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View Full Version : Let's not forget the liars at 'The View'

11-09-2020, 03:53 PM
Suddenly the left forgets about all of the lying and all of the actions just prior to 2016 election & post election and all of their actions & then the amount of lying for 4 years and actions to undermine a sittintg president.


2016 Amnesia? Whoopi Demands Conservatives ‘Suck It Up’ Like ‘View’ and Clinton Did

The hosts of The View opened Monday’s show dancing and celebrating over Joe Biden being named President-Elect. Amid their gushing over Biden and Harris’s speeches, they reserved bitter criticism for the right and President Trump. Completely serious, Whoopi angrily rebuked conservatives to “suck it up” and accept Biden won the election just like Hillary Clinton and The View supposedly did after the 2016 election.

After dancing and cheering that she would finally be able to say the president’s name, (Whoopi's moniker for Trump is ‘You-know-who’) she launched into a tirade against Republicans calling for recounts while claims of voter fraud are being fought in court. But Whoopi's argument was undermined by her foolish claim that Clinton and the left had no problem accepting the 2016 election results:

I want to say to all those people who don't believe that Americans actually got out and voted, let me say this to you. When you-know-who was elected four years ago, you know, Hillary Clinton didn't say, ‘Hey. Wait a minute. This doesn't feel right, stop the count.’ She didn't say, ‘this isn't right.’ I'm not going for -- she didn't say any of that. So all of you, suck it up. Suck it up like we sucked it up, and if you are not sure that you are comfortable with Joe Biden, do what we did. Find things and then take it to the law, and if the law says it's something to look at, look at it, but from now on, suck it up. Grow the pair for him that he can't grow for himself because this is ridiculous. You're not sure that he won. You're bringing into question all these Americans who voted legally, came out and stood and voted. How dare you question it?

First of all, does anyone on the left really believe Hillary Clinton accepted the 2016 results? Most of the media followed her lead in denying Trump won legitimately even till this day. And Whoopi really is trying to rewrite history if she wants to claim she and her co-hosts “sucked it up” in 2016. Is this what “sucking it up” looks like? How about this? Or this?

Their four year long meltdown over Trump's 2016 win continues to this day. Joy Behar praised Whoopi, saying she deserves a Grammy Award for not saying Trump's name before gushing that Americans saved democracy from Trump destroying it:

BEHAR: Truth, justice and the American -- the American way. It's back. It's back. I don't think that people understand. Today everybody should be happy because just picture in your mind what it could have been if he would have won. It would have been the end of this country. It would have been the end of democracy and I am not exaggerating. I am not exaggerating. I believe in truth. He start out lying and he would just continue for another four years. We would never get out of this COVID disaster that we're in. We would never have scientists if he were here. So please, everybody, take a breath and say thank you, America, for saving our country.

After more celebrating that Americans all over are waking up with an "unbridled lightness of being" over Biden winning (as Ana Navarro put it) Whoopi vented about the mental trauma she's put herself through these past four years:

"I had no idea how enraged I had been for these last four years. When I started crying, that's when I knew," she gushed before doubling down on her earlier comments to "suck it up" Republicans (click expand):

I want to tell you foreign leaders were elated. They know this means a return of U.S. leadership. You-know-who has become a crybaby. He's a crybaby in wah wah chief. It didn't go our way. Hillary did not whine. Hillary did not whine. She did not say we need a recount. She said, okay. You won fair and square even when we knew the Russians had been in there. She did not say, 'well, I should be president now.' She didn't. She did what you're supposed to to do. If you don't win, then you say, okay, and you fight harder next time which is what's happening...So when I hear these people saying, you know, when I hear the Republicans saying, you know, we have to recount, listen. Suck it up. Suck it up. This is the United States of America. When our guys win, we got to suck it up. When your guys win, we got to suck it up. We each have to do it what we have to do. That's the American way. So let's at least try to be respectful because if you are not going to respect the fact that all these people came out and voted, you're basically saying you don't care about the American democracy. That's what you are saying. All of y'all who said, well, I don't know. You know. Suck it up.


As to their claims, a look back at 2016. If you go to the article I posted, there are links within, these are them.

Clinton Complains Elections Aren't Fair on 'View': 'Could Lose by Voter Suppression...Hacking, Theft'

Hillary and Chelsea Clinton were warmly welcomed on The View Wednesday to plug their new book, but spent nearly the entire interview talking about President Trump’s impeachment, and the 2016 election, instead.

Throwing out any pretense of impartiality, the hosts of course began the show urging President Trump’s 2016 rival, to explain why he needs to be impeached. After that, co-host Sunny Hostin spent some time sucking up to Chelsea for her newfound abrasiveness against Trump.

“You set Twitter on fire last week,” she gushed, reading off a tweet Clinton sent mocking the president as the “greatest scam in history.” Hostin couldn’t get enough. “I love that!” she gushed. Clinton doubled-down on her tweet, saying his "whole life has been a scam."

Joy Behar then urged Hillary to explain why Trump was so “obsessed with her.”

Still not over the 2016 election, Clinton again called Trump a “illegitimate President:”

“I do think that he knows that he's an illegitimate president and because of that -- he's very insecure about it,” she snarked as the hosts eagerly agreed. Behar loved that someone other than her was leading the bash-fest against Trump. She griped, “And he's helped and aided and abetted by these Republican leaders who don't -- who don't call him to account on any of it!”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2019/10/02/clinton-complains-elections-arent-fair-view-could-lose-voter

CBS's Pauley Tees Up 'Gutsy Woman' Hillary to Call for Trump's Impeachment

Just as with all her previous interviews with the former first lady, Jane Pauley’s sit down with Hillary Clinton for CBS Sunday Morning was a gooey puff piece. This time, however, the specter of President Trump’s possible impeachment loomed large as Pauley teed up the “gutsy woman” to call on Democrats to start an inquiry, and fret for what another four years under Trump would look like.

The interview was about a new book Clinton had written with her daughter, Chelsea called The Book of Gutsy Women. “This is familiar territory for her,” Pauley quipped regarding Clinton’s involvement in the impeachment calls against former President Richard Nixon, and her proximity to her husband’s impeachment.

“You lived through an impeachment as first lady in the Clinton administration. What is your view today on Donald Trump's prospects for impeachment,” Pauley openly wondered. Of course, Clinton called on her fellow Democrats to start the impeachment proceedings:

Given this latest revelation which is such a blatant effort to use his presidential position to advance his personal and political interests. There should be an impeachment inquiry opened.

I don't care who you’re for in the Democratic primary or whether you’re a Republican. When the president of the United States, who has taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and by that, defend the American people and their interests, uses his position to in effect extort a foreign government for his own political purposes, I think that is very much what the founders worried about in high crimes and misdemeanors.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicholas-fondacaro/2019/09/29/cbss-pauley-tees-gutsy-woman-hillary-call-trumps-impeachment

Rattled Joy Behar: 'The View' Is the Only ‘Check’ on President Trump!

A clearly rattled Joy Behar on Wednesday reacted to the election of Donald Trump as President by declaring, seriously, that The View will be the only remaining check on the businessman’s total power. She began by inaccurately stating, “What scares me the most... is that not since George W. Bush has there been a White House, a Senate and a House of Representatives all from the same party.” (Not true. Barack Obama’s Democratic Party controlled the White House, the Senate and the House in the President’s first two years.)

After complaining about the FBI sticking “its nasty little nose in the middle of this election,” Behar insisted, “ So the only checks and balances we have are us, The View. That's it!”

A few minutes later, the View’s Sara Haines, a Good Morning America weekend co-host, conceded to being in a journalistic bubble:

SARA HAINES: I think the scary part for me was maybe being caught off guard that I wasn't in touch with the country I live in and that maybe I am in a bubble. When critics come out on social media and say you don't know what the world's about. sadly, I woke up and I thought maybe I don't. It really was like a punch in the gut.

Later, Whoopi Goldberg worried about what “this fool” will do on abortion, fretting over “my right to decide what is right for my body, not what somebody else says what is right.”

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/scott-whitlock/2016/11/09/rattled-joy-behar-view-only-check-president-trump

Joy Behar Tells Clinton She ‘Went Into Mourning’ Over Election: ‘Felt Like I Had Lost a Friend’

September 13 on ABC’s The View, failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made her first talk show appearance since the election ten months ago, to promote her recently released memoir, What Happened. She sat at the table for over 40 minutes, fielding mostly friendly questions from the hosts.

While libertarian co-host Jedediah Bila asked Clinton some hard questions, the rest of the panel mainly fan-girled over Clinton, along with their adoring audience. Co-host Joy Behar even revealed when Clinton lost the election, she felt like a friend had died. “I went into mourning,” she gushed, showing a photograph of herself wearing a black veil.

Host Whoopi Goldberg began the interview by giving Clinton a warm welcome, along with sharing some bitterness over her election loss:

So many Americans were absolutely sure they'd be celebrating the first female president in U.S. History last November and, if you're still wondering what the hell happened right now this lady provides a lot of insight in her new memoir What Happened. Please welcome in her first talk show appearance since the debacle, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Rest - https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/kristine-marsh/2017/09/13/joy-behar-tells-clinton-she-went-mourning-over-election-felt-i