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11-08-2020, 03:06 PM
Could be incorrect stories, could be valid but not enough, could be some invalid and some not.

Take all you read with that grain again until all things looked into.

I will be curious going forward with the black lives matter group & antifa and where they go from here. Will they remain as vicious, both with demands and on the streets?


“We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots that Miraculously ONLY have a Vote for Joe Biden” – Sidney Powell Drops a BOMB on Sunday Morning Futures

Attorney Sidney Powell joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the latest legal battles by the Trump campaign focusing on Democrat fraud and corruption.

During her interview Sidney dropped several bombs including this: That Democrats manufactured 450,000 votes in battleground states that miraculously ONLY have a vote for Joe Biden.

Sidney Powell: There has been a massive and coordinated effort to steal this election from We The People of the United States of America to delegitimize and destroy votes for Donald Trump. To manufacture votes for Joe Biden. They’ve done it in every way imaginable, from having dead people vote in record numbers, to absolutely fraudulently creating ballots that exist only for voting for Biden. We’ve identified over 450,000 ballots that miraculously only have a vote for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate. If you look at Florida where things were done right you can see that that is how the rest of the country should have gone. But they also used an algorithm to calculate the number of votes they would need to flip. And they used computers to flip those votes from Trump to Biden and from other Republican candidates to their competitors also.

We reported earlier on the missing down votes in the battleground states.

Via Sunday Morning Futures:



“There Are Facts of Fraud” – Rudy Giuliani: Trump Team to File Lawsuits against on Pennsylvania on Monday for Violating Federal Law — 800,000 Votes COMPLETELY INVALID!

Trump Attorney and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures to discuss the Trump Campaign’s strategy in the coming week.

Rudy told Maria Bartiromo, “There are facts of fraud!” in Pennsylvania.

Rudy explained how Democrats in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia violated federal law. In Pennsylvania alone the Democrats locked the doors from ballot inspectors for several hours while they counted 400,000 votes for Joe Biden.

The Trump campaign is not conceding.

Via Sunday Morning Futures:



Black Lives Matter Crashes Biden Celebration, Say Democrats Who Won’t Raise Their Fists Are ‘Just as Racist’ as ‘Police Killing Black People’

Black Lives Matter and Antifa marched into a crowd of Joe Biden supporters who were partying outside the White House on Saturday evening and told them that if they do not comply with their demands that they are racists.

Black Lives Matter was joined with an Antifa group that calls themselves the “They/Them Collective.”

The group declared that anyone who did not raise their fist in solidarity with the Marxist movement are “just as racist as police officers that are killing Black people.”

“For all of you fucking journalists, for all of you white liberals, who have been celebrating, getting drunk off your asses about Biden winning this election, you are all a bunch of fucking fools,” one of the demonstrators said. “Get it together.”


Footage of the incident was captured by independent journalist Ford Fischer.


Rest - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/watch-black-lives-matter-crashes-biden-celebration-say-democrats-wont-raise-fists-just-racist-police-killing-black-people/

11-08-2020, 03:48 PM
They make it sound easy. Just recount this one and that one, add up the numbers, decrease this one or that one & then just add this last one in and you win.

I think this may be a lot of just wishful thinking in this one.


Dick Morris: Trump Can Still Win

President Donald Trump can still win the presidency.

Here’s how:

Only the Electoral College or the various state legislatures can declare a candidate the winner. To base this decision on network vote totals and projections and to call Biden the president-elect is irresponsible.

The recounts in Arizona, Georgia, and the other states are likely to go heavily for Trump.

Most of the likely errors or invalid votes took place on mailed in ballots. (Machine votes are harder to tamper with). Since Biden won upwards of two-thirds of mail-in votes and absentee ballots, it's likely that most of the discarded mail ballots will be subtracted from Biden’s total.

The networks currently give Trump 214 electorate voters (270 is the victory level).

Alaska, where Trump has led by 2:1 all week and is now more than half counted will likely throw its 3 votes to Trump giving him 217.

Trump has likewise led in North Carolina (15 votes) all week and his margin of 75,000 has not diminished. He will undoubtedly carry North Carolina.

Like Alaska, the media will not call it for Trump to promote the illusion of a Biden victory. North Carolina would bring Trump’s vote to 232.

The vote count in Arizona shows Trump’s deficit shrinking from 30,000 on Friday to 18,500 on Saturday with about 100K left to count.

After Arizona (11 votes). is fully counted, it will go through a recount subject to the pro-Trump bias identified in point 2. Were he to win Arizona, he would have 243 votes.

In Georgia (16 votes), Biden leads by only 8400 votes, a margin that has been dropping.

Like Arizona, Trump may still win the count and, if not, would have a very good chance of prevailing in the recount. With Georgia, Trump would have 259 votes.

Wisconsin (10 votes) is tallied as having been won by Biden by 21,000 votes but a recanvass is in the offing. Given the facts enumerated earlier, there is a very good chance Trump will carry Wisconsin. The recount process in Wisconsin is uniquely fair and transparent — a model for the nation — so Trump may well flip the state.

If he does, he will have 269 votes — one shy of victory.

Then, it comes down Pennsylvania and its 20 votes. The Supreme Court provisionally allowed ballots to be counted if they arrived before Friday, Nov. 6 and were postmarked before election day, Nov. 3, and ordered late votes to be segregated. When Justice Alito was informed that the state had not segregated the late votes, as required in the Court’s decision, Alito reaffirmed the necessity of enforcing the court order.

Joe Biden currently leads by 37,000 votes in Pennsylvania. The number of late arriving ballots likely far exceeds this total (the state has not published this information).

Justice Alito and a Court majority may throw out the late ballots, likely delivering the state to Trump.

Additionally, for the reasons stated above, a recanvass is likely to give Trump a decisive advantage. If he wins Pennsylvania, he would have 289 votes and a victory.

Will there be a recount in Pennsylvania? The current law requires one if the margin is under 0;.5% and in Pennsylvania it likely will be slightly greater.

There are two ways to trigger a recount:

—First, the U.S. Supreme Court could order one after the vote counters so flagrantly violated Alito’s order to segregate the votes that he had to re-issue it. And remember, four Justices wanted to reconsider whether to allow late ballots entirely but the high court deadlocked 4-4. Now with Justice Barrett in the mix it may take a different view, particularly if the presidency hangs in the balance.

—Second, Article II Section 1 of the US Constitution reads:

"Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."

The Pennsylvania State Legislature, solidly in Republican hands (both houses) may choose to demand a recount before appointing electors. To build the case for doing so, it may hold hearings into the allegations of fraud so as to help the voters of the state understand how flagrantly their votes were mishandled.

Already, the leader of the State Senate in Pennsylvania and the Speaker of the State Assembly have held a press conference announcing their intention to "audit" the vote counting process.

So, as the great Yogi Berra said, "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings."

She hasn’t.
