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View Full Version : Ten Reasons Why It Could Be Awesome for Conservatives if Biden Wins

11-07-2020, 03:25 PM
It's hard to see a gain when the president you prefer loses. But if he must lose, then there are other consequences to look at as well. Huge gains in the house. But the senate is still open, and with everything I've seen from 2015 to days after this election, I wouldn't bet on the senate, sadly.


Ten Reasons Why It Could Be Awesome for Conservatives if Biden Wins

1. The courts and the Senate defend against the worst

DB: “Trump’s Herculean efforts to shore up the courts, combined with the War Turtle and Lindsey Graham 2.0 holding the Senate, have saved us from the worst Biden/Harris could have done: no packed courts, new states that would create four new Democrat senators, or millions of legalized illegals,” DB told me.

This is nothing but a win. There isn’t much to add to this. Every crazy piece of nonsense The Squad cobbles together to bankrupt this nation will die in the Senate. Hallelujah!

--That is fantastic news - if they actually hold in the long run. Anyone doubt efforts are being made to ensure that doesn't happen?

2. RIP the media

DB: “The complete and final disgrace and delegitimization of the Fake News Media and its polling adjunct is now a fait accompli.”

Not even Fox News will survive this. Their behavior on election night—wantonly calling Arizona and Virginia way too soon for Biden—has exposed what they really are: fake news. We can now feel free to hate Fox as much as CNN. I fully expect a Trump rally or something where the crowd is chanting “FOX NEWS SUCKS” very soon. Pollsters will be and should be roundly mocked and laughed at. They should all lose their jobs.

--The media lies, period. The polling agencies lie. But they won't be dying. People will still tune in. People will still follow polls. Is what it is until changes are made and it's isn't.

3. A fully unleashed President Trump

DB: “A fully unleashed President Trump with two-and-a-half months to go balls-out, exposing the Biden Crime Syndicate and getting to the root of the money behind the rioting.”

If you think Trump is unchained and unchecked now, wait until he has the freedom of a man about to be paroled. This is a man who has been through hell over false allegations and character assassinations and downright lies. Lies so big and so debunkable that any honest media should never have let Joe Biden get away with using them to smear Trump. The “fine people” hoax brainwashed half the country into thinking their president — who brought peace to Israel and funded black colleges — is a racist. He and his children have been put through hell and those who know him say he never forgets and will get his hunk of flesh. It’s going to be epic. And imagine what he knows now, with his presidential privilege, that the American people will benefit from when he opens both barrels. Oh! This is going to be fun. Those of you who enjoy brawler Trump would get an early Christmas present.

--This will be interesting. Not sure to what lengths he would go. He knows that folks await to play out their hatred even more once he's out of office.

4. The spectacle of a Biden inauguration

DB: “The hilarious spectacle of Joe Biden reciting the birthday song as he’s sworn in with a poop stain on his pants.”

I didn’t say it, DB did. But I can’t say I didn’t laugh. The gaffe master will be a lot of fun. Remember how fun the video montage of Sleepy Joe rambling about his hairy legs was? Trump was playing it his rallies. Biden is well-known for being extremely meme-able. Meme farms will grow and bloom. Meme farmers everywhere will rejoice at the bountiful crops.

--The memes and laughing at 'ol Joe is fun sometimes and will be for sure - but hopefully not at America's expense.

5. Paging President Harris

DB: “The hideous spectacle of the Wicked Witches of the House removing Biden from office and installing the trench harpy from California.”

Nancy Pelosi already admitted that her inquiry into the 25 Amendment to remove a president wasn’t about Trump. We can rationally deduce that she actually meant it was about Biden. Watching them try to replace him with Comma-La in the next six months will be extremely entertaining.

--Many wait in the dark to pounce, I'm sure. Harris is front runner should anything take place. But so many want their foot in the front door. And I think it's getting an agenda filled as much as it is a position.

6. Four years of pointing and laughing.

Winning elections isn’t the hardest part. Governing is the hardest part. And the Democrat Party is split up into two groups of people: moderates and far-left whackjobs who are not going to stop trying to take over the party entirely and implement their crazy ideas (like defunding police and sending social workers into dangerous situations). If Biden wins, it’s is going to be a sh*tshow of warring factions inside the party. And we’ll have the buzzkill button in the senate. Lulz.

--See number 5 - folks will want access to get agendas filled.

7. Dems miscalculated Comma-La’s appeal

DB: “Democrat voters realizing why Harris never even mustered 4% Democrat support while she was running in the primaries.”

Harris is extremely unlikeable. Even her own party doesn’t like her and rejected her immediately in the primaries. She’s sure to have a much bigger role in a Biden administration than Mike Pence does in Trump’s. But her dismal record on criminal justice and locking people up for smoking pot soured her for a lot of people who want actual systemic reform. She will be especially unpopular with antifa who want to defund the police. Harris was the police. She locked up a lot of people, some of whom didn’t belong in jail. Law enforcement reform should start with attorneys general like her. I think the anti-police faction of the party is going to turn on her and that will be popcorn-worthy.

--Not sure to what extent she is unlikeable. I don't like her, but "they" did just get an awful lot of votes.

8. Retaking the House in 2022.

There’s no doubt we will retake the House in 2022 whether or not Biden wins. The motivation for Republicans to take back control will quadruple after this morass of media-driven shenanigans that a lot of people see as disenfranchisement. The 2022 elections are going to be lit AF.

--This is one I agree with, it's kinda cyclical. A lot of different reasons, but I think the losses in the house continue.

9. Palm Beach Trump still tweets

DB: “The great and awesome President Trump, having preserved America to fight another day, retiring to his own slice of heaven in ever-redder Florida where he can enjoy the lifestyle he richly deserves, tweet to his heart’s content, and continue to inspire the movement he created.”

Can you see it? I can. And it’s hilarious.

--If the deep state doesn't invent something against him. And if legit... -- Other than that, I hope he succeeds personally and in his business & retires and enjoys himself. I would rather not deal with the drama though. So don't be an Obama, and just enjoy the hell out of life and that's it. Plus, with all of the connections, they will just get the last word in by finding a reason to ban him. Enjoy yourself and your $$ and your properties, Mr. Trump, you've earned it!

10. Trump TV, baby!

Drudge has abandoned us. Fox News has abandoned us. It’s time for Trump’s media empire that will wipe out Fox News as being the place conservatives go. It’s going to be epic. Trump is finally going to be in the position to be our billionaire who pours money into real journalism. We’ve never had one of those before. This could be the injection of support we have needed in order to break through the fake news narrative.

So, be of good cheer. Nothing is off the table yet, and we will keep fighting for a fair election, but if the “worst” happens, it’s not going to be that bad. Buck up, little camper!

--I can't say for the future of news, where they go and in which direction. They didn't look too good this cycle.

"Trump News" does have a good ring to it!! Be tough to get into that game though and a lot of $$$. And at his age, would he undertake such a venture, after the presidency? I don't think so. But the nation could do with some competing agencies though, ensure all the news gets out at minimum.


11-07-2020, 08:39 PM
#10 is my favorite.

11-07-2020, 09:25 PM
Actually, you beat me to this.

The Senate will be controlled by Republicans, the Dems are seeing their majority in the House being decimated. Furthermore, Congressional Dems blame their party’s endorsement of far Left positions like the Green New Deal for their losses.

So, what happens in a new Biden/Harris administration? No major legislation will pass Congress for one. Also, since the Senate confirms judicial nominations, good luck Joe. Same thing with treaties, you want to get back in that Iran deal? Senate won’t ratify it.

Plus Pelosi’s hold on the Speaker of the House position is tenuous at best. No Dem in the House is going to endorse Green New Deals if they want to be elected in 2022.

And if the Republicans gain control of the House in 2022... with the standard of impeachments set so low... expect impeachment of President Harris for ... fill in the blank... being an asshole? And if the Republicans have the Senate, too, perhaps a conviction to boot.

Plus... there is nothing in the constitution that prevents Trump from running for Prez in 2024. But who would elect a 78 year old man to be be President? Oh, a bunch of idiots just did that here in 2020.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-07-2020, 09:29 PM
Barring any actionable legal stuff, this is pretty much my thinking:


11-07-2020, 09:32 PM
The downside:


11-07-2020, 11:26 PM
Again some good news, at least imo. It contains more though on why I don’t think the numbers look good for Trump. Along with Congress and picking up another governor there’s these signs:

11-07-2020, 11:31 PM
One more: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-11-06/election-2020-progressives-refuse-to-hear-what-voters-had-to-say

11-08-2020, 08:56 AM
Another: https://reason.com/2020/11/06/socialism-2020-trump-biden-rebuke-left/

11-08-2020, 02:19 PM
2022 awaits is the best hope. Expect the democrats to not do too awful much good and the turnover will continue in 2022.

I do think the lying by the MSM so much and so obviously along with issues with our voting integrity, will leave a bad taste for many, which will also contribute in 2022. And my belief is also that if they push towards socialist activities too much & continue at all with police garbage, it will also help enhance things in the senate. And of course folks will hold the very top accountable for the change from 2020-2024 & regret any socialism or defunding. Biden needs to keep that all in line somehow. Good luck with that.