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View Full Version : So, as to Georgia now...

11-08-2020, 03:18 PM
So the nation awaits. It appears that Georgia and runoffs will ultimately decide the power of the Senate & the power of Joe Biden & the democrats & the balance of power.

Schumer states that if they win the senate, then they will change America. I believe him. I do believe some honest efforts will be made. Along with perhaps court packing in the Supreme Court & also talk of 2 new states or better stated as 4 more democrats in Washington. With nothing to stop them until the next election at minimum, the green new non-deal would be in play along with many socialist plans. Without them taking the senate, many things would be limited to an extent.

So, as to Georgia - and seeing even just the small amount of fraud via dead people and moved people and whatever else - are you prepared to say again that voter fraud doesn't exist? Or that democrats or folks that need them are not already thinking of the future and ways to win these 2 seats in a manner other than legal ways?


Schumer: If Democrats Win Georgia Senate Races, ‘Then We Change America’

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Saturday that Democrats will “change America” if they win two runoff elections in Georgia that will determine which political party controls the Senate.

“Now we take Georgia, then we change the world,” Schumer said at a rally in New York City, hours after the Associated Press and other news outlets projected Joe Biden to win the presidency.

“Now we take Georgia, then we change America,” the New York Democrat added.

“Now we take Georgia, then we change the world,” Chuck Schumer via @StatusCoup pic.twitter.com/JMtGPzgZUH

— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) November 7, 2020

Georgia Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, both Republicans, will face off against Democratic challengers in runoffs scheduled Jan. 5 after neither candidate reached the 50% threshold required under Georgia law to win their elections outright.

Perdue outpaced his challenger, Jon Ossoff, 49.8-47.8%. Loeffler came in second in a field of 20 candidates behind Democratic frontrunner Raphael Warnock.

Rep. Doug Collins, another Republican candidate, trailed Loeffler with 20% of the vote.

Republicans in that race received 49% of the vote, compared to Democrats who received a 48% share.

Races in North Carolina and Alaska remain unsettled, though the Republican candidates are leading both contests.

Should Perdue and Loeffler both lose — and if Republicans win the races in North Carolina and Alaska — the Senate will be split 50-50. That means Sen. Kamala Harris as Biden’s vice president would cast the deciding vote in the event of any tie.

Republicans lost incumbents in Arizona (Sen. Martha McSally) and Colorado (Sen. Cory Gardner), but picked out a seat held by Alabama Democratic Sen. Doug Jones.

Even if Republicans lose the two Georgia seats, they will have surpassed expectations headed into the election on Tuesday. Most polls had Maine Sen. Susan Collins losing to her Democratic challenger, Sara Gideon. Collins ended up winning the race by nearly 10 points.

South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham also won his race against Jamie Harrison by 10 points, though polls had the contest much closer.
