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11-04-2020, 11:48 AM
Normalizing psychedelic drugs, heroin, meth, cocaine, ecstasy, oxycodone...

So the psychedelics, under certain settings, will be ok now in Oregon.

And if you only have a smaller amount of heroin on you, then you skate with a $100 ticket. Same goes if it's only a small amount of meth or cocaine or other drugs.

Here's the problem - all of them. Even is small amount is BAD. If you take only a small amount of heroin daily, you WILL be an addict in short time, and then it gets worse and worse on you, and then worse and worse on society. The same goes for cocaine and meth. A little is a no go as a little turns to addiction even, and then addiction always leads to more. And then the same as above on society.

And same goes with oxycodone. Even just one pill. It WILL lead to a second, or having two pills. And look at society today and the pain killer opiate problem.

If it's natural and has any redeeming qualities, then I can almost understand looking into it. But if it's something made by man, something chemical, then it's a no go IMO. And yes, there's a huge difference. And heroin, meth, coke, ecstasy & oxy are all something produced by man and can be made better and better, and can also be deadly. Psychedelics can be natural, like mushrooms and a few other things. But can be deadly if someone doesn't know what they are doing in taking them.


Oregon Legalizes Psychedelic Mushrooms, Decriminalizes Heroin, Meth Thanks To Billionaire Spending

As crazy as Oregon is, if you can believe it, psychedelic mushrooms were not actually legal in the state. Until now. Voters passed a ballot measure legalizing psilocybin for psychiatric use.

The Oregonian reports:

Oregon will become the first state in the country to legalize psilocybin Tuesday with the passage of Measure 109.

Measure 109 was passing by 56.12% Tuesday at 8:50 p.m. with 1,832,513 votes counted.

Multiple cities have decriminalized the substance, but Oregon will become the first to permit supervised use statewide if that majority holds.

The measure, backed by chief petitioners wife-and-husband Sheri and Thomas Eckert of Beaverton, will allow regulated use of psychedelic mushrooms in a therapeutic setting.

The Eckerts, both psychotherapists, told The Oregonian/OregonLive that psilocybin could help people struggling with issues from depression to anxiety to addiction.

“We need options. And this is a valid therapeutic option that could help thousands of people,” Tom Eckert told The Oregonian/OregonLive in September.

The new law will allow anyone age 21 or older who passes a screening to access the services for “personal development.”

Dr. Bronner’s soap company was a major financial supporter of the measure, donating more than $1 million directly and providing most of the money behind a political committee that gave another $1.5 million.

Can’t imagine what kind of “personal development” the stoners and hipsters in Portland are going to partake in.

Another ballot measure passed that decriminalized common hard drugs, such as heroin and meth.

The Oregonian also reports:

Oregon made history Tuesday in the movement to reconsider the nation’s war on drugs by becoming the first state to decriminalize small amounts of heroin and other street drugs.

Voters overwhelmingly supported Measure 110, a coup for the New York-based Drug Policy Alliance, the same criminal justice reform group that backed Oregon’s successful marijuana legalization effort in 2014.

Partial returns as of 11 p.m. Tuesday showed the measure winning 59% to 41%.

The Drug Policy Alliance poured more than $4 million into the decriminalization campaign, far outspending the $95,000 raised by opponents. The organization receives support from billionaire philanthropist and investor George Soros, who is on the alliance board.

Other major funders of the effort included Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who along with his wife Priscilla Chan gave $500,000, and the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon, which gave $150,000, and national ACLU, which gave another $150,000, per state campaign finance reports.

The measure also got a boost from singer John Legend, who recently tweeted his support.

Still, the past two weeks featured a scrappy resistance led by critics, including former Gov. John Kitzhaber, who argued the measure would undermine the role of courts in getting people into drug treatment and would not guarantee much-needed treatment beds.

The measure has three key components:

– It reduces misdemeanor drug possession to a non–criminal violation on par with a traffic offense. People with small amounts of drugs including heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, ecstasy, LSD, psilocybin, methadone and oxycodone will get a ticket and face a $100 fine or have the option of being screened for a substance abuse disorder.

– It reduces penalties for what are now felony drug possession cases, which involve larger quantities. Under Measure 110, most of those offenses will be misdemeanors.

– It funnels millions in marijuana tax revenue toward what it calls Addiction Recovery Centers, where people can be screened and directed to treatment options. Those tax dollars will also go to a Drug Treatment and Recovery Services Fund overseen by the state that could be used to pay for treatment, housing or other programs designed to address addiction.

Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/oregon-legalizes-psychedelic-mushrooms-decriminalizes-heroin-meth-thanks-billionaire-spending/

11-04-2020, 04:18 PM
While enabling is stupid, a Libertarian approach might not be. Stand under the arch of the clock tower in Cartgena dressed like and looking like a gringo and you'll have people start to approach you with drug catalogs. When I told them I was looking for local artisan jewelry, I got swarmed with jewelry samples instead. In other words, don't offer all these programs. Let natural selection handle drug usage like it's done in Colombia.

11-04-2020, 04:41 PM
drug addiction is a health issue, not criminal issue, okay?

11-04-2020, 05:33 PM
drug addiction is a health issue, not criminal issue, okay?

No, it doesn't just end with okay.

I know and agree 100% that addiction becomes a medical issue and folks need help. But I prefer to help them also never get there if I can first.

Rather than just decriminalizing and taking away the criminal aspect at that juncture - even if they only hold small amounts, won't do much to help them with any addiction issues. And I'm not saying doubling fines and jail sentences either.

Folks that are addicted to a substance and no longer want to even be there, but are a slave to the drug. SO many folks hooked on opiates because of an injury of some sort and then getting hooked on them. Then the doctors stop giving it to the patient and the patient gets withdrawals. Rather than turning folks into junkies they need to help folks stop taking such drugs, help eliminate withdrawals and symptoms somehow. Take crime out of it but without that type of help will only make such folks continue onwards.

People wanting to do cocaine or meth. Sure sounds great on a weekend with friends and a way to have fun and stay up. But hell, I can end up in jail if caught, it ain't worth it. Oh, just a ticket you say?

The first step IMO - is finding a way to help folks that WANT to quit drugs that are currently addicted to them. Help them.

I think the answers are more within helping people quit and helping them refrain to begin with is the answer.

11-04-2020, 05:35 PM
drug addiction is a health issue, not criminal issue, okay?

In that case, have them get some bed rest. There's usually a spot underneath a bridge and a pile of old clothes can serve as a bed. I think the people in Cucuta like the ones below are more deserving of sympathy/help.


11-04-2020, 05:39 PM
drug addiction is a health issue, not criminal issue, okay?

Guess you just want to ignore all of the ILLEGAL drugs, brought by criminals into this country and pretend...If it wasn't for the drug dealers, cartels, and Gangs...everybody would be healthy...HUH pete???

11-04-2020, 06:37 PM
No, it doesn't just end with okay.

I know and agree 100% that addiction becomes a medical issue and folks need help. But I prefer to help them also never get there if I can first.

Rather than just decriminalizing and taking away the criminal aspect at that juncture - even if they only hold small amounts, won't do much to help them with any addiction issues. And I'm not saying doubling fines and jail sentences either.

Folks that are addicted to a substance and no longer want to even be there, but are a slave to the drug. SO many folks hooked on opiates because of an injury of some sort and then getting hooked on them. Then the doctors stop giving it to the patient and the patient gets withdrawals. Rather than turning folks into junkies they need to help folks stop taking such drugs, help eliminate withdrawals and symptoms somehow. Take crime out of it but without that type of help will only make such folks continue onwards.

People wanting to do cocaine or meth. Sure sounds great on a weekend with friends and a way to have fun and stay up. But hell, I can end up in jail if caught, it ain't worth it. Oh, just a ticket you say?

The first step IMO - is finding a way to help folks that WANT to quit drugs that are currently addicted to them. Help them.

I think the answers are more within helping people quit and helping them refrain to begin with is the answer.

Even without the jail aspect, your life can be ruined. Perhaps there's an outcome even worse than jail.