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View Full Version : Trump and the big screen at his rallies

11-03-2020, 02:25 PM
Fantastic and should be used much more but is quite expensive from what I understand.

The left lie like rugs, daily. So how do you counter that? By not only proving them wrong, having a printout of their exact words - and even better if you can replay a video of their exact words and when they said it, as it becomes a little tougher to deny then. Same with much of the Hunter Biden videos - 'cept they simply won't allow themselves to be in the presence of any of them videos. :rolleyes:

But not only are some of them hilarious - Corn Pop and his hairy legs and how much the kids loved touching him... and his gobbly gook of speaking so often.

Just start around the 1:45 mark to the 6:00 mark all approximately.
