, Washington business district stole a U.S. flag from the back of a pickup truck passing by. The protesters proceeded to burn the stolen flag.

Portland Antifa protesters crossed the Columbia River into suburban Vancouver, Washington, Friday night. During the event, protesters harassed restaurant patrons and assaulted residents on the street, Breitbart News reported.

As they marched down the street, Antifa protesters noticed a white pickup truck with a U.S. flag mounted in the truck’s bed. They attacked the truck as the driver attempted to turn around. Video shows they stole the flag from the back of his truck.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/31/portland-antifa-steals-burns-u-s-flag-from-vancouver-driver/

BLM Protester Screams ‘I am Here to Ruin Dinners, Ruin Happy Hours’

A Black Lives Matter protest leader challenged followers to invade restaurants and bars to “ruin dinners” and “ruin happy hours.” The tactic has been seen in action in restaurants and bars across the country.

“We are here to cause disruption,” the woman leading a BLM protest in Seattle yelled. “I’m here to ruin dinners, to ruin happy hours, and everything about Black liberation and Indigenous liberation.”


Another video shows a woman standing in the street outside a restaurant screaming at the customers trying to enjoy a Friday-night meal.


“You guys can sit there and not even get up from your f*cking tables with your overpriced f*cking food,” she yells at the diners. “You’re horrible, every single one of you.”

Elsewhere, BLM protesters invaded an outdoor dining area in Kansas City, Missouri, and jumped on tables to scream their message. “We’re here to let you know that Black lives matter,” the man yells into his bullhorn.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/30/blm-protester-screams-i-am-here-to-ruin-dinners-ruin-happy-hours/

10-31-2020, 02:46 PM
I'm wondering if laying my .38 on the table will deter them.

10-31-2020, 04:23 PM
I'm wondering if laying my .38 on the table will deter them.

I don't recommend "Laying" your protection "weapon" on the table...These people are fast...full of hate and will try to grab it...I recommend holding it in your hand and pointing it at them....

"Get off my table and don't come near me!!"


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
10-31-2020, 08:03 PM
So wait a minute. These scumbags purposely go to another town to disrupt folks simply out to enjoy a meal together.

Doing nothing wrong and nothing political whatsoever, nothing more than eating, smiling & maybe listening to some nice music. And this scumbag - she expects people to what? Are they supposed to stand to acknowledge them? Maybe kneel for them? Are they supposed to run from the scary people? She mentions the price of their food. Should they buy junk food or only fast food? All the time, or only when scumbags come to disrupt them?

So they didn't get up from their meals. Their food was expensive. <---- that makes them horrible people.

Don't eat expensive food √
Always stand for antifa scumbags √



Antifa Attacks Restaurant Patrons in Suburban Vancouver, Washington

A large group of Antifa protesters from Portland, Oregon, crossed the river into Vancouver, Washington, and attacked patrons of local restaurants. Protesters carried Antifa, and Black Lives Matter flags and signs.

A “large mob of BLM-antifa from Portland are marching through Vancouver, Wash,” journalist Andy Ngô tweeted. “They’ve attacked bar patrons on the way & confronted people at their homes.”


As the group entered a business district lined with restaurants and bars, Antifa brutally assaulted a man — kicking him repeatedly as he fell to the ground.


Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/31/watch-portland-antifa-invades-vancouver-attacks-restaurant-patrons/

Antifa Steals, Burns U.S. Flag from Driver in Vancouver, Washington

A large group of Antifa protesters marching through a Vancouver, Washington business district stole a U.S. flag from the back of a pickup truck passing by. The protesters proceeded to burn the stolen flag.

Portland Antifa protesters crossed the Columbia River into suburban Vancouver, Washington, Friday night. During the event, protesters harassed restaurant patrons and assaulted residents on the street, Breitbart News reported.

As they marched down the street, Antifa protesters noticed a white pickup truck with a U.S. flag mounted in the truck’s bed. They attacked the truck as the driver attempted to turn around. Video shows they stole the flag from the back of his truck.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/31/portland-antifa-steals-burns-u-s-flag-from-vancouver-driver/

BLM Protester Screams ‘I am Here to Ruin Dinners, Ruin Happy Hours’

A Black Lives Matter protest leader challenged followers to invade restaurants and bars to “ruin dinners” and “ruin happy hours.” The tactic has been seen in action in restaurants and bars across the country.

“We are here to cause disruption,” the woman leading a BLM protest in Seattle yelled. “I’m here to ruin dinners, to ruin happy hours, and everything about Black liberation and Indigenous liberation.”


Another video shows a woman standing in the street outside a restaurant screaming at the customers trying to enjoy a Friday-night meal.


“You guys can sit there and not even get up from your f*cking tables with your overpriced f*cking food,” she yells at the diners. “You’re horrible, every single one of you.”

Elsewhere, BLM protesters invaded an outdoor dining area in Kansas City, Missouri, and jumped on tables to scream their message. “We’re here to let you know that Black lives matter,” the man yells into his bullhorn.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/law-and-order/2020/10/30/blm-protester-screams-i-am-here-to-ruin-dinners-ruin-happy-hours/

There was a time in this country if a mob attacked you, knocked you down, then started kicking you-- you were automatically legally verified in being "in fear of your life", thus- you could draw your pistol and start shooting your would-be attackers/murderers. Meaning, you could if armed defend your life!
But now thanks to the dem party, dem governors, dem mayors, dem district attorneys-- that is nullified.
You are by their new standards, their corruption, their political agenda demanded to lie there and be beaten to death if that is what your attackers decide to do!
Folks, you need to go about "heeled"...
A pistol is necessary these days. Especially so in states with dem governors, city with dem mayors, places with dem district Attorneys.
As those vermin are condoning, encouraging, and defender these criminal attackers, these that brutalize, these maggots that are assaulting
law-abiding citizens!
These vermin will not try that crap here. They will get shot down like the mad -raving vermin they are.
If a fair election and Trump does not win-- then this notion is doomed, imho..
And quite rightfully so, imho.
This treason, this terrorism by these groups that the dem party is firm and very eager allies with does not cost them this election-- well we as a nation will have deserved the destruction that will come.
Yet we that firmly opposed such, will not have deserved it, and thus we will have every right to stand our ground.
Far, far, far better to be judged by 12 than carried by six...-Tyr