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11-07-2020, 03:44 PM
I have zero doubt that many dead people voted. Hell, that's happened in prior elections of all sorts and always denied of course. The mail delivery is new and not surprising. I hope they get to the bottom of that.

So again, I have little doubt that cheating took place buy unsure I see enough to have changed anything. But refer to another post of mine, although Biden has like 4 million more in the popular vote column, it's only a little over 200k votes in battleground states that win him the election.

I'll have less faith in the integrity of our system. Too many points of failure, IMO.


Trump Campaign to the Media: Here's Actual Proof of Voter Fraud, Just as You Asked

While the mainstream media was doing a victory lap for former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), the Trump campaign held a press conference about voter fraud in Pennsylvania.

"Let me just give you one concrete example, not anecdotal, but concrete example of what we believe to be valid voted fraud in the State of Pennsylvania," Trump campaign senior adviser Corey Lewandowski said during Saturday's press conference. "I draw you to the attention of an obituary listed for Denise [inaudible] of Allegheny County. Born 9/10/1946, deceased 10/22/2020. Her application to vote was received on 10/23, the day after she died. It was then mailed by the county back to her on 10/24/2022, two days after she had legally passed away and then the ballot was received back at the county office on November 2nd, 2020 and when you go to the Secretary of State's website today, it says that she voted in this election, effective November 2nd 2020, a full nine days after ... passed away."

According to Lewandowski, the media needs to "do their job" and dig deeper to find additional examples.


Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani cited another example of dead people voting in this election, including boxer Joe Frazier, a longtime Republican, who died five years ago.

"Joe continues to vote. If I recall correctly, Joe was a Republican, so maybe I shouldn't complain," Giuliani said sarcastically. "But we should go see if Joe is voting Republican or Democrat now from the grave."

"Also, Will Smith's father has voted here twice since he died. I don't know how he votes since he's always voted secret," he said. "In Philadelphia, they keep the votes of dead people secret. At least that is something you can be commended for."


Three poll watchers in Philadelphia said they weren't actually allowed to observe ballot counting.




Despite multiple members of the press saying they need more "evidence" of what's taking place, these instances are being ignored. Same thing goes for United States Postal Service whistleblowers who have stepped forward to say postmasters are backdating the dates ballots were received. A USPS whistleblower revealed his identity on Friday after higher-ups saw his Thursday interview with Project Veritas. According to Richard Hopkins, a carrier in Erie, Pennsylvania, his supervisors and others above him were ordering carriers to backdate ballots that were received after Election Day.

Rest - https://townhall.com/tipsheet/bethbaumann/2020/11/07/the-media-ignores-the-trump-campaigns-evidence-of-voter-fraud-to-celebrate-joe-bidens-socalled-victory-n2579670

11-07-2020, 04:42 PM

Judge Jeanine Pirro

❤ BAM! ❤



"If the Republican Party stands and fights TOGETHER this will send a clear message to the Supreme

Court and the American people that this isn’t just about Trump. It’s about the legitimacy of this and

every election going forward. It’s about whether we still are a democracy"

11-07-2020, 08:46 PM
Why is this just on OAN?

11-08-2020, 01:19 PM
Why is this just on OAN?

The larger accusations that turned out to be incorrect - that will now be what the left push to claim no such things as voter fraud and how what the right pushed was made up. But not the case. Just a ton of fraud, and the larger cases proved wrong, while a ton of smaller cases are correct.

The dead people voting has long been an issue and continued in this election. People that have moved from a state but voted for that state anyway. And then we already know for a fact that there were glitches with the software used. One race was decided, and then decided for the loser after the glitch was fixed. - https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/06/michigan-republican-down-104-votes-wins-by-1127-after-glitch-fixed/

That was a difference of "only" about 1,231 votes. We also know for sure that in the presidential race, that in just one county that 6,000 votes were swung back in the other direction due to this same glitch. - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-claims-glitch-in-michigan-incorrectly-gave-6000-votes-to-biden/ar-BB1aMk7c

I had posted articles leading up to this of ballots being destroyed, stolen & bags found in mysterious places.

So between many instances of outright voter fraud in "smaller" ways & add in software issue. But can we just look at the larger instances that turned out to be incorrect, and then just shrug at the smaller instances since they may not have ultimately swayed the election?

Thus far, I'm still not fully convinced that cheating/fraud changed this election. But when you see a 4-5 million lead decided by approximately 200,000 votes & many stories/videos/instances of problems in the states that made up that 200k difference. And even just 1 smaller instance of fraud/cheating is too much. And then constant denial of it is wrong. Acknowledge it, small or large and work to fix it.

Too many questions when it comes to a national election. I still see Biden having won this election, and dismissing of smaller attempts at cheating or denying them.

11-08-2020, 02:36 PM
The larger accusations that turned out to be incorrect - that will now be what the left push to claim no such things as voter fraud and how what the right pushed was made up. But not the case. Just a ton of fraud, and the larger cases proved wrong, while a ton of smaller cases are correct.

The dead people voting has long been an issue and continued in this election. People that have moved from a state but voted for that state anyway. And then we already know for a fact that there were glitches with the software used. One race was decided, and then decided for the loser after the glitch was fixed. - https://www.breitbart.com/2020-election/2020/11/06/michigan-republican-down-104-votes-wins-by-1127-after-glitch-fixed/

That was a difference of "only" about 1,231 votes. We also know for sure that in the presidential race, that in just one county that 6,000 votes were swung back in the other direction due to this same glitch. - https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/gop-claims-glitch-in-michigan-incorrectly-gave-6000-votes-to-biden/ar-BB1aMk7c

I had posted articles leading up to this of ballots being destroyed, stolen & bags found in mysterious places.

So between many instances of outright voter fraud in "smaller" ways & add in software issue. But can we just look at the larger instances that turned out to be incorrect, and then just shrug at the smaller instances since they may not have ultimately swayed the election?

Thus far, I'm still not fully convinced that cheating/fraud changed this election. But when you see a 4-5 million lead decided by approximately 200,000 votes & many stories/videos/instances of problems in the states that made up that 200k difference. And even just 1 smaller instance of fraud/cheating is too much. And then constant denial of it is wrong. Acknowledge it, small or large and work to fix it.

Too many questions when it comes to a national election. I still see Biden having won this election, and dismissing of smaller attempts at cheating or denying them.
I’m skeptical as well. However in some like NC a few thousand could be enough. Whatever happens I hope it works out.

11-08-2020, 07:16 PM
