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11-05-2020, 09:45 AM
Dunno if it's storytelling or legit - but over 4 stories or more of ballots arriving in the 2:30-4:00 range, all for the lose losing, and all for Democrats.

And just as many stories of legitimate poll workers/watchers not being able to do their jobs.

Again, don't know if sour grapes at this point, or legit stories of anomalies and shit going on that shouldn't be.


John James Campaign Claims Irregularities in Michigan Senate Race

The campaign of Michigan Senatorial candidate John James (R) has accused local officials of impropriety, voter suppression, and election interference after incumbent Gary Peters picked up hundreds of thousands of votes overnight.

Stuart Sandler, a consultant for James’ campaign who also observed the count as a volunteer lawyer, told Fox News they allege there were a “lot of irregularities” throughout the process that must be looked into.

“There were all kinds of chicanery, including ballots that came in reportedly in the middle of the night at 3:30 a.m. – 35,000 ballots that were deceptively brought in,” Sandler said. “There have been a lot of irregularities and a lack of integrity. They’re not letting challengers in, they’re not letting them get food or water. When they do, they’re not letting them come back. There are all sorts of disruptions to the process.”

With James holding a significant lead right up into the early hours of Wednesday morning, Sandler alleged Mark Brewer, a former state Democratic chairman, organized the arrival of dozens of lawyers and activists to the TCF center in Detroit in order to “disrupt the process.”

“There’s a lack of integrity there,” he explained. “The people of Michigan made their choice and they’ve been trying to disrupt the process. And we’re reviewing our options.”

Yet in an interview with AP, Brewer insisted the process was the cleanest and most effective Detroit had ever had. “This is the best absentee ballot counting operation that Detroit has ever had,” he said. “They are counting ballots very efficiently, despite the obstructing tactics of the Republicans.”

Election desks declared Peters the winner on Wednesday evening, having allegedly edged out his opponent by just over 70,000 votes. Although Republicans are still likely to hold on to their Senate majority, many were optimistic that James, an African-American businessman and Iraq War veteran, could flip the seat.

Rest - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/04/john-james-campaign-claims-irregularities-in-michigan-senate-race/

Fmr NV AG Laxalt: ‘No Question’ Trump Would Have Won Nevada ‘Convincingly’ Without Mail-in Voting

Wednesday on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt decried changes to his state’s mail-in voting laws and subsequent decisions from a court that made it difficult for allies of President Donald Trump to monitor ballot-counting now underway.

According to Laxalt, the rules were changed 90 days out of the election.

“Let me first say we believe we have a path to victory, but the Democrats have absolutely stacked the deck against us in this election,” he said. “They’ve changed this election inside 90 days and as votes are being counted and America thinks that with all these mail-in ballots, that you think you have people watching that counting going on, we are still not allowed to watch the signature-matching. We are not allowed to challenge any of those signatures. So, they switch us to this new system, and they give us no right to be sure that only legal voters count. As America knows, those that stayed up like me all night — they dumped these at 3 a.m. They counted through the middle of the night.”

“They’re counting all day today,” Laxalt continued. “And we’re still having to wait until tomorrow. And we are still right at this second, not in that door. And I warned them about this — that if it came down to Nevada, we’d finally get people to pay attention to the fact that the Democrats didn’t give us this right, and a judge agreed that we weren’t entitled to this right. Of course, we disagreed with that, and we’re still fighting that. But just for your viewers, that has to be quite startling that almost 400,000 votes were cast last night, and there was no observation, no transparency. And you know, we’re supposed to just trust but not be able to verify.”

Laxalt said had the state not chosen a course for mail-in voting, Trump would have won Nevada over former Vice President Joe Biden “convincingly.”

“There is no question that Donald Trump would have won Nevada last night convincingly if we did not move to mail-in ballots,” he added. “And again, we don’t know how bad voters there are in this giant stack. We also know there are likely to be dead voters. There are likely to be people that have moved out of Las Vegas but found their ballots were still cast. So we’re looking into all of this, but it’s just astounding when you watch the news commentary last night about this. They keep acting these systems are foolproof, and there’s no way that any improper voter can get through. And it is just simply not true.”
