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11-05-2020, 10:54 AM
I love the CNN article! How many lies and how much BS can one person stick into one article?

I think these folks were so high on the polls that anything less than a 12 point victory is a loss. White people gone, Trump supporters leave the country, republican racists jailed, even though jails no longer exist... :dunno:

I'm not sure WTF they expected. I guess a huge presidential victory, huge house win and also taking over the senate...

Ugly people on the inside are generally just unhappy people, IMO.


Trump's huge vote total breaks my heart. I recognize this America and I wish I did not.

The most dangerous implication of this election is that millions accept a fictitious world created by an autocrat and marketed by Fox News.

This is going to be a scorched earth column, so buckle up.

Yes, former Vice President Joe Biden may squeak out a victory. But even if he does, we’ve been slapped with the heartbreaking reality that nearly half our country voted for President Donald Trump after spending four years watching him spew unbridled bigotry, engage in blatant corruption, and tell so many lies you’d need a magnifying glass to read the Washington Post's running list of false and misleading claims.

My best friend just called in disgust to say he did not recognize this country. Unfortunately, I do. It’s the same country that built itself largely on the backs of slaves who had their most basic human rights stolen and whose descendants, more than 150 years after emancipation, still carry the weight of the chains that held them down.

It’s the same country that closed its eyes to Matthew Shepard, beaten and broken and tied to a fence in rural Wyoming, where he was left to die … because he was gay.

And it’s the same country where you can see countless cell phone videos of people telling Latino Americans to speak English or "stay in Mexico" or “go back" to where they came from.

Rest - https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/voices/2020/11/05/half-america-supports-donald-trump-heartbreaking-column/6165245002/

No matter the outcome, America's standing in the world took a big hit on election night

(CNN)The United States of America took a big hit on the global stage on election night.

Presented with an opportunity for a wholesale rejection of a highly divisive, race-baiting, xenophobic, media-hating, anti-science, lying, juvenile incumbent, a sizable swath of America's voters decided to take a pass and pull the lever for Donald Trump, and that speaks volumes about who we are as a nation.

But all this didn't happen in a vacuum; the world has been watching.

Joe Biden may still end up winning this election, but no matter how you cut it, it was clear here and around the globe that roughly half of America believes that the character of our President doesn't matter all that much, an impeachment is meaningless and the Department of Justice really should serve as the chief executive's personal law firm.

It's now more than obvious that a good chunk of American voters are OK with a President who desecrates symbols of American power like the White House, where he has told countless lies, promoted endless false truths and broken a host of norms that have transcended politics for generations.

More importantly, from a global perspective, roughly one in two of American voters signaled to the world that not only are capricious trade wars palatable, but long-standing global alliances like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) don't matter anymore.

Perhaps most worrisome to the international audience now is that, after a large-scale referendum on our country's leadership, it is clear that many American voters embrace our cozying up to dictators and autocrats like Russian President Vladimir Putin, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Western audiences can now see that the majority of voters across most of America's South and much of the Midwest are seemingly just fine about having a leader who is willing to look the other way when the CIA concluded that a journalist, who wrote for a prominent American newspaper, was ordered to be killed by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (Bin Salman has denied any involvement).

What about withholding funding from the World Health Organization amid a global pandemic that has claimed well over a million lives across the globe? Many voters apparently thought that was OK. Abrogating leadership on the existential issue of climate change? Another check.

Not to mention what this split decision says about the US and our moral fabric on the topics of social justice, racial equality and inclusiveness.

Rest - https://www.cnn.com/2020/11/04/opinions/us-global-image-after-election-night-2020-wierson/index.html

11-05-2020, 01:23 PM
Idiots will exist win or lose on either side. And they speak to America via what they call humor. :rolleyes:

Oh, I meant many lies.

They HATE You: Kimmel Rages That He 'Overestimated the American People’

Late night “comedy” is not a place for jokes, it’s a spot for liberal lectures and hate. Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday reacted angrily to the closely disputed, undecided presidential election. Perhaps triggered by the Republicans likely holding the Senate and increasing their numbers in the House, the Jimmy Kimmel Live host ranted that he “overestimated the American people.” Kimmel wasn’t alone in his bitterness as Jimmy Fallon mocked half the country that voted for Trump and Stephen Colbert made a Mussolini comparison.

Kimmel was so annoyed that he abandoned any pretense of making jokes. He seethed, “I’m also shocked that it was this close. I mean, we reunited the cast of every movie and TV show ever made to win this election. It is unimaginable to me that close to half of American voters saw what this man has done to this country over the last four years” [and wanted more].

Directly insulting half the country, the host raged, “What more did Trump have to do to show us that he’s insane and not fit to lead this country? I feel like I overestimated the American people.”

Here’s his full rant:

I have to say, I’m very happy and relieved that it looks like we’re finally sending this monster back to Mar-a-Lago. But I’m also shocked that it was this close. I mean, we reunited the cast of every movie and TV show ever made to win this election. It is unimaginable to me that close to half of American voters saw what this man has done to this country over the last four years. How he kowtowed to Vladimir Putin, he cozied up to Kim Jong-un. He alienated us from our allies, he put children in cages. He villainized the free press. He hid his tax returns. He tear gassed peaceful protesters. He pardoned all his criminal buddies. He extorted Ukraine. He misled us about COVID. He dismantled the pandemic response team. He dismantled health care, he called neo-Nazis very fine people. He tired a never-ending parade of imbeciles, he lied, he lied, he lied, then he lied some more, he is a liar and a cheat who wants them to stop counting thousands of legitimate votes. And almost half of us are apparently okay with that. Half of us want to keep it going for four more years. Which, listen, I don’t care what you think of Joe Biden. If Joe Biden stopped by my house every morning to key my car and pee in my pool, still be no question which one of them I’d vote for. None. What more did Trump have to do to show us that he’s insane and not fit to lead this country? I feel like I overestimated the American people and I underestimated the Village People.

On NBC, Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon echoed the same nasty sentiment, insulting millions of Americans: “The race is still too close to call. Apparently a lot of voters looked at 90,000 COVID cases a day and thought, ‘Sure, I can do four more years of this.' Experts still can’t believe the race is this tight. Apparently, people are voting based on which candidate they want to drink bleach with.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/scott-whitlock/2020/11/05/they-hate-you-kimmel-rages-he-overestimated-american-people

NBC Decries GOP Wins: Proof 'The Country Is More Divided Than Ever'

On Wednesday, NBC Capitol Hill correspondent Kasie Hunt didn’t hide how she and the network were irritated by the fact Republicans looked set to retain control of the Senate, while simultaneously picking up seats in the House. They were results that flew in the face of the liberal media’s prediction that the GOP would lose everything on Election Day. But reality left her flustered on NBC Nightly News, declaring: “These results really show that the country is more divided than ever.”

Taking her comment at its face, it meant she viewed national unity as one-party rule under the thumb of Democrats. And leading into Hunt’s report, anchor Lester Holt announced that “the critical battle for control of the Senate” was still up in the air, “but it appears the Democrats' hope of taking back the majority is fading.”

“Democrats actually lost seats in the House, which they really weren't expecting. They were expecting to gain seats and some Democrats are telling me they worry that this is going to embolden Republicans,” she lamented to Holt, “and that it really may make it harder to overcome gridlock in Washington.”

She added: “And if Joe Biden were to win the White House in the end, make it harder to govern or get any of his priorities across the finish line in Congress.”

Hunt took solace in Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) keeping her position, but shared in the left’s “bitter disappointment” that they couldn’t unseat “vulnerable Republicans”:

HUNT: But it's shaping up to be a much bigger Republican win than the party expected, and a bitter disappointment for Democrats who were confident they could win back the Senate. They did flip seats in Colorado and Arizona. But could not beat several vulnerable Republicans.

SENATOR SUSAN COLLINS (R-ME): To the people of Maine, thank you, thank you! Thank you!

HUNT: Like Susan Collins, who won in Maine.

After noting that “two likely runoffs in Georgia could end up deciding the Senate majority; brutal battles that could cost tens of millions more,” Hunt seemed unnerved by how Democrats burned up almost $200 million in TWO failed races:

Democrats losing two pricey races in the South. Democrat Amy McGrath spent over $73 million, but got blown out by Mitch McConnell. And Jamie Harrison dropping over 100 million, but losing big to Republican Lindsey Graham.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2020/11/04/nbc-decries-gop-wins-proof-country-more-divided-ever

Self-Righteous ‘View’ Hosts Scold ‘Selfish’ Americans Who Voted for Trump: Need a 'Come to Jesus Moment'

Thursday, The View hosts, like the rest of the liberal media, was still reeling over the close presidential race. Pretending like they haven’t spent the last four years attacking President Trump’s supporters with vile names, the haughty hosts boasted how they would refrain from calling his voters “racists” but insisted they were “selfish” people who didn’t care about the “plight” of their fellow Americans.

The co-hosts started off the show complaining about how sad it was to see half of America doesn’t agree with them, politically.

“It's such a disheartening -- this election was disheartening in many ways because we see that half the country ignores the terrible things that he's done for whatever reason!” co-host Joy Behar griped.

Fellow co-host Sunny Hostin was more forceful, saying half the country was “selfish” and "un-American" and didn’t care about anyone but themselves:


....[F]or the past four years, this president has shown us that he is a misogynist, that he is homophobic, that he is racist, and that he mismanaged a coronavirus pandemic to the tune of over 250,000 American deaths. Yet 50% of America saw all of that and looked the other way to their brothers and their sisters and said, I'm going to vote for him anyway, and that is really disheartening because for me, that means that you are selfish, right? I'm not going to say that 50% of Americans are racist and sexist and homophobic, but I will say that that tells me that they will look the other way to that kind of behavior to the plight of their fellow Americans if personally they feel that they are doing okay and that they will do better under that type of presidency, and that I think is despicable. It is un-American.

So all of a sudden she's above calling conservatives names? Because she had no problem calling them racist or sexist in 2017, in 2018, in 2019 and 2020.

But more tolerant liberal co-host Sara Haines pushed back on Hostin’s claims, saying that everyone is selfish because they vote for the issues that are important to them. But Hostin didn't want to hear that and insisted that our democracy would fail unless every American was united behind liberal policies on gender, immigration, and blaming Trump for a worldwide virus:

But the problem, Sara, though is that our very democracy is founded on the notion of collective -- of a collective spirit, we the people, right? We the people, for the people, by the people, and unless you have that collective social contract, our democracy fails. So when you see 50% of the country just looking the other way at the plight of 50% or more of the country, at the plight of the LGBTQ community, at the plight of African-Americans, at the plight of immigrants that their children are being torn from them at the border, at the plight of people that are losing their spouses, their children, their brothers, their sisters from a deadly virus because this president could not control it because he lied to us, when you see that and you still continue to vote for yourself --

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2020/11/05/self-righteous-view-hosts-scold-selfish-americans-who-voted

11-05-2020, 01:46 PM
The left disappointed in America ... In other news, the sun came up this morning and there were vehicles on the street this morning.