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View Full Version : Senate gonna be close

11-06-2020, 02:02 PM
Unless some sites are wrong, imagine that, looks like things right now stand at 48-48 in the senate. Miraculous comebacks there too - and now perhaps leading to run-offs to decide the power. Will be quite interesting to see how the senate power all plays out. It's gonna be more important than ever now.

Then the presidency, who the hell knows. Crazy shit, but crazy shit all leaning in Biden's direction.

Now has like a 4 million popular vote lead, and growing? A perhaps 50 point electorate lead at 264-214? And leading in remaining, and even came back, again miraculously. He leads in Nevada by over 20,000 votes, now leads Pennsylvania by 30,000, Georgia by 2,000, over 40k in Arizona and declared for him in most places & won Michigan.

As Kath pointed out, words are mainly meaningless. Time to either show proof of fraud... and while I believe there was in fact a ton of fraud in a lot of different ways, it likely wasn't enough to steal the election.

A ton of bitching and a lot of money being invested and lawyers and lawsuits galore. But unless there is something massive they haven't shown us yet, I don't see things changing.

Here's what I do see though - a system that sucks and with too many ways to cheat. A system where half the politicians and the media itself lying and swearing about non-existent voter fraud - of which does exist in a large manner.

There better be large changes in any mail in ballots after this. Changes or exclusions as to when specifically they can be mailed or received. Many changes to the counting process. Many oversight changes to ensure a transparent process. While Biden very well may have received the most legal ballots at the end of the day - America needs to see that and believe that & fully believe in the entire process. We aren't there due to the amount of fraud and severe lack of transparency.

But as much as ensuring this for this year, it's just as important to pay attention to the senate counting. 2 different presidents and 2 totally different 4 year terms depend on it.

11-06-2020, 02:06 PM
Unless some sites are wrong, imagine that, looks like things right now stand at 48-48 in the senate. Miraculous comebacks there too - and now perhaps leading to run-offs to decide the power. Will be quite interesting to see how the senate power all plays out. It's gonna be more important than ever now.

Then the presidency, who the hell knows. Crazy shit, but crazy shit all leaning in Biden's direction.

Now has like a 4 million popular vote lead, and growing? A perhaps 50 point electorate lead at 264-214? And leading in remaining, and even came back, again miraculously. He leads in Nevada by over 20,000 votes, now leads Pennsylvania by 30,000, Georgia by 2,000, over 40k in Arizona and declared for him in most places & won Michigan.

As Kath pointed out, words are mainly meaningless. Time to either show proof of fraud... and while I believe there was in fact a ton of fraud in a lot of different ways, it likely wasn't enough to steal the election.

A ton of bitching and a lot of money being invested and lawyers and lawsuits galore. But unless there is something massive they haven't shown us yet, I don't see things changing.

Here's what I do see though - a system that sucks and with too many ways to cheat. A system where half the politicians and the media itself lying and swearing about non-existent voter fraud - of which does exist in a large manner.

There better be large changes in any mail in ballots after this. Changes or exclusions as to when specifically they can be mailed or received. Many changes to the counting process. Many oversight changes to ensure a transparent process. While Biden very well may have received the most legal ballots at the end of the day - America needs to see that and believe that & fully believe in the entire process. We aren't there due to the amount of fraud and severe lack of transparency.

But as much as ensuring this for this year, it's just as important to pay attention to the senate counting. 2 different presidents and 2 totally different 4 year terms depend on it.
The 2 in GA are going through re-count, then likely run off in January. At least 1 is a sure one, common wisdom says both. Then there is Alaska, which hasn't called anything yet.
Remember that Senator that went (I) over impeachment? Manchin? Looks like he may be returning to R column.