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View Full Version : So I chose not to vote today

11-03-2020, 07:29 PM
With the possibility of having Covid-19, it didn't seem fair to take that chance of getting someone else sick, even if I were just a carrier. It truly sucks not to go, but if a friend or someone I knew approached me and I ended up getting them sick somehow, I would feel horrible.

And now I read this though, WTF? But it's a national emergency right? And national mandates of masks needed and all kinds of other crap, but now suddenly it's ok to take that chance to vote?


CDC: Sure, You Can Go Vote Today if You Have COVID-19

Hey, you know what today is? It’s National Sandwich Day! If you haven’t treated yourself lately to the greatest creation of the 4th Earl of Sandwich, today’s the perfect day. And once you’ve done that, you may or may not want to vote in the 59th presidential election in U.S. history. That’s also today, which everybody has known for at least four years. And we’ve known about COVID-19 the Chinese virus for almost a year now. Yet some voters didn’t plan for what they would do today if they contracted the virus. If you’re one of those people, though, don’t worry. Your lack of planning is literally a federal emergency.

Courtesy of the New York Post, which just recently got its Twitter privileges back after a two-week suspension for reporting a story about a presidential candidate:


Lee Brown, NY Post:

Coronavirus patients can break quarantine Tuesday to vote in person, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed.

“Voters have the right to vote, regardless of whether they are sick or in quarantine,” the CDC stressed in safe-voting guidance posted Sunday.

But be safe! Take precautions!

“This includes wearing a mask, staying at least 6 feet away from others, and washing your hands or using hand sanitizer before and after voting,” the CDC guidance said.

Okay, but I have just one question: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhow does the virus know you’re voting? Does it grant you immunity for doing your civic duty? If the virus is such a threat that we’re being advised to cancel Thanksgiving this year, why isn’t it too dangerous to go vote?

If I were a cynical sort, I’d say it’s because the people making these decisions want Trump out of office so badly that they’ll put people’s health at risk to do it. But that can’t be it. They couldn’t think he’s personally responsible for over 200,000 deaths and then justify adding to the body count to get rid of him. Right?

“Just stay home… er, except for today!”

This CDC edict was delivered the same week as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s state-mandated contact tracing for all restaurant patrons started. If you go out to eat anywhere in Michgan, you have to give the restaurant your contact information and they have to take it or you’re both breaking the law. So apparently the virus cares about your dining options, but it doesn’t care if you want to go vote.

Do you want to protest Donald Trump? Do you want to break windows and burn buildings down and beat people up because you think somehow you’re making a point about police reform? Then you’ll get a dispensation from the media and government agencies like the CDC, because they share your goals. But if you want to go to a Trump rally or reopen your business or go to church or even just go trick-or-treating with your kids, they’ll scold you for killing Grandma.

The virus is both dangerous and not dangerous, depending on the circumstance. It’s Schrodinger’s Cough.

And the Biden campaign actually had the nerve to put out an ad blaming Trump for an Ann Arbor nightclub failing. Then it turned out the owner is a tech millionaire and he’s a big Whitmer booster. Just when people were starting to ask why the Biden campaign was highlighting the very Democratic Party policies that are hurting small business owners, they pulled the ad, blaming “death threats” and not their own ineptitude.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/jim-treacher/2020/11/03/cdc-sure-you-can-go-vote-today-if-you-have-covid-19-n1120446

11-03-2020, 07:36 PM

11-03-2020, 08:06 PM
I had a scare yesterday. Woke up with massive migraine and totally non functional until around 4. Was so glad it wasn't election day. However, I had my mail in ballot already filled in and would have got up from my death bed to drop it off.

Luckily, today I was just fine. However, when I went to vote I had to sign paperwork that I wanted a provisonal ballot. Which means I certified I didn't mail in the other one.

11-04-2020, 11:51 AM
With the possibility of having Covid-19, it didn't seem fair to take that chance of getting someone else sick, even if I were just a carrier. It truly sucks not to go, but if a friend or someone I knew approached me and I ended up getting them sick somehow, I would feel horrible.

And now I read this though, WTF? But it's a national emergency right? And national mandates of masks needed and all kinds of other crap, but now suddenly it's ok to take that chance to vote?


CDC: Sure, You Can Go Vote Today if You Have COVID-19

Hey, you know what today is? It’s National Sandwich Day! If you haven’t treated yourself lately to the greatest creation of the 4th Earl of Sandwich, today’s the perfect day. And once you’ve done that, you may or may not want to vote in the 59th presidential election in U.S. history. That’s also today, which everybody has known for at least four years. And we’ve known about COVID-19 the Chinese virus for almost a year now. Yet some voters didn’t plan for what they would do today if they contracted the virus. If you’re one of those people, though, don’t worry. Your lack of planning is literally a federal emergency.

Courtesy of the New York Post, which just recently got its Twitter privileges back after a two-week suspension for reporting a story about a presidential candidate:


Lee Brown, NY Post:

But be safe! Take precautions!

Okay, but I have just one question: Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhow does the virus know you’re voting? Does it grant you immunity for doing your civic duty? If the virus is such a threat that we’re being advised to cancel Thanksgiving this year, why isn’t it too dangerous to go vote?

If I were a cynical sort, I’d say it’s because the people making these decisions want Trump out of office so badly that they’ll put people’s health at risk to do it. But that can’t be it. They couldn’t think he’s personally responsible for over 200,000 deaths and then justify adding to the body count to get rid of him. Right?

“Just stay home… er, except for today!”

This CDC edict was delivered the same week as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s state-mandated contact tracing for all restaurant patrons started. If you go out to eat anywhere in Michgan, you have to give the restaurant your contact information and they have to take it or you’re both breaking the law. So apparently the virus cares about your dining options, but it doesn’t care if you want to go vote.

Do you want to protest Donald Trump? Do you want to break windows and burn buildings down and beat people up because you think somehow you’re making a point about police reform? Then you’ll get a dispensation from the media and government agencies like the CDC, because they share your goals. But if you want to go to a Trump rally or reopen your business or go to church or even just go trick-or-treating with your kids, they’ll scold you for killing Grandma.

The virus is both dangerous and not dangerous, depending on the circumstance. It’s Schrodinger’s Cough.

And the Biden campaign actually had the nerve to put out an ad blaming Trump for an Ann Arbor nightclub failing. Then it turned out the owner is a tech millionaire and he’s a big Whitmer booster. Just when people were starting to ask why the Biden campaign was highlighting the very Democratic Party policies that are hurting small business owners, they pulled the ad, blaming “death threats” and not their own ineptitude.

Rest - https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/jim-treacher/2020/11/03/cdc-sure-you-can-go-vote-today-if-you-have-covid-19-n1120446

When they cancelled the July 4 celebrations in Texas, I decided to attend those in Louisiana. The fellow attendees assured me that COVID was fake news. I'm glad we got that settled! All kidding aside, wasn't there drive-through voting where you are? I voted right after they opened early voting to mitigate exactly the risk you describe. My wife voted for the first time. I kept my part of the bargain where she sticks around long enough for both of our sons to have 18 years with both their parents and she gets her US citizenship. She has been a good girl for 20 years, so I guess I will keep her. I admire how she has aged perhaps five years in twenty years time; She is physically fit and could kick most men's ass. She does these hand exercises among others. I jokingly tell her that she's the female version of Edward Scissorhands, except that she has vice grips for fingers. Most Brazilian women (especially in the North/Northeast) understand that most men won't tolerate a low SMV wife.