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View Full Version : CBS Presses Dems on Dropping Socialism, Being Moderate

11-09-2020, 03:40 PM
Of course, not shocking, they already know what they need to do and not do for 2022. Regardless of what Twitnit AOC states, the socialism talk and defunding talk all hurt them.

I see this as more of a talking game. Keep up appearances for listeners. Now to be seen is what I mentioned earlier - Joe against the left, and they want in. I think Joe is capable of staying somewhat moderate - but he's going to be hit left and right about socialist issues or just further left issues. And I think that the more that gets through is the more it hurts them in 2022.


CBS Presses Dems on Dropping Socialism, Being Moderate

In a truly surprising move during Sunday’s Face the Nation, CBS host Margaret Brennan pressed Democrats Congressman Cedric Richmond (LA) and Senator Joe Manchin (WV) on how the embrace of socialism by their party hurt them in down-ballot races in the 2020 election. Brennan even wrapped up the Manchin interview with a question about Democrats shifting to more “moderate” politics.

Just as she was about to finish her interview with Rep. Richmond, Brennan sprung her first question about the Democratic Party and socialism, citing comments from Biden campaign surrogate Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC). “Your colleague whip Clyburn, on Fox, said recently ‘defund the police and Medicare for all and socialism were albatrosses around our necks.’ He was talking about this last election.”

“Do you agree that these messages that may actually have energized some progressive voters, some young voters, have ultimately hurt your party? Is there a reckoning that needs to happen among Democrats,” she wanted to know. In his response, Richmond seemed to suggest that Democrats should do a better job of keeping their true intentions hidden from the public and then pushing the radical stuff after getting elected.

After the commercial break, Brennan picked up right where she left off, questioning Manchin on Richmond’s response (Click “expand”):

BRENNAN: I wonder if you agree with your Democratic colleague, Congressman Richmond, who said, “This is a wake-up call to Senators,” this election, “that this is a different day.” Do you agree? And what should the President-Elect's first order of business be?

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): Basically Joe Biden has said he will be a president of all of us, and that's exactly what he has to do, bring us all together; bringing Democrats and Republicans together, because it is a wakeup call to all of us.


And I think Jim Clyburn said it best. That was an albatross around us, basically labeling every Democratic as a socialist or supporting socialism. That's not who we are. That’s not who I am. It’s not how we were raised. And it hurt a lot of good Democrats in rural America.


11-09-2020, 04:40 PM
Of course, not shocking, they already know what they need to do and not do for 2022. Regardless of what Twitnit AOC states, the socialism talk and defunding talk all hurt them.

I see this as more of a talking game. Keep up appearances for listeners. Now to be seen is what I mentioned earlier - Joe against the left, and they want in. I think Joe is capable of staying somewhat moderate - but he's going to be hit left and right about socialist issues or just further left issues. And I think that the more that gets through is the more it hurts them in 2022.


CBS Presses Dems on Dropping Socialism, Being Moderate

In a truly surprising move during Sunday’s Face the Nation, CBS host Margaret Brennan pressed Democrats Congressman Cedric Richmond (LA) and Senator Joe Manchin (WV) on how the embrace of socialism by their party hurt them in down-ballot races in the 2020 election. Brennan even wrapped up the Manchin interview with a question about Democrats shifting to more “moderate” politics.

Just as she was about to finish her interview with Rep. Richmond, Brennan sprung her first question about the Democratic Party and socialism, citing comments from Biden campaign surrogate Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC). “Your colleague whip Clyburn, on Fox, said recently ‘defund the police and Medicare for all and socialism were albatrosses around our necks.’ He was talking about this last election.”

“Do you agree that these messages that may actually have energized some progressive voters, some young voters, have ultimately hurt your party? Is there a reckoning that needs to happen among Democrats,” she wanted to know. In his response, Richmond seemed to suggest that Democrats should do a better job of keeping their true intentions hidden from the public and then pushing the radical stuff after getting elected.

After the commercial break, Brennan picked up right where she left off, questioning Manchin on Richmond’s response (Click “expand”):


Yup, the bolded is what the dems will do and it should be a route in 2022.

11-09-2020, 04:49 PM
C-BS forgot to specify that they will need to do it with a straight face. That's easier said than done.