View Full Version : Wrong 'AGAIN!' NBC Blasts Flaky Pollsters Heading for 'Reckoning'

11-05-2020, 01:42 PM
CNN is blaming everyone and anyone for shitty polls once again, and I understand they are not taking any credit for their own wrong reports and polls. :rolleyes:


Wrong 'AGAIN!' NBC Blasts Flaky Pollsters Heading for 'Reckoning'

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt said it best Wednesday evening when leading to a report about how wrong the polls were in the run-up to the election. “Now, whatever the outcome, one of the important takeaways from this election, the polling was once again off, underestimating the strength of Donald Trump,” he told viewers.

Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez shared in Holt’s frustrations earlier in the hour-long, extended newscast. “Tonight, new questions about how pollsters were so off, AGAIN,” he exclaimed at the top of a report that was supposed to be about the Trump campaign demanding a recount in Wisconsin. “Before the election, polls had President Trump down significantly in Wisconsin. Some by double digits.”

Gutierrez spoke with two Wisconsinites who gave him their two cents on the matter:

ANNA PRIMUS: I think I'm a quiet majority. Maybe we keep our opinions more to ourselves.


UNIDENTIFIED MAN: I think there's a hidden Trump voter. I think that some people are just scared to really come out and support the President.

He also looked to get input from former conservative Wisconsin radio host-turned-Never Trumper Charlies Sykes. “So, I think that the credibility of the polling industry is very much at risk right now. And I think it's going to take a very, very long time for people to trust the polls ever again,” Sykes surmised. -- I think for awhile or longer, that the polls will somewhat be looked at like a weather report. You hear it and plan for it a little - but always confirm again and again, and then still stick your hand out the window to know for sure. - We I now know that they are to be used and abused, IMO, to influence how people will vote. Larger lead is with the hope that some will stay home. -- Not a whole lot different than taking extremely damaging stories and looking the other way, refusing to air it, censoring it and blocking it at all avenues. The hope is that people never hear about it or see it and therefore still go out and vote for someone. -- Same goes with a long and concerted effort to shadow ban certain outlets and news & outlets altogether and then the damaging stories... just enough to hopefully prevent people from seeing it and perhaps changing their vote.

As for the report Holt led into, White House correspondent Peter Alexander described the feeling of “Deja Vu all over again” with “renewed doubts about political polls.”

With Alexander recalling “it’s not the first time they missed the mark” and citing the 2016 election, he leaned on NBC contributor Dave Wasserman to tear into the incompetent industry. “We’re headed for a polling reckoning in the months and years ahead,” Wasserman declared.

He added: “As much as we thought pollsters learned their lessons of 2016 it’s clear that they haven't fully figured out how to accurately sample the Midwest, Florida, and other parts of the country as well (…) There is some evidence that people who distrust institutions both support Trump more and respond to surveys less.”

As for the performance of pollsters in 2020, Alexander pointed out how their predictions were so drastically wrong in former Vice President Joe Biden’s favor:

Once again, the stunner, some of the state polls. Take Wisconsin heading into election day Biden enjoying a nearly 7-point advantage, on average, over the President with one recent poll showing him cruising by 17 points. But it appears Biden will eke it out in the state by less than one percent. So close, the Trump campaign is requesting a recount.

“Democrats thought Florida might turn blue, with Biden and former President Barack Obama recently heading south, where the final polls showed Biden clinging to a tight lead,” he recalled. “But President Trump would carry that state by more than three points.”

And in wrapping up his report, Alexander noted that pollsters did accurately predict Trump “would over-perform among black men and Latinos…”

Some have suggested the publishing of such inaccurate polling results was a sleazy form of voter suppression. Essentially, discouraging Republicans from going out to vote by making it seem as though their candidates were facing insurmountable odds.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2020/11/04/wrong-again-nbc-blasts-flaky-pollsters-heading-reckoning

11-05-2020, 01:43 PM
CNN is blaming everyone and anyone for shitty polls once again, and I understand they are not taking any credit for their own wrong reports and polls. :rolleyes:


Wrong 'AGAIN!' NBC Blasts Flaky Pollsters Heading for 'Reckoning'

NBC Nightly News anchor Lester Holt said it best Wednesday evening when leading to a report about how wrong the polls were in the run-up to the election. “Now, whatever the outcome, one of the important takeaways from this election, the polling was once again off, underestimating the strength of Donald Trump,” he told viewers.

Correspondent Gabe Gutierrez shared in Holt’s frustrations earlier in the hour-long, extended newscast. “Tonight, new questions about how pollsters were so off, AGAIN,” he exclaimed at the top of a report that was supposed to be about the Trump campaign demanding a recount in Wisconsin. “Before the election, polls had President Trump down significantly in Wisconsin. Some by double digits.”

Gutierrez spoke with two Wisconsinites who gave him their two cents on the matter:

He also looked to get input from former conservative Wisconsin radio host-turned-Never Trumper Charlies Sykes. “So, I think that the credibility of the polling industry is very much at risk right now. And I think it's going to take a very, very long time for people to trust the polls ever again,” Sykes surmised. -- I think for awhile or longer, that the polls will somewhat be looked at like a weather report. You hear it and plan for it a little - but always confirm again and again, and then still stick your hand out the window to know for sure. - We I now know that they are to be used and abused, IMO, to influence how people will vote. Larger lead is with the hope that some will stay home. -- Not a whole lot different than taking extremely damaging stories and looking the other way, refusing to air it, censoring it and blocking it at all avenues. The hope is that people never hear about it or see it and therefore still go out and vote for someone. -- Same goes with a long and concerted effort to shadow ban certain outlets and news & outlets altogether and then the damaging stories... just enough to hopefully prevent people from seeing it and perhaps changing their vote.

As for the report Holt led into, White House correspondent Peter Alexander described the feeling of “Deja Vu all over again” with “renewed doubts about political polls.”

With Alexander recalling “it’s not the first time they missed the mark” and citing the 2016 election, he leaned on NBC contributor Dave Wasserman to tear into the incompetent industry. “We’re headed for a polling reckoning in the months and years ahead,” Wasserman declared.

He added: “As much as we thought pollsters learned their lessons of 2016 it’s clear that they haven't fully figured out how to accurately sample the Midwest, Florida, and other parts of the country as well (…) There is some evidence that people who distrust institutions both support Trump more and respond to surveys less.”

As for the performance of pollsters in 2020, Alexander pointed out how their predictions were so drastically wrong in former Vice President Joe Biden’s favor:

“Democrats thought Florida might turn blue, with Biden and former President Barack Obama recently heading south, where the final polls showed Biden clinging to a tight lead,” he recalled. “But President Trump would carry that state by more than three points.”

And in wrapping up his report, Alexander noted that pollsters did accurately predict Trump “would over-perform among black men and Latinos…”

Some have suggested the publishing of such inaccurate polling results was a sleazy form of voter suppression. Essentially, discouraging Republicans from going out to vote by making it seem as though their candidates were facing insurmountable odds.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2020/11/04/wrong-again-nbc-blasts-flaky-pollsters-heading-reckoning

I agree it was an attempt at voter suppression, it just didn't work.

11-05-2020, 01:58 PM
I agree it was an attempt at voter suppression, it just didn't work.

I think it may have. Even with announcing it out loud and performing for all to see.

The social media places didn't care and continued on and on in the face of threats and senate involvement.

I think here, in this thread/instance, I think the polls may have done damage. I know for many of us here we didn't fall for it. But how many, if any, out there may have thought they saw insurmountable leads and stayed home?

The MSM attack dogs and omitting of stories, censoring of others & the amount of endless lying. How many, if any, would believe such lies and be affected somehow?

Then the democrats themselves, impeachment bullshit and also non-stop lying & their own created scandals about Trump.... how many, if any, may have been affected by their lies or made up bullshit?

The social media censoring things is a fact, and censoring mainly one side is a fact. The polling industry being so shitty once again is a fact. What is NOT a fact and UI fully admit is that they did anything at all on purpose. They could very well just have gotten things wrong. The MSM lying almost on a daily basis and not covering certain news and/or outright censoring certain things, this is all a fact. And less reporting on news and more of pulling for a candidate - worse than ever IMO.

And then the democrats and lying and the issues with Hunter that were found, and Joe's involvement and much more - all likely disappear now. :dunno:

11-05-2020, 10:46 PM
It is time to get off Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Also, don't visit websites or watch channels that censor or have extreme bias.

The media won't learn as long as we keep supporting them. I know we watch to get balanced views but the stats are skewing to make media think they have fans not skeptics.

11-05-2020, 11:00 PM
It is time to get off Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Also, don't visit websites or watch channels that censor or have extreme bias.

The media won't learn as long as we keep supporting them. I know we watch to get balanced views but the stats are skewing to make media think they have fans not skeptics.

I hear where you're coming from, but seriously think that is a mistake. I doubt I change any minds, but outside of this forum-and even here much of the time-I don't really go on about candidates, but political philosophy. I don't really talk candidates at all on twitter, FB-it's the way to attract creeps, no thanks.

Nearly all news outlets, left and right by definition have bias and don't really give the opposing side much of a listen. I suppose what keeps me listening to FOX is the lack of availability to Newsmax-but really do like that their 'news' and 'entertainment' are distinct and sometimes truly at odds.