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View Full Version : Biden Wins, Trump Fired

11-07-2020, 11:51 AM
The people have rejected Trump. Elections have consequences. Don't be a snowflake. Repubtards lose this round. A big a very special 4 year long fuck you to Nighttrain, Longtermguy, and Tyr-Ziu Saxnot.

:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:: dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::s alute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::sal ute::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2:

11-07-2020, 11:58 AM
The people have rejected Trump. Elections have consequences. Don't be a snowflake. Repubtards lose this round. A big a very special 4 year long fuck you to Nighttrain, Longtermguy, and Tyr-Ziu Saxnot.

:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:: dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::s alute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::sal ute::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2:

Trump, not the Republicans lost. The Georgia Senate runoffs will tell us what size the Trump drag had down ballot. This was actually the best outcome for the GOP. There was cheating, but not enough to overturn the results. Let's see how much effort Democrats put into preserving their "option" to cheat (looking at you Philly and Detroit).

11-07-2020, 12:49 PM
It's over when Trump concedes, you idiotic soyboi commie.

There's going to be mass recounts and democrats going to prison before this is over.

11-07-2020, 01:01 PM
Oh the Supreme Court made a ruling on the matter? Strange, I haven’t heard a word about it in the news.

Fox News and CNN don’t determine who is president, the Electoral College does. Justice Alito has ordered votes received in Pennsylvania after 8 PM Eastern Time segregated. This means a possible recount. We may see recounts in other states.

We have a thing called the US Constitution, despite the fact that it is mistaken for toilet paper by the Democrats, is the basis of our laws, nonetheless.

But remember, When you win by fraud, you didn’t prevail, you cheated. It doesn’t make you the better candidate, it makes you the better Con Artist.

We are on the verge of sinking to the depths of North Korea where the outcomes of all elections are accomplished by mandate rather than by the will of a free people. But hey, if you’re happy about the fact that America may be little better than a third world Banana Republic, knock yourself out


11-07-2020, 01:10 PM
Oh the Supreme Court made a ruling on the matter? Strange, I haven’t heard a word about it in the news.

Fox News and CNN don’t determine who is president, the Electoral College does. Justice Alito has ordered votes received in Pennsylvania after 8 PM Eastern Time segregated. This means a possible recount. We may see recounts in other states.

We have a thing called the US Constitution, despite the fact that it is mistaken for toilet paper by the Democrats, is the basis of our laws, nonetheless.

But remember, When you win by fraud, you didn’t prevail, you cheated. It doesn’t make you the better candidate, it makes you the better Con Artist.

We are on the verge of sinking to the depths of North Korea where the outcomes of all elections are accomplished by mandate rather than by the will of a free people. But hey, if you’re happy about the fact that America may be little better than a third world Banana Republic, knock yourself out


Such pessimism! Obviously the state legislatures should conduct full hearings before certifying. I find it odd that the Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin legislatures haven't already called a special session. It may be that any irregularities are not enough to alter who won the election.

11-07-2020, 01:11 PM

It actually means the conservative movement is going to be pissed and the Dems won't see it coming when the slapback happens.


11-07-2020, 01:14 PM
Everything will go as it goes.

Biden starts readying for transition. Trump may continue to appeal to the courts. The courts will take some, toss others-as already happening. Partial win with Alito, the votes will be kept separated, but will be counted, what happens down the road, whether included or not will be decided.

Meanwhile, we keep going to work, we keep talking. I'm looking for the positives and as far as I can tell, that currently lies in Congressional moves. The Green Deal will not be off import for at least two years. Heck we could see a lot of progressives out in 2 more years.

That there were shenanigans is imo, beyond doubt. Problems to be overcome: time; whether enough to overturn the results? If not, going nowhere; If there's violence-going to be pressure to get it done, one way or another.

OTOH, got to be realistic. How much fraud? I think instances aplenty, yet that complicates the difference between presidency and congressional results. That within states, lots of downballot votes for R, just not president. Trump has had huge successes, but his negatives were similarly large size. I know many don't see that, but many do.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
11-07-2020, 01:19 PM
The people have rejected Trump. Elections have consequences. Don't be a snowflake. Repubtards lose this round. A big a very special 4 year long fuck you to Nighttrain, Longtermguy, and Tyr-Ziu Saxnot.

:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:: dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::s alute::salute::salute::salute::salute::salute::sal ute::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2::saluting2:

I already knew you were a deranged leftist loon but this certifies it.
Standing point is, a cowardly little POS like you would never say that while standing face to face to me.
Now perhaps, you can venture out of your mommy's basement and mingle with other reptilian creatures like yourself.-Tyr

11-07-2020, 01:50 PM
The people have rejected Trump. Elections have consequences. Don't be a snowflake. Repubtards lose this round. A big a very special 4 year long fuck you to Nighttrain, Longtermguy, and Tyr-Ziu Saxnot.

WTF, why ain't I on this list?

I'm about as deplorable as they come? Am I not racist enough and a bigot? I guess I don't talk about enough guns? Why am I not seen as a chump? All the labels, but they fit me so well, I don't understand why I didn't make the grade? I tried!!

And Pete, you know, trading in Trump for an Alzheimer's patient and a whore who slept her way up the ladder, folks who are bragging about socialism and defunding the police - you act like this is all somehow a good thing.

Then again, for 4 years all I saw was some one liner trolling - but what I NEVER see from you - is posting things to support the left, to post what it is you want and what they would do for our country. Lying, defunding, funding of green new deal, crazy Bernie and cuckoo galore.

Not able to discuss a single thing or debate or prove wrong a single thing that the above 3 folks write - so you wait until an election win to say fuck you. But fact is - you were still 0 for a gazillion over the years, and that won't change.

11-07-2020, 02:02 PM
WTF, why ain't I on this list?

I'm about as deplorable as they come? Am I not racist enough and a bigot? I guess I don't talk about enough guns? Why am I not seen as a chump? All the labels, but they fit me so well, I don't understand why I didn't make the grade? I tried!!

And Pete, you know, trading in Trump for an Alzheimer's patient and a whore who slept her way up the ladder, folks who are bragging about socialism and defunding the police - you act like this is all somehow a good thing.

Then again, for 4 years all I saw was some one liner trolling - but what I NEVER see from you - is posting things to support the left, to post what it is you want and what they would do for our country. Lying, defunding, funding of green new deal, crazy Bernie and cuckoo galore.

Not able to discuss a single thing or debate or prove wrong a single thing that the above 3 folks write - so you wait until an election win to say fuck you. But fact is - you were still 0 for a gazillion over the years, and that won't change.

I'm conducting classes if you want to up your game in those areas! Your first lesson is to examine why right wing dictatorships are superior to "democracies". Consider the successes of Stroessner in Paraguay, Pinochet in Chile, Castelo Branco in Brazil and Luis Meza in Bolivia.

11-07-2020, 02:12 PM
I'm conducting classes if you want to up your game in those areas! Your first lesson is to examine why right wing dictatorships are superior to "democracies". Consider the successes of Stroessner in Paraguay, Pinochet in Chile, Castelo Branco in Brazil and Luis Meza in Bolivia.

I'm still trying to figure out how 65 million idiots in 2016 expanded to 80 million in 2020. Some will say Trump, I say it's just something that is contagious. :coffee:

Abbey Marie
11-07-2020, 04:52 PM
Unsurprising response from a supporter of the new Puppet in Chief.

11-07-2020, 04:59 PM
Yeah, so how does a guy get to be the most powerful person on the planet simply by hanging out in his basement, having a few drive in rallies?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-07-2020, 05:18 PM
Not over yet...Not even close ...love to see the commies cry again....


11-07-2020, 06:27 PM
Truth is. petey is disappointed he won't have access to Joe's hairy legs in the Sunshine, and now Joe will be making petey get on his knee's before Joe....just to return the favor of his vote.

11-07-2020, 08:38 PM
Not over yet...Not even close ...love to see the commies cry again....


It’s a matter of “just because you want something to be true does not mean that it is”

If truth in advertising applied to political campaigns then those signs that say “Biden 2020” should be changed to read “Harris 2021”... because that’s what you’re getting.