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View Full Version : Bolivia Chooses Enslavement

11-01-2020, 12:10 PM
Last Sunday Luis Arce, a comrade of Evo Morales was unquestionably elected President of Bolivia. What's the Socialists first order of business? Retribution for the interim government that prosecuted Evo Morale's rigged re-election. This year's election was managed by a rightist government which was defeated fair and square. It's sad to acknowledge it, but some cultures will willing choose a provenly corrupt, repressive political force in exchange for free stuff. Unfortunately, Socialists can win fair elections under certain circumstances.


The Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, meeting in joint session, approved a parliamentary report on the "massacres of Senkata, Sacaba and Yapacani, which recommends a judgment of responsibility against Jeanine Anez (https://www.france24.com/en/tag/Jeanine-Anez/) for genocide and other offenses", according to the Senate's Twitter account.Parliament also approved the criminal indictment of 11 ministers.
A parliamentary commission, controlled by the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party of ex-president Evo Morales (https://www.france24.com/en/tag/Evo-Morales/), spent months investigating incidents that took place in several regions of the country between October and November 2019, which left about 30 dead.